ANA 1:160 - is it an auto immune disease?

Posted by helen1000 @helen1000, Sep 8, 2024

I had all the tests for autoimmune disease and this ANA tilter is 1:160. Other than that, all tests are negative. I know 15% healthy people may have this ANA test positive. My doctor wants me to follow up ENA.

I want to know whether anyone has any experience for any auto immune disease with only this ANA test positive?

Thanks a lot,

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Low titers are not uncommon and they are usually benign.
Healthy lifestyle.
Mediterranean diet.
Sunscreen regularly.
Good sleep hygiene.
A good routine to avoid stress.
Regular exercise.
Vaccines as advised.
Good doctors and insured access to care.
If everyone could do these things there would be less disease and autoimmunity.

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That is true!! I only not fully agree with vaccines. Covid-10 booster brought side effects to a lot of people. Many women lost period and I also felt extremely weak after that. I always think it may be a contributing factor to my lung disease.

But the other, yes, they are the best! How do you avoid stress usually Seniormed, except exercise and meditation? Do you recommend any book on that?

Best wishes!


An ANA of 1:160 is considered clinically significant, but it can occur in many autoimmune conditions. Since fatigue is your primary symptom, I would suggest getting bloodwork to check your thyroid hormone levels and if you have antithyroid antibodies, indicating Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder common in women. It is very treatable and if you are low thyroid will make a big difference in your energy level once treated.


Thanks yes all TSH, T3 T4 have been normal all the time. My blood work has been normal too. My only issue is I can't gain weight since birth. I guess too much antibiotics in the first three years of my life make my gut bacteria lose
balance or possibly damage the gut lining. Even if my appetite is very good, I eat balance diet and i eat enough, still the same weight, and underweight.


@helen1000 I did a food elimination diet 20 years ago and have a limited but healthy diet.


@helen1000 I did a food elimination diet 20 years ago and have a limited but healthy diet.

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You are the best! I have not given up any food except wheat and dairy. I take probiotics and my gut health seems normal, even if I am taking antibiotics. But I have been not wise enough to continue to take some wheat products even if I found i am wheat intolerance. Until I give it up this year, I don't have any diarrhea any more.


In addition to checking for autoimmune thyroid disease, I would recommend you see an immunologist to check for immune deficiency because of the MAC. Paradoxically, one can have autoimmune disease and immune deficiency both. Excess antibodies against your own body cells but insufficient antibodies against germs. I have lupus plus 4 other AI diseases plus immune deficiency. Your pulmonologist might be able to check a screening test for the deficiency ( immunoglobulins IGG IGM IGA). Immune deficiency can be treated also if you’re prone to infections and antibody levels are low enough.
When I was first diagnosed with lupus, my ANA was 1:40 and no other tests were positive but I had had numerous symptoms and signs of lupus for a decade.


Thanks yes all TSH, T3 T4 have been normal all the time. My blood work has been normal too. My only issue is I can't gain weight since birth. I guess too much antibiotics in the first three years of my life make my gut bacteria lose
balance or possibly damage the gut lining. Even if my appetite is very good, I eat balance diet and i eat enough, still the same weight, and underweight.

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You can have normal hormone levels early on in autoimmune thyroid disease. It’s called a euthyroid state, but antibodies are present and slowly destroying your gland. The thyroid antibodies are a separate blood test not normally run unless thinking of the possibility. Anti TPO and TG are the 2 blood tests for Hashimoto’s.


In addition to checking for autoimmune thyroid disease, I would recommend you see an immunologist to check for immune deficiency because of the MAC. Paradoxically, one can have autoimmune disease and immune deficiency both. Excess antibodies against your own body cells but insufficient antibodies against germs. I have lupus plus 4 other AI diseases plus immune deficiency. Your pulmonologist might be able to check a screening test for the deficiency ( immunoglobulins IGG IGM IGA). Immune deficiency can be treated also if you’re prone to infections and antibody levels are low enough.
When I was first diagnosed with lupus, my ANA was 1:40 and no other tests were positive but I had had numerous symptoms and signs of lupus for a decade.

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My Igg ign iga are normal too. They run a lot of tests and ANA is the only item not normal.

I don't know people can be too different, you have symptoms but tests are normal.

Will definitely take your advice to see an immunologist and check thyroid issues. I wish your have been well treated. Right now with a lot of new medicine ans technology, hopefully AI can be cured in a few decades.

Life is full of surprises, isn't it? We have to solve the problems one by one. We just need a bit of patience.


I have the same lab result as you. My rheumatologist suspects it’s due to my Type I diabetes. I also have hypothyroidism and mild psoriasis. I was evaluated by her due to some symptoms and referral by my neurologist. (Being treated for B12 deficiency. Sjogrens suspected due to dry eye.) I have strong family history of RA, Lupus and Psoriatic Arthritis. I don’t really have symptoms for those conditions though,

I think I’m ready to move forward accepting that my issues are likely vitamin deficiency or post covid related, and not due to an autoimmune disorder.


God bless you! I tested B12 deficiency, normal, and my glucose level is always 90. My family has no auto immune disease history. But I do agree covid-19 booster may give me a blow. I probably got something from it. I felt really weak for a few weeks and lost my period after the second booster shot. But my period came back after a while. I wish I never had that shot!

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