@paulalina Thank you. Your dogs are gorgeous. This is Ellie. She’s a rescue(I think 🤔) Manchester terrier. She is extremely: loving, fast, curious, afraid, watchful, loud(outside), always on the hunt for vermin, hungry, and loyal.
I don’t know if my lack of identity places me in the DID group or not. But I’m sure I’ll learn a lot.
I appreciate the welcome and will continue to tune in.
Next step is to follow up on links Teresa @hopeful33250 provided. Then I’ll know more. Best, Suzanne
I developed RSD about 4 years ago. I had to quit my job and stop doing a whole lot of usual things.I see a pain Dr. and a therapist for DID All of my past trauma events just flooded me. Many bad sexual things. It has been very hard
Hi. I had to look and see if this was my post? Does that ever happen to you? Well I have CRPS/RSD (45 years after back surgery) but I was officially diagnosed with DID in the 90s, decided to ignore it, acute denial, which lasted till the wheels fell off the bus, "literally inside?" And it all fell out. I had just gotten a new therapist, it was covid, I met her twice in person the zoom for almost 2 years 2ce a week. We both have autoimmune stuff and I with long covid and low oxygen levels couldn't breathe thru a mask.
A.yway, I was just plain lucky that my new therapist who specializes in pain etc and trauma can treat DID. I've been seeing her twice a week for 4 years. An embarrassment of riches, I know, though I pay a lot for health insurance medicare/medigap so they pay 100%. I work hard in therapy and working to mentally adjust to using a wheelchair us having hand surgery, then hip replacement then knee replacement. I owe her my life it feels like at times as parts have been hopeless and all that means at tjmes. So yes, RSD/CRPS and DID. Hi!
Hi. I don't think "cured" is the right word. Few things. 1. We can each decide at any time to stop dealing, go into full denial again and go back to switching and not knowing tho I'm bot sure once you know for sure and get to know your insiders, that genie can really go back in the box.
The old thought was to have everyone merge into one main being which might gave been called "cured" but once we know and use dissociation to deal with pain, as lo.g as it was created inside under 8 years old, we can create new alters to deal with new traumas anytime. I would call this more a temporary remission, in my head, as trauma and a new insider can happen at any time. Even just seeing someone who looks like the creep that abused us.
The more modern thought is not to have a therapust encourage merging but rather learn to function as a team using the strengths each insider has. I have a person who doesn't feel pain so much, I walk with crutches, she doesn't mostly. She's great fkr MRIs etc as she can stay perfectly still for a long time. I had my hip injected today. I asked her to come forward and help. Lots of times I disappear tho I didnt today but it was 100% painless! Feels like a superpower I have.
I have hand surgery next week with a nerve block. I will probably ask her to take iver for that. Knowing I can do that helps my anxiety a lot.
Parus is right, there are many of us fractured souls around. More than regular folks suspect I am willing to say.
Remember, many NORMAL folks don't want to hear about abuse that is great enough to break children into pieces.
I think the greatest thing I was taught to do was to start journaling. That gave my HELPERS inside a voice. So they could share who and why they were. And then I could help them, they needed to be heard, recognized and thanked for what they did to help the awfulness of what was happening back then.
Yes, many therapists want to help, and I learned to be wary, cuz they were just practicing on me.
I was one of the lucky ones cuz God always lead me to the next therapist for me. It was folks who lead group therapy I had challenges with.
So I started my own group thru the computer, with many folks in other countries. Oh, did I share I am a
DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES kind of girl? Well, I am!
My memories started in 1986. No therapist was ready for my memories, I will tell you that!
Last November, I FINISHED my healing. Yes, it was a 33 year journey. Why did I keep going?
Cuz I was worth it.
I wish you all well. Bright Wings
Keep coming back cuz we care.
Hi. What did "finished" look like? I don't expect to ever feel finished but im 69, 4 years into therapy with other conditions too and my T specializes in chronuc pain and autoimmune as well. She'll be around for a while. Maybe do my eulogy! Lol joking tho she will know me better than my siblings for sure.
Ellie is beautiful! Where would we be without our canine companions?!! Good luck Suzanne.
~ Paula
Hi. I had to look and see if this was my post? Does that ever happen to you? Well I have CRPS/RSD (45 years after back surgery) but I was officially diagnosed with DID in the 90s, decided to ignore it, acute denial, which lasted till the wheels fell off the bus, "literally inside?" And it all fell out. I had just gotten a new therapist, it was covid, I met her twice in person the zoom for almost 2 years 2ce a week. We both have autoimmune stuff and I with long covid and low oxygen levels couldn't breathe thru a mask.
A.yway, I was just plain lucky that my new therapist who specializes in pain etc and trauma can treat DID. I've been seeing her twice a week for 4 years. An embarrassment of riches, I know, though I pay a lot for health insurance medicare/medigap so they pay 100%. I work hard in therapy and working to mentally adjust to using a wheelchair us having hand surgery, then hip replacement then knee replacement. I owe her my life it feels like at times as parts have been hopeless and all that means at tjmes. So yes, RSD/CRPS and DID. Hi!
Hi. I don't think "cured" is the right word. Few things. 1. We can each decide at any time to stop dealing, go into full denial again and go back to switching and not knowing tho I'm bot sure once you know for sure and get to know your insiders, that genie can really go back in the box.
The old thought was to have everyone merge into one main being which might gave been called "cured" but once we know and use dissociation to deal with pain, as lo.g as it was created inside under 8 years old, we can create new alters to deal with new traumas anytime. I would call this more a temporary remission, in my head, as trauma and a new insider can happen at any time. Even just seeing someone who looks like the creep that abused us.
The more modern thought is not to have a therapust encourage merging but rather learn to function as a team using the strengths each insider has. I have a person who doesn't feel pain so much, I walk with crutches, she doesn't mostly. She's great fkr MRIs etc as she can stay perfectly still for a long time. I had my hip injected today. I asked her to come forward and help. Lots of times I disappear tho I didnt today but it was 100% painless! Feels like a superpower I have.
I have hand surgery next week with a nerve block. I will probably ask her to take iver for that. Knowing I can do that helps my anxiety a lot.
Hi. What did "finished" look like? I don't expect to ever feel finished but im 69, 4 years into therapy with other conditions too and my T specializes in chronuc pain and autoimmune as well. She'll be around for a while. Maybe do my eulogy! Lol joking tho she will know me better than my siblings for sure.
Yes. I do