Just diagnosed with tortuous colon
Hello. I just had my first colonoscopy and the report on it says I have a tortuous colon. For some time now I have complained to my doctor that I get full after eating very little. I had loads of test done that tested my stomach and at what speed it emptied. They said everything was fine. I still have the problem and, to be honest, it's worse since the colonoscopy. I have had no contact from the doctor since the colonoscopy about the results (tortuous colon and a tubular adenoma) which I find strange and if I don't here soon I'm going to ask my primary care doctor what to do. I'm wondering if the tortuous colon is the cause for the full feeling and how it will effect future colonoscopies because with the tubular adenoma I think I'm gonna need colonoscopy more than every 10 years. If anyone has a similar experience I'd like to hear about it.
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I have IBS-C and a severely redundant colon. Before I got on top of it, I had lost 25 lb and was technically underweight. This is what I learned works for me, through trial and error:
NOS: No grains (including no gluten) and no lactose. No legumes. Trace animal/milk fat. No beef or poultry. No fruit. No to most low and all high FODMAP foods as rated by the Monash University app. No coffee, caffeine, carbonation, most herbal teas. No to most vegetables. No sugar or most liquid natural sweeteners. No artificial sweetener. No hot pepper spice. No to large meals. No to bulking fiber supplements. No emotional stress (good emotions and bad emotions - however I am starting to see a GI psych to engage in a seven-week hypnosis program to cut the connection between my emotions and gut - they call it creating muscle memory. Recommended by my gastro doc.)
YESES: Green plantain flour, fresh green and hard plantains, pea protein isolate, potato starch, egg whites, low fat fish (tilapia, cod, shrimp, Lactaid nonfat milk, 1-2 heaping teaspoons of Lactaid cottage cheese/day. Brewers Yeast, Yeast, Chia (in moderation and well soaked), Swiss chard (no stems), tender kale (no stems), collard greens, common radish, the green part only of green onions, patty pan squash, mung bean sprouts, kobocha squash (Asian grocery), parsnip, fresh and dried herbs, olive oil (not a lot), Peppermint tea, lattes with my ingredients (I make a turmeric one), Rhubarb. Pure stevia. 1-3 raw brazil nuts. Walnuts for baking. A bit of maple syrup. Korean 100% sweet potato noodles. Maille dijon mustard, trace Mayo, A couple of olives, a few capers. Fody brand condiments, in small quanities. 0.5 teaspoon Bragg's apple cider vinegar with every meal (to give me more acid to digest my food -- a key change for me). 4-6 small meals a day. Always a warm drink or tap water to sip. My system doesn't work well without that. Mineral oil as a laxative, at bedtime, 3/8 - 1/2 teaspoon. Note: my gut is hypersensitive, so both the oil and vinegar are only needed in small quantities. Adequate sleep - lack of such disregulates my colonic processes.
End notes: I don't get constipated (incomplete evacuation) much due to the vinegar. Emotional distress (from politics for me) really sent my IBS-C into overdrive and triggered my need for a very limited diet. For brief times I was on a small dose of an anti-anxiety med that had a side effect of helping IBS-C. Then I stopped, and for some reason, some months later, I was depressive and then again on a small dose of an anti-depressant and then stopped. I have used relaxation apps and the IBS-C, doctor recommended Mahana app (the free, initial series of information) and still do its square breathing. I do stomach massage as laid out by the National Health Service of England.
IBS-C is functional. I think a redundant colon contributes to its manifestation. I can elaborate on the above if you want, in any way.
Keep trying until you find what works for you. A GI/IBS dietitian may help or the GI psych route I am now taking.
I agree. I used to think they were just a scam. But now I love it. It makes so much sense.
I was diagnosed with tortuous colon 2 years ago. My symptoms included constipation all week then having stomach cramps, vomiting and soft stools until I was empty.
Before I knew I had tortuous colon, I was treated for SIBO, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, many times which helps the symptoms a little. I was also positive for slow stomach emptying. The doctor was also considering ibs.
After I was diagnosed with redundant colon, my doctor changed my treatment and I have had some success. (My redundancy is throughout the colon, not just the sigmoid)
I live in Israel, and I am taking a medicine that is not available in the US, called Resolor. It is a pro kinetic. Her theory is that since everything gets backed up then my body tries hard to get rid of it all with through a big cramping vomiting episode.
The resolor helps me make a few movements a week, I've had no more cramps and vomiting, stools still a little softish half the time. But at least I can feel comfortable going outside the house and not worried about a bathroom episode.
I'm also to use micro enemas if I feel it ready to go, but I am not able to go.
I had asked her about if a medicine like Resolor is available in the US, (she did some training in Boston). She said Resolor is not, but there is a medicine that is part pro kinetic and partly to absorb moisture, which is not good if you're constipated all the time.
Maybe there is something available like Resolor now in America.
Last note, the Dr asked the surgical team at the hospital she works at, Rambam, and they did not recommend surgery, saying its not guaranteed to solve all the problem and it's a big surgery and that they recommend continueing to learn to manage my condition with my doctor.
All the best!
