Scalp psoriasis

Posted by leemoore13 @leemoore13, Aug 17, 2024

I have had scalp psoriasis only on the right side of my head for the last 25 years. It's getting worse and has spread to the left side as well in the last couple of years. Used topical steroids for tears but the last couple of years have been on biologics including Cosentyx, Enbrel, Otezla and now on Tremfya which I told me dermatologist I wanted to try because she has pretty much given up. Nothing has worked and I have now been on Tremfya for 16 weeks with zero improvement. The itch is horrendous and I find sleep very difficult and never feel rested. I don't use anything on my scalp except steroids twice a week max the night before I wash my hair. I try to limit the hair wash to every 4 or 5 days because that also irritates it. I went to a trichologist (hair and scalp expert) and she used a solution which was apparently developed in Japan to help cool the skin of people who had sustained serious burns. She couldn't believe it when my scalp started burning and she had to wash out the product immediately. Does anyone else have this problem??

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Hello @leemoore13, You are not alone with scalp psoriasis. Not sure if you have seen these active discussions on the topic but it might be helpful to scan through them to learn what others have shared while you wait for members to respond.

-- Psoriasis of the scalp...How does one control it.:
-- Psoriasis on scalp and neck:

You can also scan through the comments made by members using the search link here -


@leemoore13 I know exactly what you are going through. Scalp and neck psoriasis (along with other area psoriasis) cleared after using Methotrexate with Folic Acid (Methotrexate one day of the week, Folic Acid the other six days of he week) but had to stop after about four years because of concern it might affect my fatty liver disease. Was put on Stelara; no effect. Eighteen months later was switched to Skyrizi; no effect after almost two years. My dermatologist finally switched me to Bimzelx (government health plan in Ontario turned me down for Otezla) and within two weeks my scalp cleared up! I started Bimzelx in January, taking it once a month for five months, now taking it every eight weeks.

The only side effect I have had from Bimzelx is extreme fatigue for the first ten days to two weeks after the injection- small price to pay for finally having clear skin! I would prefer oral medication because I hate injections but … since this is working my government health plan will not let me switch and I won’t push it because I finally have something that is finally keeping my skin clear. Perhaps you could try it …?


Hello @leemoore13, You are not alone with scalp psoriasis. Not sure if you have seen these active discussions on the topic but it might be helpful to scan through them to learn what others have shared while you wait for members to respond.

-- Psoriasis of the scalp...How does one control it.:
-- Psoriasis on scalp and neck:

You can also scan through the comments made by members using the search link here -

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Thanks so much....Will look now.


I use a different strategy usually shampoo 5 days a week an occasionally twice
a day in the summer. Humira continues to work for me.
I rotate 4 shampoo ingredients: 3% salicylic acid Neutrogena, selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, and Rx ketoconazole using an infant scalp brush.
I have found topical Zoryve helpful for my itchy ears.
Since you are sensitive you may have tried them all.


If you haven’t had a contact allergen patch test yet, you should insist on one. It is a PITA because it's 5 days of itching from sticker residue and the allergens themselves. But, if you have allergies, the difference in your skin when actively avoiding them is amazing.

A lot of psoriasis products have common contact allergens: parabens, sulfates, methylisothiazolinone, and propylene glycol. Etc. Etc.


If you haven’t had a contact allergen patch test yet, you should insist on one. It is a PITA because it's 5 days of itching from sticker residue and the allergens themselves. But, if you have allergies, the difference in your skin when actively avoiding them is amazing.

A lot of psoriasis products have common contact allergens: parabens, sulfates, methylisothiazolinone, and propylene glycol. Etc. Etc.

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Thanks for that...I'll look into it.


@leemoore13 I know exactly what you are going through. Scalp and neck psoriasis (along with other area psoriasis) cleared after using Methotrexate with Folic Acid (Methotrexate one day of the week, Folic Acid the other six days of he week) but had to stop after about four years because of concern it might affect my fatty liver disease. Was put on Stelara; no effect. Eighteen months later was switched to Skyrizi; no effect after almost two years. My dermatologist finally switched me to Bimzelx (government health plan in Ontario turned me down for Otezla) and within two weeks my scalp cleared up! I started Bimzelx in January, taking it once a month for five months, now taking it every eight weeks.

The only side effect I have had from Bimzelx is extreme fatigue for the first ten days to two weeks after the injection- small price to pay for finally having clear skin! I would prefer oral medication because I hate injections but … since this is working my government health plan will not let me switch and I won’t push it because I finally have something that is finally keeping my skin clear. Perhaps you could try it …?

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Thank you so much! That was a drug I had considered, but hadn't tried yet. I live in Ireland and our health care system is excellent regarding drug payments for most drugs when there is a genuine necessity. I will mention it to my dermatologist once I have given the Tremfya a bit more of a chance. Will let you know.


Thank you so much! That was a drug I had considered, but hadn't tried yet. I live in Ireland and our health care system is excellent regarding drug payments for most drugs when there is a genuine necessity. I will mention it to my dermatologist once I have given the Tremfya a bit more of a chance. Will let you know.

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@leemoore13 yes, some medications will show results after four to six months so it is good that you are giving your current medication time to work. Keep in mind that each body system is different so what works on one does little or nothing on another. For example, Methotrexate worked great on me (it’s too bad I had to discontinue using it because of my fatty liver) but I knew others who got no benefit from it, Stelara and Skyrizi have worked great for others but did nothing for me.


@leemoore13 yes, some medications will show results after four to six months so it is good that you are giving your current medication time to work. Keep in mind that each body system is different so what works on one does little or nothing on another. For example, Methotrexate worked great on me (it’s too bad I had to discontinue using it because of my fatty liver) but I knew others who got no benefit from it, Stelara and Skyrizi have worked great for others but did nothing for me.

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Yes, I realise thst different drugs work for different people.....psoriasis is a real nuisance because it interferes in so many aspects of people's lives....again, everyone is affected differently. I count myself relatively lucky because it primarily affects my sleep...although that also has knock on effects. I have friends whose unsightly psoriasis has created huge social and psychological issues. Anyway I live in hope!! Thanks again


I use a different strategy usually shampoo 5 days a week an occasionally twice
a day in the summer. Humira continues to work for me.
I rotate 4 shampoo ingredients: 3% salicylic acid Neutrogena, selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, and Rx ketoconazole using an infant scalp brush.
I have found topical Zoryve helpful for my itchy ears.
Since you are sensitive you may have tried them all.

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Thanks so much...yes I have tried pretty much everything you mentioned. Currently using Nioxin scalp recovery shampoo....I'm also trying to prevent hair loss. As I said none of the biologics have worked so far. Last night was horrendous.....I was awake until 4am with severe itching on both scalp and arm....the itching arm I actually think was caused by rash just unbearable itch which I spread with Dermovate and Elocon and cider vinegar!! Anything for a moments relief......has anyone else experienced this pruritis post covid??

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