Multiple Auto-immune Diseases ?

Posted by annelia @annelia, Aug 11, 2024

Hello .. I am new here so diving right in looking for others that have multiple auto-immune diseases .
Addison's, RA, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, alopecia, degenerative disc disease, A-Fib, MVP minor, osteo- arthritis, diverticulosis, Raynaud's
It just seems to go on and on but some how ? it would help to know if there are other people out there that have so many tag along diseases. Strangely enough I had thyroid problems, hypothyroid, for over 18 years and suddenly it just STOPPED .. had been taking Synthroid all that time and then the endocrinologist said I could stop taking the Synthroid, boom, just like that. How weird is that ?
In any case .. if anyone is out there that has or is experiencing anything similar please reply .. Is Addison's (Primary, auto-immune) really that rare ? I've only had one crises so far, 2010 and wow, I didn't realize how dangerous that was (caused by gastro bug) Thanks for any replies.

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👋 Hi-
I’m at Mayo doing the same thing for so many autoimmune diseases. Half of the things you listed I also have on top of many other things. Hope all goes well.

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Thank you .. hope your journey goes well also.


Thank you for your reply Margaret .. no one ever has just one disease any more.
Hope you feel better

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Thank you very much, Actually, I do quite well to have all these diseases. All of them are managed well by my rheumatologist and myself. Rest is mist important.


Hi…I just read somewhere that hypothyroidism MAY resolve itself in time.

Now, I have SLE and Hashimoto’s, not sure if autoimmune hypothyroidism works that way.

Check into it! Hoppe this helps🙀❤️


Hi @annelia annelia
Im 36, I have:
HIA, 12 years old / now cirrhosis
Hypothyroidism Hashimoto 26 years
Sorgren 28 years old.

I’ve discover always is one the stronger than others. In my case is HIA.
Actually I want to open a support group in my country *Colombia* trying to support people with autoimmune diseases, but don’t have access for a good health system.


Hi @annelia annelia
Im 36, I have:
HIA, 12 years old / now cirrhosis
Hypothyroidism Hashimoto 26 years
Sorgren 28 years old.

I’ve discover always is one the stronger than others. In my case is HIA.
Actually I want to open a support group in my country *Colombia* trying to support people with autoimmune diseases, but don’t have access for a good health system.

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What is HIA?


Hello and welcome. My wife has, Sjogrens, Lupus and Hashimotos (hypothyroid). Her thyroid med is Armour, which works well. She still has to go in once a year for an ultrasound to make sure the thyroid doesn't get goiters (small tumors). You have quite a list and wish you nothing but the best. AI is no fun at all. God Bless.


Hello there .. Lupus on it's own is a serious disease .. but these "add ons" can make life a little more miserable as well . I have nodules on my thyroid so they have to be watched for growth .. it seems you think you have one under control , then others start misbehaving ... it is always something ? LOL
Hope all goes well with your wife !


I have 5 autoimmune diseases. MS, Grave’s Disease ( Thyroid), Sjogren’s Syndrome, Addison’s Disease, Psoriatic arthritis. The most difficult one to diagnose was Addison’s. That was many, many visits to ER for vomiting and 40 lb weight loss. It went on almost 2 years and I was very sick. I was seen by multiple Dr’s and all they would do is treat the symptoms, IV hydration and send me home. Not ONE ever thought of giving me a simple blood test to rule out Addison’s. I had every symptom listed in its description, a classic case, yet not one Dr knew what was wrong. Then, I went to Mayo Clinic as advised by my brother. I was there 1 day and a Neurologist ( not even his wheelhouse) recognized a rash on my back. He ordered the right blood test and we had the proper diagnosis! I am forever grateful to Mayo Clinic, especially that astute Neurologist that saved my life. I was so bad, I ended up in the ER at St Mary’s right next to Mayo Clinic. They saved my life!


Hello and welcome. My wife has, Sjogrens, Lupus and Hashimotos (hypothyroid). Her thyroid med is Armour, which works well. She still has to go in once a year for an ultrasound to make sure the thyroid doesn't get goiters (small tumors). You have quite a list and wish you nothing but the best. AI is no fun at all. God Bless.

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It seems those 3 autoimmune diseases travel together.

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