My Diary, day of surgery to post-op visit

Posted by chipe @chipe, Sep 17, 2024

Had the surgery. Lasted 5 hours. Went into the OR at 2:30, out at 8.
I did get to tell my going under dad joke "Hey, anybody want anything while I'm out?" 🙂
Woke up at midnight!
Only acetaminophen for pain 325mg every 6 hours
The first time I got up to walk I had uncontrollable shaking, I was so cold.

Up most of the night because my back really hurt.
The feeling that I really, really have to urinate and defecate is almost overwhelming. Sitting on the toilet is no relief.
No solid foods until, as the Doctor said, "I fart."
Came home at 11 am
I slept for about 2 hours nin a recliner
Emptied catheter twice

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No, the video would probably be great for others - I'm just an uncoordinated dumbass.

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Don’t be too hard on yourself. I wasn’t doing it right initially either but once I got it I became near bulletproof leak-wise.

PM me if you need any info. I’m here to help.



-Rough night last night. Not pain-wise at all, just couldn't sleep. I tried to sleep in bed but my back was just so achy I ended up back in the recliner. From 1:30 to 3:30 am I tried everything to relax and fall asleep. Finally fell asleep about 4. Don't know why last night was so different.
-On the positive side I am passing gas and having small bowel movements. Yeah for the small victories!
-Cather discomfort greatly reduced. I guess my body is finally accepting it.
-No pain defecating.
-Walking a bit and will walk even more today. It makes me feel a lot better.
-Still taking tylenol, just not as often. Every 5 hours or so.


-Rough night last night. Not pain-wise at all, just couldn't sleep. I tried to sleep in bed but my back was just so achy I ended up back in the recliner. From 1:30 to 3:30 am I tried everything to relax and fall asleep. Finally fell asleep about 4. Don't know why last night was so different.
-On the positive side I am passing gas and having small bowel movements. Yeah for the small victories!
-Cather discomfort greatly reduced. I guess my body is finally accepting it.
-No pain defecating.
-Walking a bit and will walk even more today. It makes me feel a lot better.
-Still taking tylenol, just not as often. Every 5 hours or so.

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You’re doing great! I had the same experience with sleep. I attributed it to the anesthesia working out of my body and the lack of normal activity. It should get better.

Seeing that catheter hanging out of your penis is a trip isn’t it? At least it won’t be there long and when you can sleep you’re not interrupted by having to get up to pee!


A complete turn-around from 9/19.
-Went to sleep at midnight, woke up at 10 am! Holy moly!
-Pain greatly reduced. No tylenol yet today.
-Planning on doing some increased walking today
-Urine still dark


A complete turn-around from 9/19.
-Went to sleep at midnight, woke up at 10 am! Holy moly!
-Pain greatly reduced. No tylenol yet today.
-Planning on doing some increased walking today
-Urine still dark

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It's the sleep hours that will screw me up. I get up at 5am for work & I'm in bed by 9:30.
I haven't seen midnight in many years.

Great to hear that things are getting better.
Also helpful to hear about urine colour. That's the sort of "don't worry.... I had that too" information that we value.

Keep going. You've got this.


A complete turn-around from 9/19.
-Went to sleep at midnight, woke up at 10 am! Holy moly!
-Pain greatly reduced. No tylenol yet today.
-Planning on doing some increased walking today
-Urine still dark

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“Urine still dark”

Dark yellow/ orange?

Mine had a slight pink tinge to for a few days on snd off if I did too much, I also would see small blood clots. I was told not to worry about them.


-Another tough night. The urge to urinate dominated me, and at one point, about 3 am, I thought I was going to ask my wife to take me to the ER.
-Urine production was very low which made me go to that "stinkin' thinkin'" side of my brain that I have a UTI or a blockage.
-Went back to my recliner and fell asleep and got a good 5 hours.
-Feeling of wanting to urinate still present but am passing some urine into the bag, just not as much as usual.
-No Tylenol since 11 last night and no need for any today.
-Urine still a dark-tea color, but no visible clots.
-I am going to try to be a lot more active today. Yesterday was a "lab" day, "lazy-ass-bum" day. 🙂


I didn't experience strong urge to urinate but I did have bladder spasms once or twice.
Keep drinking water, for me they said 65 oz per day, so I filled a special pitcher in the fridge to help keep me on track.
Walk every waking hour, the frequency is more important than the distance. I bought one of those kitchen timer cubes that had 60 min and 15 minute options. When I would sit down in the easy chair I would flip it to 60 minutes and then when it sounded off, I would flip it to 15 minutes and start shuffling around the house until it went off. Then repeat. I think I wore a path in the carpeting!
Keep up the good work and thanks for posting!


From what I've read, minimal urine in the bag could be not drinking enough water (I'm planning on 2 litres per day, if I can) or there's a kink in the tube somewhere. Maybe it's squashed. Check the tube as often as you can remember, to check it's not squashed somewhere. It's usually accompanied by a lot of pain, from what I've heard. I'll know all about this in about 3 days...


-Lots of bladder spasms with urine and blood coming out of the tip of penis. Switched from pad to actual depends.
-Sleeping is MUCH better
-only took tylenol once
-Still need colace to soften stools
-walking stairs in house at least 3 times a day (go upstairs, downstairs, basement, repeat). Helps a lot
-noticing a lot of rumbling/gas pains in lower abdomen
-tomorrow is post-op to get cath removed!!

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