upper head behind eyes top only of head pressure. no pain

Posted by heavyhead86 @heavyhead86, Sep 9, 2024

I have Meniere's and had a shunt inserted in my head in 2012. So, no more after awhile of 'vertigo' but have lost alot of my hearing aid and wear bilateral aids due to serious hearing loss.
Problem: ongoing head pressure (no pain) but uncomfortable due to pressure, making me me feel 'off kilter' when upright and so now walk with a cane--and a careful walking in the house too of course. Driving is fine--when sitting in my seat , yes have pressure but not having to balance due to walking etc. So am driving safely and if head is feeling worse, I just 'don't drive' .
Have had various meds. seeing a good Neuro doctor and after last one, MRI, and no answer but seeing Encelphalophalmacia on the report, he is sending me to another Neuro--who is just a'Head Speciallist'. Have appt. in Oct.
Please, has anyone answers here or had this condition that has found answers? The big word above was told 'nothing to worry about-- according to my Neuro doctor. Hoping that's true for sure. Just need help--this is quality of life altering. Am 86 yrs old and had a minor stroke in 2021 and except for occasional Aphasia, have no other symptoms since. Thanks for any advice or advice. Thank you

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

Incase you are not aware there is a Meneries specific forum; Meneries.org


thanks--I do know about the Menieres.org forum. Haven't looked in awhile. Will go there again and check things out again.


Were you diagnosed with Menieres by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist? I need to see an ENT due to hearing loss, tinnitus and fullness feeling in my ears. I have read that Menieres causes pressure in ears and may be what is behind the pressure you feel in your head.


Shunts can get clogged up and stop working. What was the shunt put in for? If it’s a shunt from the ventricles, a lumbar puncture to check your spinal fluid pressure would be essential. If its related to the Menieres, your ENT should be seen. Quality of life is so important no matter your age. I hope you get the help you need. The shunt has been in a long time and I can’t help but think it may be malfunctioning causing the pressure in your head and balance problems. Keep searching for solutions! Encephalomalacia means softening of the brain and indicates there’s pressure on the brain tissue. See if you can get a sooner appointment with the new neurologist and ask about the shunt please.


I saw my ent and had ear infections in bil. ears--not bad but have 2 scripts. Said it wouldn't cause the head pressure--suggested me see another specialist that sees the 'shunt' I had done--so will see after I see the new Head (neuro) doctor and see if he suggests too that I see aother Ent doctor that knows more about the Endo shunt I had done a few years ago for Meniere's.
Searching for sure. Frustrated!!

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