Anal fissure: What helps it heal?

Posted by lisval @lisval, Aug 2, 2022

Hey-wondering if anyone has developed an anal fissure during chemotherapy? What helped it heal? Any advice as it is very painful!

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Hello @adlttl123 - I so appreciate you sharing your experience, medication/treatment info., and well wishes! This is very helpful. I am working on healing this up with as many conservative measures as I can find. I've had a good four consecutive days and am optimistic I'm heading in the right direction. You are right - it takes a lot of time and patience. Take care and thank you again.

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Sitz baths as much as you can. 50% of people can heal these on their own. I gave up after 6 weeks and had the surgery. Good luck to you. This is a monster.


I am also used this after my radiation after using several other products this was by far the best I can’t believe the difference did you get yours at a compound pharmacy?

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@jeanadair123 yes, I got my Nifedipine ointment from a compounding pharmacy, with a prescription from my physician.

@lacy2 anal pain and it's severe is from ibs diarrhea and every other day; now i have it after a course of antibiotic; when on antibiotics you are not allowed to take anti diarrhea meds; anway, after c.diff 2018also hae fecal incontinence. today passed about ten times fecal matter and anal area is so painful and this has been going on for years. difficult to discuss with friends and neighbours! as soon as i clean up or have a half shower, get dried and they suggested hair dryer on low; use some zinc ointment, or vaseline etc., and get redressed about half hour later have to go again and nothing stops it or it leaks out.... honestly, compared to other life threatening issues and my other medical issues this should be easily handled but it is not; and constant change of clothing and cloths... but really its the pain... like pouring lemon juice on cuts. not a nice subject to discuss but no cure as soon as use ointment, it is wiped off shortly after..... any ideas welcome.....

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You’ve basically described my life for the last six months, thank you for the description.
God bless your heart


I'm afraid I don't know any medication that helps, as I was given a cream and gave me herendous headaches, so put me off. But when I drink more fluids through the day, helps because your stools are a bit looser.


After 14-1/2 years of sitting on a donut, I took an anti-seizure medication on an unrelated matter and in 2 weeks the pain was gone. My pelvic therapist said she had read that this works. It was Topamax. I took it off-label for a daily persistent headache. Helped my butt, but I still have the headache. Ask your doctor. Good luck.


Replaced toilet with a bidet style and fissures are now gone. But mine was on the outside. Don’t know about those inside. Love the bidet still btw.

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