Has anyone experienced pain in the back and shoulders?

Posted by dbianchi @dbianchi, Jul 17, 2024

I’ve had pain everyday in my back and shoulders mostly on the right for 4 months. MRI’s were completed and it was determined that I needed a right shoulder replacement. The continued pain that has radiated concerned me so I had RA bloodwork done.
My RA factor came back as a whopping 267.2 but my ANA is negative. CCP is less than .5 and SED rate is 34. Needless to say, I cancelled my surgery to address this. Anyone else have anything similar?

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I have a portal and was able to pull up my results as soon as they became available. They come directly from the lab so I have a printout of every test that was run. Then I get on Google and look up each test. At least that helps me stay a little more informed on what the tests are. I do have to trust my doctor with what we do with those results.

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Good. I have found that knowing those results is important, even in talking with other providers.


Yes, I had a PT evaluation in May and thought it could help until the MRI was completed on my right shoulder. The orthopedic surgeon then informed me that it was bone on bone and that was what was causing my pain. He said that PT wouldn’t help at this point, only a shoulder replacement. I have gone along with his recommendations but because my left began to hurt also, I decided to request more bloodwork. This past Monday I received my results. I have had cancer prior and am concerned that the high inflammation numbers can point to that. My ANA was negative which seems to suggest it is not an autoimmune disease. Rheumatologists are 3 to 4 months out. I’m looking for answers now and am hoping Mayo Clinic can help me. Thank you for responding. It is helpful information. You must know first hand how debilitating pain can be. My life went from a 10 to a 1.

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I know only too well! My life went down to a 1 also. Sitting in a chair all day....


I know only too well! My life went down to a 1 also. Sitting in a chair all day....

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It was awful and debilitating!!

Took the fun out of life!

I was horrible to the people who I love the most!

Opioids work, but hard to get and no one wants to delve into the hornets nest!

Here’s what works for me:

Tylenol, 8 hour extended release! Follow the directions!

Previously, Tylenol would do NOTHING for me.

So I gave it zero hope, but our daughter encouraged me to try it !

And it did work!!!

It worked better if I took it before the pain became too bad. Follow the directions!

I have hope for you!

I had a caring PT therapist. But every time ended with more pain!

But that’s just me!




It was awful and debilitating!!

Took the fun out of life!

I was horrible to the people who I love the most!

Opioids work, but hard to get and no one wants to delve into the hornets nest!

Here’s what works for me:

Tylenol, 8 hour extended release! Follow the directions!

Previously, Tylenol would do NOTHING for me.

So I gave it zero hope, but our daughter encouraged me to try it !

And it did work!!!

It worked better if I took it before the pain became too bad. Follow the directions!

I have hope for you!

I had a caring PT therapist. But every time ended with more pain!

But that’s just me!


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It sounds a lot like my story. It's going on for two months now (great summer!) I've been to many doctors, 5 pain clinics and no one can stop the spasm in my back. What I did find that works, is 10 MG of Valium and 2 Tylenol 8 hour arthritis pills at least for a while. I got a third shot yesterday (Prednisone?) and I might just be working, but won't know until the spasm stops for a few days. Same with my PT, so I quit that! Doesn't it sound like something that could be remedied easily??? And I have no idea what brings it on!



It was awful and debilitating!!

Took the fun out of life!

I was horrible to the people who I love the most!

Opioids work, but hard to get and no one wants to delve into the hornets nest!

Here’s what works for me:

Tylenol, 8 hour extended release! Follow the directions!

Previously, Tylenol would do NOTHING for me.

So I gave it zero hope, but our daughter encouraged me to try it !

And it did work!!!

It worked better if I took it before the pain became too bad. Follow the directions!

I have hope for you!

I had a caring PT therapist. But every time ended with more pain!

But that’s just me!


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i had a freshly torn rotator cup and surgery helped alpt


Talk to your specialist about testing for Polymyalgia Rheumatica. My Doctors thought I had arthritic issues along with Fibromyalgia. I am now diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica as well as Fibromyalgia. The treatment is Prednisone and injections of Kevzara bi weekly. The Kevzara keeps my SED rate down, it had been over 100. It also keeps the pain at bay, but I still use pain killers as well as a CBD topical. They help tremendously. Good luck!


