Dumping Syndrome: Anyone have any tips on how to manage?

Posted by judithbramson12 @judithbramson12, Sep 1, 2023

Has anyone gone through the “dumping” and if so, how did you handle it? All of a sudden I’m dumping and now diarrhea after I eat breakfast. I’m doing all the right things, but I can’t seem to put it right. All I want are regular BMs which will allow some weight gain. Interesting that I’m not losing, but cannot gain. Just STUCK! Any information would be more than welcomed. I did stop the Imodium AD. Maybe that was a mistake.

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I would go back on the Imodium AD. I have been on it for almost a year. I only get dumping in the morning but it’s not watery like it was initially after my whipple. I am going to try taking Imodium right away when I get up to see if I can stop it.
I am thinking I will be on Imodium AD for life. Wondering what others have experienced.


Thank you for responding. I kind of thought that was the way to go. Your reply gives me hope and encouragement.😊


P.S. I took it at 7am and didn’t/haven’t dumped so far. It’s usually in the am, so I’m hopeful.


All was going well and then I started dumping with foods that have been okay all along. I chew and swallow before taking the next bite. I thought that was okay. I know it might happen if I introduce a new food, but that isn’t the case. Anyone have any suggestions for me. I am at a loss as to what to do. I take Zenpep, 40,000 with each meal. I went up to 60,000, but that didn’t help. So now I’m back to 40,000 which worked until the dumping. I don’t know if that’s a connection.
Thank you if anyone has a similar experience or knows something that might help.


All was going well and then I started dumping with foods that have been okay all along. I chew and swallow before taking the next bite. I thought that was okay. I know it might happen if I introduce a new food, but that isn’t the case. Anyone have any suggestions for me. I am at a loss as to what to do. I take Zenpep, 40,000 with each meal. I went up to 60,000, but that didn’t help. So now I’m back to 40,000 which worked until the dumping. I don’t know if that’s a connection.
Thank you if anyone has a similar experience or knows something that might help.

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When I was having dumping issues, it was because either I ate too much too fast, or I was drinking too much fluids during the meal. Pacing myself seemed too help a lot.
Hope that is helpful.


All was going well and then I started dumping with foods that have been okay all along. I chew and swallow before taking the next bite. I thought that was okay. I know it might happen if I introduce a new food, but that isn’t the case. Anyone have any suggestions for me. I am at a loss as to what to do. I take Zenpep, 40,000 with each meal. I went up to 60,000, but that didn’t help. So now I’m back to 40,000 which worked until the dumping. I don’t know if that’s a connection.
Thank you if anyone has a similar experience or knows something that might help.

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That is helpful. I eat too fast and sometimes too much, not realizing it. I don’t drink during meals, but not enough water during the day.

Thank you.


That is helpful. I eat too fast and sometimes too much, not realizing it. I don’t drink during meals, but not enough water during the day.

Thank you.

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Glad to help. Keeping hydrated is a pain but is necessary. I use electrolytes once a day to put in water to get some flavor. Also decaf teas count as hydration liquid.


Glad to help. Keeping hydrated is a pain but is necessary. I use electrolytes once a day to put in water to get some flavor. Also decaf teas count as hydration liquid.

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Thank you.

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