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Meet fellow Caregivers - Introduce yourself

Caregivers | Last Active: Nov 12, 2023 | Replies (707)

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Hello @ytmorgan1 I am so sorry to read of your husband's scary healthcare journey right now. I am Scott and I am glad you found Connect and are here to share and participate in this group. This is a great community of folks who are very caring! Caregiving is a very scary time in life and one we are suddenly thrust into with no warning and no training! I am sorry you are having to go through this.

My wife's case was a bit different, but just as sudden with a brain tumor and extensive complications post-operative. We were married for 41 years and while caregiving my love for her only grew, even though she was different after her diagnosis.

As a caregiver I also know the waiting times are often the toughest! They were tough on my wife and tough on me. All the wondering and wishing just to have some word as to what the situation was. I will be thinking of you both from now to Monday!

I know each and every person and each and every cancer is different, but keep hoping for the best! My wife awoke from a coma and had to relearn how to eat, swallow, write, walk, and talk. It took her over a year and a half, but she did it! The doctors said she might live 7 years and she lived over 14! She was a fighter as it sounds like your husband is, too! Plus they have new treatments that were not even imagined back when my wife first got ill. Medical science is moving at a rapid pace in many areas and new options are always apprearing on the horizon!

I hope you are doing OK this morning and that at least the sun is shining wherever you are.

How are you managing today?

Strength, courage, and peace!

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Replies to "Hello @ytmorgan1 I am so sorry to read of your husband's scary healthcare journey right now...."

I'm sitting on the back porch reading you beautiful letter of encouragment.
I pray that tomorrow's visit to the Oncoligists office is as promising as your words. I'm so sorry for your loss but am so happy to hear your wife lived for 14 more blessed years.
I'm down hes down just holding him as he has stopped speaking I fear he has lost some part of his very educated and intellegent self that he cant find words its horrible to watch.
I'm praying tomorrow will give him a new perspective on fighting harder.
Peace be with you & God Bless you.
Best Regards