I have PTSD. I was a violent crime victim. In 1982, I was kidnapped and held for a time.
Have you engaged with therapy to assess if you have PTSD?
Because the treatment for that is very different than the treatment for depression.
I'll give an example.
When I was kidnapped, I was jumped on the street and thrown into a van.
I did not realize it at the time, but a couple of blocks away, a car backfired.
For the next 8 years, every time a car backfired, I would jump.
And here's the real kicker. One time I jumped. And only after I jumped, did I realize a car had backfired.
It was clearly functioning on a subconscious level (in addition to whatever else was happening consciously).
Deep trauma just re-wires the brain. And it is far beyond choice.
We have to get in there with the amygdala and re-wire our brain out of the fear response.
It is a very specific type of therapy.
I also was suicidal and profoundly so. Back in 1983 and 1984. That was all pure hell. And I saw exactly ZERO hope.
But the past and present do not necessarily determine the future.
Whether it is therapy for PTSD or some other technique, it could break the trend and put you in a different realm of consciousness.
It has happened to many folks. There is always a possibility of change.
Not in some superficial "Hallmark" way, but there might be some possibility.
…i inherited PTSD and then gathered a bunch of my own…i am just now dealing with my fear response to everything that keeps me in an exhaustive state of heightened awareness…the world actually looks softer… less harsh and forbidding…it is taking some getting used to…