I have a tortuous redundant colon with severe constipation. My gastro at John Hopkins, Baltimore indicated I have one of the worst tortuous colons she has seen in her career. Requiring body replacement and exterior stomach manipulation to get through my colon. I suffer from extreme bouts with debilitating vomiting lasting three to four days. I have yet to find a successful regiment. I can say that while sleeping on your left side does aid the process, the constipation requires a multi angel approach to becoming healthy. Including life style, diet and stress changes. As well as otc medications and for some prescription medications as well. For those who have the added joy of abdominal pain, have you found anything that works? I was recently prescribed 5 days of low dose Prednisone for something non related. The steroid caused several days of diarrhea. As an added bonus I was able to empty my bowels. A welcomed reprieve. Curious what works for others in addition the standard recommended changes...
Your post resonated with my heart!! I am the 70 year old childless widow of a 100% disabled veteran who passed 13 years ago. I love very rural.. and ..was "alone" for a long time..it is very scary and intimidating. I drove myself to ER many times and had horrific experiences..it is very hard to find good health care here.. My journey began about 5 years ago when an antibiotic "ruptured " a hemorrhage in my stomach..I've seen soo many GIs and have had so many misdiagnoses..almost to the point of abuse.. basically.. so first of all (I don't know your religious preference.. but I am a Charismatic Christian.. and I know that with the Holy Spirit we are never alone.. I finally realized this recently.. secondly God will supply all our needs.. ask and you shall receive)..I got down to 98 pounds.. had scurvy (problems with teeth.. I drink 2 Plant based Ensures a day.. vanilla.. has helped my liver AST and ALT to return to normal also vitamin D..I went to a nutritionalist .. have so many food intolerances.. I don't know what to eat..this week finally my new GI diagnosed me with the tortuous colon.. and wanted me to try yet more pills.. Linzess.. etc.. I said NO.. I want the surgery.. so we shall see.. until then.. I have put on 44 pounds.. I eat Thomas English muffins Multigrain for fiber.. (if you don't have gluten intolerance.. limit my milk and on occasion.. about every 3-4 days I take 3 biscadyls and they work.. really clean you out.. sometime uncomfortable..) I may be rambling here.. but I hope some of this helps you.. I battle panic attacks and anxiety having lost 2 husbands who passed and have developed a real fear of food.. now I am working on NO fear here.. faith meets fear at the door..it's hard.. my heart goes out to you and I hope this gives you some comfort.. By the way God brought a Godly man into my life 2 years ago.. good thing 14 trips to ER that year..I will be praying for you!!,,oh I had the sitz marker tests.. the other one with the oatmeal.. gastric emptying is much easier...God bless you !!
Most of you are mentioning weight loss associated with tortuous colon. I was informed that I have the condition after my third routine colonoscopy-- this time, the doctor said that everything was fine other than "the tortuous colon which you're aware of". Well.....NOPE! I had never been told I had a toruous colon, and had no idea what that even meant! So, about 20 years and 2 colonoscopies later, I'm finally told about my condition (grrrrrr!). I am always constipated and have many of the symptoms many of you have described-- except I am not losing weight- I'm having an extremely hard time getting the scale to budge. This is very disheartening because I've begun exercising regularly and eating much healthier (mainly raw diet), and since I began this regimen nearly a month ago, I have not lost an ounce. I haven't had a BM in nearly a week this time, but really having no other symptoms other than mild discomfort. But the lack of weight loss is depressing to say the least. I'm at a healthy weight (according to the BMI chart) but I would like to lose about 10 pounds to be at the weight where I feel my best. I'm 63 years old. If this is what aging is like, I don't like it one bit!!!! Has anyone else had the weight gain or weight plateau issue? I feel pretty desperate at this point. A number on the scale is instant gratification for all of my hard work- I need that little boost!
In 2024 I was diagnosed with EPI and am now taking Creon. I am still working thru this diagnosis which also lead to a Chronic Pancreatitis diagnosis.
Hello Loconner. I am posting for the first time in this group, because your post caught my attention. I have a tortuous colon (likely congenital) with increasing diverticulum and two recent infections, combined with a biliary and stomach backup and bile reflux with stomach damage, likely resulting from the back-pressure of tortuous colon. My blood sugar levels and my post gall bladder situation (long since gone) are players. It puts my pancreas and liver at risk. This has made it difficult to keep my weight down despite low carb diet and exercise. While my weight is good now (lost 15 pound) and holding, it is because I have been so nauseated. So my PCP has me carry ondansetron. This helps me followthrough with a cooked diet, high liquids, limited meat, etc. All this was not enough. So my PCP has me taking miralax 2/day. Combined with the ondansetron and diet, this was a game changer for my pain levels and bowel motility. Now I have just started adding Metamucil capsules to address the diverticulum. I dont want to lose my bowel or develop cancer. The future is yet unknown. Keep your head up. Its a circular process, and will take time for inflamed areas to reduce, and for the gut microbiome to recover. You have to avoid obstruction and diabetes! Good luck with this complex issue. Hopefully this post has helped. Keep conversations going.
Australian black licorice is actually candy- warning though, be careful if you have high blood pressure. It’s so much easier to find now, thanks to the internet. In the “old day” I would purchase once a year when I visited Cape Cod which has a great candy shop that carried it.
I can’t speak to whether it affects gerd, since I don’t have it. Good luck if you decide to try