Prednisone Side Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms

Posted by hopeinal @hopeinal, Jul 6, 2024

Since it's been a couple of years since the last discussion I found about one of my problems since going on Pred---red eyes that are red rimmed as well, sort of like a really bad case of pinkeye---I thought I'd ask again to see if anyone else has experienced this.

I was tapering last month and doing well, went from 15 mg down to about 6.5 when I crashed and burned with a huge flare and had to go all the way to 20 to get relief. But while I was tapering and got below 10 mg, my perpetually demon-red eyes cleared up and actually looked normal again. As soon as I had to increase my Prednisone dose, they went back to the pinkeye effect. Not being a big believer in coincidence, I feel sure the Pred is the problem with my eyes. I've seen three ophthamalogists and they couldn't diagnose it.

Anybody else had this happen? Also, as I mentioned on here recently, my forearms and tops of both hands are absolutely scary looking. So covered in deep purple bruises, skin tears everywhere because my skin is now tissue's awful. I've seen photos in other PMR groups of people on Pred whose arms look like mine. According to my research (thank you Google) thinning skin is a side effect of Prednisone. So, I'm now wondering if that's also the problem with my eyes, that the blood vessels are breaking because the membrane (skin) over my eyes has thinned.

What are your thoughts or experience with side effects of Prednisone?

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Thank you! I learned that the hard way back in my early days of nursing when I caused a skin tear on an elderly patient with an adhesive bandage. I've gone through a lot of the elastic wraps and like the pretty colors they come in now. 🙂

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Hi hope,

Just noticed your message regarding your eyes. I had bruising on the inside of one eye…looked like blood seepage or vascular leaking. Went to urgency center and they treated me like a senile, complaining old lady. I’ve been on high doses of prednisone, now on 10 mg, into 8 years. I’ve tried methotrexate and now Kevzara. Ophthalmologist had no idea either. My eyelids are ok but I agree with you there is a relation with the prednisone.
Good luck to you.


Hi hope,

Just noticed your message regarding your eyes. I had bruising on the inside of one eye…looked like blood seepage or vascular leaking. Went to urgency center and they treated me like a senile, complaining old lady. I’ve been on high doses of prednisone, now on 10 mg, into 8 years. I’ve tried methotrexate and now Kevzara. Ophthalmologist had no idea either. My eyelids are ok but I agree with you there is a relation with the prednisone.
Good luck to you.

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Karo, I can relate re: being treated like a senile old lady. One ophthamologist I saw pointed out the bruising on my hands and forearms and told me my eyes were red and bloodshot for the same reason: old age. Uh...NO. Same reason, yes--Prednisone. I'm tapering again. Down to 8 mg now for 10 more days then 7 which so far 6 or 7 has been when I hit the wall and have a huge flare. Hoping and praying I can make it down to at least 4 this time. My rheumie told me that I wouldn't have all these side effects at 4 and could stay on it for life. Of course I want to taper to zero. Let us know how Kevzara is working for you. Thanks for your input!


Hi hope,
Thank you for your reply.
I'm kind of laughing. My other rheumatologist that's cash only now, was insistent when tapering prednisone to go down 1mg per month! Can't tell you how many times I did that. Got to 4mg for many months, then stress, moving and knee
revision. The last two years have been depressing and extremely painful. I'm a squeaky wheel and deserve to be heard and helped.
The first Kevzara was massive headache, fever and chills but ok now. I will try one more in 2 weeks and see.
Good luck to you too!


Hi hope,
Thank you for your reply.
I'm kind of laughing. My other rheumatologist that's cash only now, was insistent when tapering prednisone to go down 1mg per month! Can't tell you how many times I did that. Got to 4mg for many months, then stress, moving and knee
revision. The last two years have been depressing and extremely painful. I'm a squeaky wheel and deserve to be heard and helped.
The first Kevzara was massive headache, fever and chills but ok now. I will try one more in 2 weeks and see.
Good luck to you too!

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I am not sure what a successful prednisone taper looks like. I tapered to zero from 20. However I am still having some minor pain and fatigue. But much better than before. Now realize from what I have read that it can take two years to stop pmr symptoms.


The Prednisone tapering experience seems to be highly variable. I had quite severe disease symptoms but thankfully don't appear to have any other conditions besides osteo arthritis in both knees. I responded to Prednisone but initial tapering was very difficult with lots of flares, and a few bad withdrawal weeks here and there. I discovered that dropping by very small increments weekly was like sliding down a rough slope on my bum whereas dropping 1mg at the end of a month was like jumping off a cliff and landing hard. The skin thinning, hair loss, muscle degradation, have been the noticeable side effects but I hate to think what else its doing. I should be at zero by 13 months but will have to remain on Plaquinil for probably another year. Can't wait to get off this horrible drug but patient, tedious withdrawal has paid off. My CRP is finally close to normal and the aches and pains are bearable, I have some semblance of life again at last. Is this what successful tapering looks like, who knows ?

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