Hi Robert. I just saw the article this morning about Apple Watches detecting possible sleep apnea! Brilliant idea and a potential life saver for so many people. The watches can already check for heart issues such as A-fib, records sleep patterns, mobility, besides the standard health/fitness statistics. (Plus it’s a phone, camera, compass, calendar, messages…it mimics the iphone).
I read up a little more in a couple geeky sites and Apple.com to see this will be installed as an update, when approved by the FDA, in the new Apple 10 series, plus Apple 9 and Apple Ultra 2 watches. From my understanding there are other smart watches and apps that can record sleep habits but so far nothing as sophisticated as what this Apple metric can provide.
I have the Series 9 watch and absolutely love this device. It was well worth the price and it pairs perfectly with my iPhone and other Apple products. By the way, an Apple Watch requires an iPhone to set it up.
My doctor wants to check me for sleep apnea, so I’m actually now looking forward to the update for the detection notification. So far everything else in my watch has been highly accurate. I’d anticipate this new function could be a real game changer to alert people to sleep apnea without the heavy cost of a night or two at a sleep clinic.
Is sleep apnea a concern for you?
Thank you for the information. I am looking for a simple, inexpensive device, that can only detect possible sleep apnea. I don't need all the features of the watch. In fact I have a digital watch that only tells time and has a stop watch, nothing more. It's several years old, cost under $10 and is perfect for my needs. I was just wondering if a similar technology was anywhere else. It looks like Apple is the only thing right now.