Does anyone have a solution to help manage Reclast side effects?
Does anyone have a solution to combat Reclast side effects. I had the infusion a year and a half ago and the side effects started shortly after I had the infusion. I still have weak legs, swelling in feet, pain in bones, dizziness (serious dizziness), cold sweats, tired all the time and nervous twitching in bones. Any suggestions?
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It's sad how little we all know about this drug and how to take it. But many of you have had good suggestions through this forum. Please pass them on to 255anny through this thread. Maybe we can save him/her some grief from side effects.
Thank you! I haven't 100% decided to have the Reclast - but I want to be as informed as I can be. I finally have a follow up appt with my Dr next week.
@255anny any discussion of reduced dosages spread out over time is my fault. My doctor wanted to do that because of my kidney and heart issues. Not sure doctors will do that for no pressing medical reason.
Just hydrate with water and depending on blood pressure/kidneys some liquid with salt according to my nephrologist. Most people do not have IV hydration, which is, I was told, equal to two big glasses of water.
You can request that the MD order an infusion for 45-60 minutes.
There is apparently a saline flush which I believe is just injected into the infusion line but I could be wrong.
I've read so much, it is all meshing together - 🙂
If I decide to do the Reclast, then I know I will hydrate and hydrate with electrolytes as well.
And ask about the longer infusion time.
About a month ago (how time flies) I had posted that I went to yet another Endocrinologist. We spoke briefly on the phone after the appointment, and I then read her comments on My Chart. On My Chart she mentioned that she recommended that I continue Reclast, but that I didn't want to because it made me dizzy. Ha!! What a joke!!! Dizziness was only one of thirteen side effects I am experiencing on Reclast. While at the appointment I tried to show her a list of all my side effects. She avoided taking the paper that I had so neatly prepared for her, and said we could talk about it again at my next appointment in DECEMBER!!! I was hoping to have some relief from these side effects well before December.
During our conversation I asked her if my bone density had gotten any better after I had the Reclast infusion. I had a bone density test on 1-17-23, Reclast on 2-21-23, and another bone density on 5-20-24. She said "no". It was one of those quick little "no" answers. It indicated to me that she hadn't really looked into it, or she didn't want to spend any more time with me. I have so many more thoughts, but I guess it's just time to find another doctor. All I know for sure is that I will never take Reclast again.
I do think you need a different doctor- not hard to find, I know.
This osteoporosis issue is too complicated to. navigate without a doctor who’s fully engaged.
My endocrinologist was so disconnected to my treatment and so poorly educated about osteoporosis that I returned to the cheeky rheumatologist who was willing to learn more.
My last appointment with the above mentioned endocrinologist was August 19th. I then thought that maybe these side effects were an allergic reaction. So I went to an Immunologist/Allergist. He said no, not an allergic reaction. He couldn't help me, but he gave me the name of a rheumatologist (cheeky, no doubt). He highly recommended this woman. I had already talked to the rheumatologist who had done the Reclast infusion. He had denied that the Reclast had anything to do with the side effects. So I had already decided to try another rheumatologist. I was glad that the Immunologist recommended her. That's the good news. Bad news is I couldn't get an appoitment until December.
@dingus pharmacists seem to know more about side effects than doctors, in my experience. I am not sure the doctors even google the online lists! Again in my experience I hear "I have never heard of that" or "Noone else has reported that to me."
If you talk to a pharmacist, that helps because you can then tell the doctor that the pharmacist said such and such rather than the typical "I read that" or "someone on a forum told me that" 🙂
Does anyone in the Houston area know a doctor who can help me with these Reclast side effects? I've been to three Endocrinologists, one Immunologist and even asked my Gastroenterologist. All of them replied, "Nope. Not the Reclast!" without examining me. Didn't even offer an appointment to talk about it. Surely there is someone in this fourth largest city in the U.S. who can help me. I'm at my wits end.
If the doctor who prescribed the ReClast does not accept that ReClast is the cause of your adverse reactions, you might ask him or her what is the cause. Also please consider reporting to FDA. They might follow up on your behalf. Worth a shot anyway,
"To report problems to the FDA, you can:
Download a reporting form from the MedWatch program website, complete it, and return it to the address on the pre-addressed form, or submit by fax to 1-800-FDA-0178.
Call an FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator if you wish to speak directly to a person about your problem.
Complete an electronic Voluntary MedWatch form online.
Complete a paper Voluntary MedWatch form that can be mailed to FDA.
Call the FDA's toll-free information line, 1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332) Press 2 to report into MedWatch or for instructions."