Anyone in the Encore Arikayce study?

Posted by lvnl @lvnl, Jul 16, 2024

Hello, I've posted a couple q's here & appreciate all the info!
I am now confirmed (2 Sputum samples) w/MAC. My pulmonologist, Dr Addrizzo-Harris at the NYU Medical Center bronchiectasis/NTM program, has given me the option of enrolling in the Encore Arikayce study. She is principal investigator. It's a multi-center study, is anyone else enrolled? Can you share experience? The protocols are pretty demanding but you definitely get closely monitored!
I am very inclined to do it on the 50% chance I can get Arikayce right away as it is shaping up to be much more effective at treating NTM. I am aware of the possible side effects and I've read some of the stories here ranging from bad side effects to none. In both arms of the study, whether I get Arikayce or placebo, they also treat with zithromycin (AZI) and Ethambutol (ETH). No rifampicin. They are testing replacing rifampicin with Arikayce and there is also some evidence that the 2 antibiotics instead of 3 are also effective (if I were to end up a placebo subject).
Very curious to get any comments or advice! Thank you all in advance!

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I already completed the study and it was great. I am so glad I did it. Not sure whether I had real or placebo Arikayce but I converted and have stayed negative. I lost my voice initially but then I adjusted and had no other side effects. I was very diligent about taking probiotics and drinking kefir. Let me know if you have other questions


@thorne Thank you! I'm so glad to hear you had a positive experience. I'll come back to you if I have more questions!


Good luck in whatever you decide.

My doctor put me on 2 drugs MWF and said she preferred on stay on antibiotics then Arikase.


Thank you @mariegrace and @thorne, I am enrolling in the study... I will be on the 2 antibiotics + Arikayce 3x/week for a year. Won't be starting til a sputum sample I give tomorrow shows up positive so it will be a while. @thorne, did you know you had converted before the year or only after?


Thank you @mariegrace and @thorne, I am enrolling in the study... I will be on the 2 antibiotics + Arikayce 3x/week for a year. Won't be starting til a sputum sample I give tomorrow shows up positive so it will be a while. @thorne, did you know you had converted before the year or only after?

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I was positive for MAC after dx of BE. Been stable for 5 years but now chest xray and CT worse so time for tx.
I was thinking about going to NYU but I like my pulmonologist at NYP Columbia Presbyterien Dr. Keating. Conferred with a friend and he said NYP program is fine.
Good luck fellow New Yorker. Keep in touch!


Thank you @mariegrace and @thorne, I am enrolling in the study... I will be on the 2 antibiotics + Arikayce 3x/week for a year. Won't be starting til a sputum sample I give tomorrow shows up positive so it will be a while. @thorne, did you know you had converted before the year or only after?

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Weirdly, some study sites will tell you the results of your monthly study sputum and some do not. Mine did not so they would just take a separate sputum every few months and tell me the results of that. So I did know that I converted.


All best @mariegrace & everyone. I understand NYP is also excellent.


Hi there

I am also a patient of Dr. Addrizzo-Harris. I saw her for the first time last month. We were waiting to get my culture results back which have since confirmed that I do have MAC/MAI. She mentioned the study to me and said she'd recommend that I participate but I go back next month for a follow up to discuss and confirm treatment after I see a GI doc.

It's encouraging to hear that @thorne did ok on it. I didn't realize it was for a full year but I guess time flies..

Keep us posted on how you're doing! If I do end up enrolling in the study, I'll let you know.


@kdiago1564 Hi! Yes, let's keep each other up on anything new! If you decide to enroll, they have to collect a sputum sample on-site & then another one they have you collect a week or so later -- to confirm (once again!) that you are positive for MAC. Bunch of other screening too. I just did that this past Monday so won't know for certain til the sputum cultures which of course can take a while...


I already completed the study and it was great. I am so glad I did it. Not sure whether I had real or placebo Arikayce but I converted and have stayed negative. I lost my voice initially but then I adjusted and had no other side effects. I was very diligent about taking probiotics and drinking kefir. Let me know if you have other questions

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Great to hear thay it did great on you. I was with the NTM team of Dr Addrizzo in NYU too. I am starting amikacin inhalation today. Are you on three times a week schedule? Is there any way we can prevent loss of voice or harshness? I heard rinsing with water or using honey to smooth throat. I am so happy for you for your conversion. I also have cavity but it has been stable for 2 years. Heard many positive stores about arikayce for cavity. I am positive on it!

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