Homeopathic-Naturopathic remedies

Posted by smoore6480 @smoore6480, Aug 8, 2024

I have been researching this group for a few weeks since i was recently diagnosed with PMR. I suffered for weeks with groin leg and shoulder pain and had to stop playing golf. after MRI and blood tests most cancers have been ruled out.
I started on 60 mg of prednisone for 5 days, then 40 for 1 week and now I am doing 20mg in the morning. My mornings are very discomforting, and I really can't do much until about noon 4-5 hrs after taking my dose. i will inquire about splitting my doses.
After reading about the long-term effects of prednisone like most of you it is not something I want to but at this point feel there is no other choice. I'm seriously considering going to a Naturopathic Dr. after i visit my rheumatologist in 2 weeks. Has anyone had any success doing this with or without prednisone? I am 73 and have been playing golf 2-3 times a week and the only time I could play was when is was on 60mgs/day. other than that i have been relatively inactive for over 2 months.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Great group. Great moderator. I learn something every day. I have had high cholesterol all my life. Genetic version. I have been on a keto "light" diet for the last 10yrs. By light I limit carbs and sugars but I dont try to make myself go into keto. I still got PMR. I exercise every day. Not a couch potato. Not over weight. I dont have any advice for Naturopathic. I know some have made significant lifestyle changes and its worked with prednisone. Steroids gave me relief in 4 hours. Thats usually not the case with other remedies. I would have some concerns that 60mg of prednisone is what it takes to "feel good". That should have you buzzing. Even 20mg is quite a bit if you dont have GCA. PMR has been unknown to uncover other diseases or injuries. Such as arthritis and shoulder tears. Unfairly so, I have always looked a little at a Naturopathic similar to chiropractor. Unfairly I agree. The medical community has done its fair share of practicing medicine on me. I was pain free on 10mg of prednisone equivalent. I could do anything I did before. Actually better. I would search for more answers. You should be a par golfer on 20mg.


I used to think homeopathy was hocus-pocus. About 20 years ago I'd had years of menopausal hot flushes, sweating night & day, poor sleep and cramping. I avoided people because of the embarrassing red face and sweating, followed by feeling very cold which meant I was constantly taking clothes and shoes on and off every few minutes. My doctor shrugged and said there wasn't much he could do.

In desperation, I found a naturopath who did a detailed assessment. So many questions, then she opened her large old hardcover book and checked the answers and corresponding homeopathic potions. She said - correctly as it turned out - that many of my symptoms would be caused by salts and minerals being so depleted from the long-term sweating.

At the first followup 2wks later, I reported some small improvements, and she added another thing. Two weeks after that, my sweating, hot flushes, cramping and sleeplessness were completely gone. I couldn't believe it. In the following month or two I lost 1.5 stone without trying, and went to my doctor to report my homeopathic success. He was very surprised and impressed.

So...yes I've thought of going back to that same naturopath about PMR, if she is still practicing. From my earlier experience, it's not necessary to "believe" that it will help, I certainly had big doubts in the beginning so there was no "placebo" effect for me. It will either work or it won't.


There was a study published in 2021 that was kind of interesting but I'm not sure how much was learned.

"The PMR Cohort Study has been described in detail elsewhere [10]. Briefly, participants were recruited from 382 GP practices across England, between June 2012 and June 2014. Eligible patients were flagged to the clinician when PMR was entered into their record during a consultation, using electronic prompts in the primary care record. Patients who verbally consented were sent a study pack including participant information sheet, baseline questionnaire and consent form. Responders to this questionnaire were followed up via regular self-completion questionnaire up to 24 months. Patients who had not withdrawn from the study at this stage were then sent a long-term follow-up questionnaire (LTFU) between January and June 2019."
-- What non-pharmacological treatments do people with polymyalgia rheumatica try: results from the PMR Cohort Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8800888/


I'm sorry you've started down this slippery slope too.

My adjunct remedies to Prednisone are Yoga, swimming, walking, diet, and acupuncture. All combined help me tremendously.

I've tapered from 20mg to 7 since December, hope to drop another .5mg next week. I'm taming the pain, but no pain free.

Good luck and I hope you're back on the links soon!


I have found ice baths have been very therapeutic! I have never done these before but it
Certainly helps with the inflammation.


I have found ice baths have been very therapeutic! I have never done these before but it
Certainly helps with the inflammation.

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Similar to my feeling absolutely no pain when using a cool swimming pool this summer. Unfortunately didn't have the energy to get to it often.

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