Is there somebody who is diagnosed with megavitamin b6 syndrome ?
megavitamin b6 syndrome
Suffer under typical polyneuropathic pain in feet, hands, body. has anybody heared of too much 1525 milimol vit. b6 overdose found in the blood. normal is 158. wish to interact with people. thank you
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Hello, everyone,
The timing of my finding this topic couldn't be better. In a few minutes, I'll be leaving to meet with my neurologist's PA. She already knows I want to talk about my continued use of EB-N5, which contains the water-soluble form of B6, pyridoxal phosphate. It seems I'm forever asking for confirmation of what I believe to be true about pyridoxal phosphate, that it's not toxic, unlike the B6's other form, pyridoxine hydrochloride, which, in high doses, is toxic (or can be). I'm bringing my bottle of EB-N5 to set on the table between us. As I do every six months or so, I'll ask, 'Do you still think this is safe for me to take?'
I am dealing with B6 toxicity. I am a member of a Facebook group with about 9000 members who are dealing with same issues. I follow a strict protocol daily. It takes 1-2 years generally to get the toxin out of your nerve cells. It only takes a few weeks to get it out of your blood. I am 3 months and feel much better but it’s a long journey. Most doctors do not have a clue about B6. Most members have full recovery if they follow the protocol for 2 years. If interested go to
It’s a lot of reading but saved me. It’s alot of reading. Good luck.
I had toxic vitamin B6 and low B1. I discontinued my multivitamin and added b1 supplement. My b6 is now normal and b1 is now elevated so this one was discontinued.
no pain anymore?
About ten years ago I was diagnosed with PN due to slight sleepy feeling in finger tips, though the neurologist said also in my feet (not noticeable by me). He called it PN of idiopathic cause and said not to worry unless symptoms got worse.
About 1-1/2 years go, my primary care doc (who originally diagnosed PN and referred me to above neurologist) ran a bunch of blood tests and discovered B6 toxicity, which can cause PN. This 86 year old at the time had been taking a daily multi-vitamin for at least 50 years thinking it was good for me. In recent years, I had been taking Centrum Silver Men 50+ or similar daily vitamin. It has only 6 mg (353% DV) as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, said to be a safe dosage in the above linked article. Within a month of stopping this vitamin supplement, my B6 toxicity was resolved, but the PN was still present.
Several months later, I became aware of the PN in my feet and over the following months increasing into the calves of my legs. I went to another neurologist who, after many tests, diagnosed CIDP and started me on a bi-weekly immunoglobulin infusions.
I have also developed "allergic" skin spots that do not change very fast, nor resolve very quickly and some seem permanent. The infusion nurse says it is apparently allergy to the immunoglobulin and said she would change the brand next time, even though the same medicine. I have scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist this Friday to see what he thinks can be done to resolve these spots on my upper chest and a few on my face. If anyone has any helpful thoughts, please share.
HI Nbailey
I have the same pnp symptomps as you. feet legs hands getting every day weaker. vitamin b level is normal again since I stopped supplementation and red bull. so my hope only a posoning is crashed. back to ordinary pnp. also allergic burning mouth because of flower pollen blossom allergies. no taste anymore dont know what to eat. for skin allergie i took acupuncture it helped alot in the face. have a try. salutation
pn is gone now? what is cidp?
sometimes i think about corona vaccines 3 times last in 2022 do you?
In addition to PN (including lack of sensation to temperature and vibration, ataxia, and lessened proprioception), my B6 toxicity has caused red, scaly, painful (but not itchy) skin lesions all over my back, on my arms and legs, and on my lower lip (very painful!) My derm and I suspected cutaneous lymphoma before I got the B6 results. Has anyone else suffered from this symptom? If so, did you find anything that helps it? I especially wish for something to help my painful lower lip!
I had toxic levels of B6 with a number of symptoms, taking awhile to diagnose. I did not, however, have any skin issues. GI and PN dominated. It took about 7 months to get B6 back to normal. PN remains. From readings suggested from this group, I have a better understanding of how B6 finds its way to nerve cells, causing damage. I am trying to exercise more, hydrate more and take a multi without B6 to prevent it worsening, as numbers started to inch up again.