severe peripheral neuropathy and vitamin B6

Posted by pain3relief @pain3relief, Feb 9, 2024

I suffer from severe peripheral neuropathy and have heard that B6 can have an effect on neuropathy.

I take multivitamin and magnesium supplements, that have over 60mg of B6. The RDI is 1.7mg.

Does anyone have any information or references that B6 would be adverse to my condition.


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My B6 was borderline low, so…..I’ll discuss with neuro. I don’t want to risk going over though. Thanks

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The daily RDA of B6 is something like 1.7 mg per day but many supplements, especially B complex, have 50-100 mgs. Many people say that you can't overdose on B6 since it is water soluble but I am living proof (as are many others) that B6 can accumulate in our tissues and not urinate it out. You are smart to talk to your neuro about it first.


Thanks, Ray.
I'm 78 and only started feeling
Like I'm walking on pillows but no pain. I have bought a supplement with all of the B's but didn't know there was a difference. I'll have to check.
I have been on two devices 2 times a day. One a tens unit used by Cancer Centers of America and a red light device. Haven't noticed an improvement although I have been using for few months. Also taking a supplement of ten Chinese mushrooms.
Not sure if anything is working but better than doing nothing other than taking gabapentine which was all my "expert" neurologist can offer.
Good luck with your B's,
Grampa Lou

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Grampa Lou,
Glad you didn't take gabapentin. I have no pain either my neurologist said all he could offer was gabapentin but said it does nothing to treat neuropathy it is just for the pain so no reason to take it. Exercise seems to help more than anything else.


My neuropathy hit me almost all at once. I was just laying on the couch when, out of the blue, both of my feet and lower legs got tingly and numb up to my knees. A couple of days later (as I recall) I started getting internal body tremors. My feet were almost entirely numb for months even after I stopped the B6 supplements. For some of us it gets stored in our tissues and is very hard to get out.

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My neurologist said it can take a year or more for your body to flush it out. Drink lots of water.


My neurologist didn't know that much about it but I have read that. There is a great website called Understanding B6 Toxicity which also has a Facebook group. I got most of my info about how to treat it off of that site. You are right. You are supposed to drink lots of water (the site says coconut water is great also). It also says to workout as much as possible to sweat out much of what is in your tissues.


I just started reading the understanding B6 toxicity website someone here posted. I was aware of B6 - and how confusing the issue is because both low B6 and high B6 can cause neuropathy symptoms. 10 years ago I suddenly came down with tingling feet and burning pain which spread upwards. I was diagnosed with mild giullane-barre and recovered and felt very lucky not to have lost all nerve function. But it came back and I eventually was diagnosed with CIDP. I did gamma globulin infusions for 3 years. My symptoms were relatively mild and I was fully functional but numb and often in pain. My neurologist left the major teaching hospital where I was being seen and my new doctor (a famous specialist in the field) told me I didn’t have GBS or CIDP but idiopathic SFN. Testing in 2023 confirmed this.

After all my own research, multiple neurologists, functional doctors, nutritionists, acupuncturists over the last 10 years, the Understanding B6 Toxicity website explains things in a way that makes sense. I took P5P for years. I’ve taken B supplements. I tend to not drink enough liquids. In addition to my neuropathy (which for over a year has been stable) I suffer from autoimmune, gut and urinary issues, and shortness of breath during exercise which no doctor has been able to explain. Most of these are listed as a possible sign of B6 toxicity.

I’m going to look into this further. People here at the Mayo Clinic site have been helpful and share a wealth of information.


I suppose most of those posting about B6 had too much. I’m curious about low or marginal levels. Mine was 4 on my test last year. I was told it was normal, but it’s actual marginal. Has anyone been treated at that level?

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