It sounds a lot like my story. It's going on for two months now (great summer!) I've been to many doctors, 5 pain clinics and no one can stop the spasm in my back. What I did find that works, is 10 MG of Valium and 2 Tylenol 8 hour arthritis pills at least for a while. I got a third shot yesterday (Prednisone?) and I might just be working, but won't know until the spasm stops for a few days. Same with my PT, so I quit that! Doesn't it sound like something that could be remedied easily??? And I have no idea what brings it on!

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My story also. PolymYalgia Rheumatica left me with long term spine issues. The pain is the worst I’ve ever had. But the 8 hr. Tylenol is the only thing that gives me a little relief. I don’t know how exercise is even possible, but every doctor and every article I read encourages exercise!


@dbianchi Welcome to Mayo Connect - Many of us come here because we are dealing with pain, and it can come from a surprising variety of sources.
You are wise to have asked for bloodwork, and to be addressing your high inflammatory markers.
One thing that caught my eye was your remark "The continued pain that has radiated concerned me..."
Something to consider is that radiating pain may be "referred pain" or what we call in our home "pain buddies". When one joint or muscle hurts, we try (even unconsciously) to protect it by tensing up muscles in the surrounding area and beyond. Pretty soon, we can become just one big ball of pain.
That is something that has happened to me. After pain management evaluation, it was determined that while I had plenty of arthritis, and some torn muscles, I have spent 3 years, off and on, having specific, targeted physical therapy with myofascial and trigger point release.
Now, quite a bit of my pain can be managed by PT visits, stretching, exercise, minimal (non-opioid) medication, deep breathing and guided imagery exercise. After 2+ years, my partially torn rotator cuff is nearly healed - at 73 I will not be digging ditches or hauling straw bales & bags of manure, but I can do nearly everything I need to - as long as I maintain my health regimen.
So, if the final result of all your testing is "inconclusive" you might consider something similar.
Have you had a PT evaluation to see if there is anything they can do to help?

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I had rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder last November. The operation was done through keyhole surgery and I was home the same day, feeling so good I checked out. Had no real pain to speak of and was back to light work within a week, despite not being allowed to use it for 5 weeks!
I was refused shoulder replacement to correct miss shaped shoulder balls and sockets in both shoulders. The reasoning was it would restrict the articulation I had. Any way I now have continual shoulder pain the radiates down through my arms and back up into my neck. Fortunately, it varies depending on the work I put them through, lifting while extending the arms are the worst. The shoulder joint no longer locks in position in the most inopportune times which makes it easier to deal with.
In terms of rotator cuff, it is fixed, in terms of pain it is worse and I wish I hadn't had the surgery.
The response I get is "we've done what we could", a great help!
It appears to be not the norm as I have friends who have had the same operation from the same surgeon and been a total success, but a more painful recovery than I had.
I have the choice of loading up on pain killers or just sucking up the pain and getting on with life, I have gone with the latter.
Interestingly I never had pain while grasping money and still don't!


My story also. PolymYalgia Rheumatica left me with long term spine issues. The pain is the worst I’ve ever had. But the 8 hr. Tylenol is the only thing that gives me a little relief. I don’t know how exercise is even possible, but every doctor and every article I read encourages exercise!

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That 8-hour Arthritis Tylenol is a miracle drug for my back spasm. Do you take one or two?? I have been encouraged to exercise so I try to walk a mile a day. Sometimes that's not possible because of the weather....


That 8-hour Arthritis Tylenol is a miracle drug for my back spasm. Do you take one or two?? I have been encouraged to exercise so I try to walk a mile a day. Sometimes that's not possible because of the weather....

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I take two mid-morning, and two after dinner. I was given a prescription for Cymbalta, which is an anti-depressant but is recommended for nerve pain. I haven’t tried it yet, but I might have to break down and try it.

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