Lung nodules: Can they ever be non-cancerous?

Posted by missholly @missholly, Jul 21, 2024

I had RSV pneumonia in Nov. Recovered well. On Tuesday I went to ER for an ear infection. They did a chest x-ray then decided to do a CT scan. The results have me terrified. I have no SOB, no symptoms what-so-ever. The CT scan says suggestive of multifocal pneumonia, cannot rule out malignancy. What scares me is the irregulary-shaped nodules. Can they ever be non-cancerous? I have an appt with a pulminary dr. on March 6th, but in the meantime, I am driving myself crazy.

There are multiple bilateral irregularly-shaped lung nodules. Several lung nodules demonstrate central cavitary changes. Example nodule within the medial superior segment of the right lower lobe measures 3.1 x 2.6 cm with central cavitation. Additional 4 x 2.6 cm irregularly-shaped nodule is present within the anterior left upper lobe. This lesion is without cavitary changes. No pleural effusions. No pneumothorax. Heart size is normal. No pericardial effusion. There are shotty mediastinal and bilateral hilar lymph nodes, likely reactive. Liver density is decreased. There are bilateral simple appearing renal cysts.

Any input - good or bad - would be appreciated.

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Hi @missholly, I merged your 2 discussions into one and expanded the title of your question. It is so frightening to hear the words "lung nodules". Like others have said, they are very common and most lung nodules aren't cancerous. See this article from Mayo experts:

- Lung nodules: Can they be cancerous?

Of course, you're worried. I would be too. But the good news is that they were found and are being investigated. Your team cares. I look forward to getting your update after the upcoming appointment.

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Thank you!


Hi @missholly, I merged your 2 discussions into one and expanded the title of your question. It is so frightening to hear the words "lung nodules". Like others have said, they are very common and most lung nodules aren't cancerous. See this article from Mayo experts:

- Lung nodules: Can they be cancerous?

Of course, you're worried. I would be too. But the good news is that they were found and are being investigated. Your team cares. I look forward to getting your update after the upcoming appointment.

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What worries me most is the irregular shape and the size of the nodule in the upper left lobe. From what I've read, irregular shape ones are usually cancer.


Bran a has done my several broncoscopies. I like him. I see his younger partner Jared Kravitz who is very good. I amtreat3d at UT infectious disease which I do not recommend but I’ve been consulted with Mayo ID and plan to go up to Mayo in the late Fall if myMAC is still present.


Bran a has done my several broncoscopies. I like him. I see his younger partner Jared Kravitz who is very good. I amtreat3d at UT infectious disease which I do not recommend but I’ve been consulted with Mayo ID and plan to go up to Mayo in the late Fall if myMAC is still present.

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@ncalvan, kind of you to offer to talk offline. please note that your phone number has been removed. It is recommended to use the secure private message function and not post personal contact information on the public forum.

I'd also like to point out the benefit of sharing here in the support group where you will receive support and information from several people and we can all learn from each other.

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