Info about robotic bronchoscopy with EBUS: What's it like?

Posted by missholly @missholly, Jul 26, 2024

I am scheduled for a robotic bronchoscopy with EBUS to follow. I'm not sure if that means it will be done at the same time. Has anyone had this done? What was your experience like? How long did it take to get your results? They suspect small cell lung cancer.

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EBUS stands for endobronchial ultrasound and it is one process by which a biopsy is done. If they view nothing suspicious they end the procedure. If there is something suspicious they have a mechanism that collects a sample of the cells. So this is one procedure if I'm reading it right.


I had that done. They told me before 80% cancer, and they probably would remove it. It was very suspicious, so they removed it at the same time. It was a stage 1b lung cancer. Very convenient to do it all in one sitting.
Also this procedure is far superior to a needle biopsy


Good Morning- I had this test completed at the beginning of my Cancer journey. It was pretty easy. I was put under for it. They go in and look around in your throat, esophagus, and down into your lungs. I believe they took some lymph nodes to test. You wake up in Recovery and it depends on where you have it done, in how quickly you get the results. From what I remember, (I had this done in Feb of 2023) I only had an irritated throat for a day or so. I drank lots of liquids and was fine. There are risks to all procedures, but I do believe this is the better one. Hope this helps. Good Luck and God Bless You.


@missholly, The EBUS is a bronchoscopy tool with a "built-in ultrasound probe".
The procedure is generally well tolerated. I have had three over the past four years. I know the first one used EBUS. My pulmonologist tested some lymph fluid, and knew it was cancer before I was even awake. Further tests were run on the samples to determine the specific type of cancer. Those tests can take up to two weeks if they are looking at biomarkers (the driving force of the cancer). I was a little groggy afterward from the sedation and had some coughing for a day or two.


@missholly, did you have the robotic bronchoscopy with endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) yet? How are you doing?


@missholly, The EBUS is a bronchoscopy tool with a "built-in ultrasound probe".
The procedure is generally well tolerated. I have had three over the past four years. I know the first one used EBUS. My pulmonologist tested some lymph fluid, and knew it was cancer before I was even awake. Further tests were run on the samples to determine the specific type of cancer. Those tests can take up to two weeks if they are looking at biomarkers (the driving force of the cancer). I was a little groggy afterward from the sedation and had some coughing for a day or two.

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Hi @missmolly, I'm just checking in. Do you have the results of your biopsy back?

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