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Interested in how other caregivers survive

Caregivers | Last Active: Jan 19 11:46am | Replies (130)

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@gloro your posts have been very helpful to me. Thank you.

Flexible is my new mantra. Just when I think we have a good plan in place everything changes.

Last night I had to clean the bathroom floor twice when I turned away for a moment and dear hubby urinated on the floor. Earlier, he went while lying on top of the bedspread. (The brief did not catch it and I didn't bother putting pads on the bed because this has never been an issue.) I try to plan ahead for what "might" go wrong but can't anticipate every new change.

Like you, I've set the bar lower for things that can wait, no matter how badly I want to accomplish a task. Today, I'll be satisfied to get the soiled bedding washed.

Blessings, jeh

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Replies to "@GloRo your posts have been very helpful to me. Thank you. Flexible is my new mantra...."

Thanks, Jeh. Your response means a lot to me. With the extra laundry
required from the UTI or whatever it is, my guy has decided to get dressed
up every day as if he were going to town. Instead of urinating in his
sweats, he is now urinating in his dress pants and shirts. There is a
mound on the dryer waiting for the old spot remover trick before washing
can happen. The only way you can survive this is to develop a sense of
humor. I guess it is better than him no longer caring how he looks. Right
now, my back is killing me, but at least it is for a good reason. I was
able to get some semblance of order around here. Whatever tomorrow brings,
I will be better prepared than I was today. Ah, small victories. Keep up
the good fight. GloRo