Microsporiduim Microsporidia Microsporidious

Posted by jesswin @jesswin, Aug 10, 2024

I worked on a farm in Florida I picked up a fungal parasitic infection. I've struggled to get a doctor to test me for anything finaly I was give a test sadly the one test I needed was not on it since then they have decided I'm having a mental disorder believing I have an infection and so not. I do have an infection called nosema from a form of microsporidia I believe a disseminated type
I asked for a referral was refused my doctor is not trying to help me I need some advice

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I having no concept of parasitic anything truly have been going threw everything

Seriously wading in this endless sea of information

I had hoped I would go to a doctor be asked a set of standard questions and at the very least have a thought out standard procedure or a standard knowledgeable doctor and if they did not know would send me to someone that did. That's where I first messed up.

So I've tried to get a second opinion hard to find openings, I found mayo clinic on line looking for labatorys so I was hoping I could sign up this way
I've presented my doctor with a semi local specialist she said she put the referral in bit warned they most likely wouldn't see me

My boyfriend actually found this sight all about worms that in the comments there was one person repeating same comment microsporiduim so I looked into it.. I've continued to read and it just matches unlike anything else to the duel infection area the explosion and many other things I've observed. Now I may not have the exact kind it may be one that mimics but I know I'm on to something

I asked my doctor to test me she looked up her data base for testing they don't offer it

So... and her reasoning is she doesn't want to do too much testing we've done one smear and it doesn't have this test

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Sure be nice to talk to a specialist one that specifically deals with infectious disease.

Someone I could share my symptoms with and wouldn't look at me like I'm crazy. Someone that could actually help me navigate this rather than on my own.

I never thought on my wildest dreams this would the direction I had to go threw.

However once I've finally gotten someone to truly help me. I then am going to focus on advocating for this not to happen again


Can you explain what symptoms you are dealing with, and how your diagnosis came about?
Is something preventing you from seeking out an infectious disease specialist on your own?

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Referral. I tried several ers didn't have a primary. Found a primary and she's just not listening looking for a new one but openings are hard to find currently

Other symptoms headachs
Stomach problems

Inability to gain wait/unsure if I'd go so far as wasting but I'd go there if I lost anymore


Periods seem like my nervous system get irritated worse and worse each period. I feel worse and worse each cycle

When I pee on my cycle it's horrible with the aggravation level

Just trying to think of anything else. I bought a printer and a binder to start documenting things. BE more organized

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