PMR pain and vision

Posted by bostonredsox1945 @bostonredsox1945, Jul 9, 2024

Anyone affected by blurred vision from PMR?
Any new suggestions for pain control while tapering Prednisone??
PMR patients suffer chronic pain. If you have just ben diagnosed, do not get discouraged. It is a tough road! Looking forward to comments about vision impairment and new pain control options!

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I’ve had some trouble with my vision also, just never tied it in with my PMR! I don’t have any other symptoms of GCA, I do know to look for those. One day it felt like I had Vaseline over my eyes! But using dry eye drops and putting a warm compress helped get rid of that. It’s frustrating because I just had a diabetic eye exam and an exam for glasses and now my vision is off and on blurry! I have an appointment with my pcp today and I’m going to ask her about it.

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Thank you for your comment! I have some blurry vision even reading this. It is frustrating as a musician when I think I missed a note going from page turn to next page. I already take Muro 128 at night in salve form. I have only blamed it with “morning vision.” I have had problems going below 10mg prednisone daily and recently with a diagnosis of GBS went back to 15mg. I have had PMR for about 4 years.


I had a similar feeling of lotion or Vaseline smeared over my eyes that lasted a few hours and went away—it was very scary at the time!
As I mentioned in another post here, did not really get an answer to this, I don’t think it’s my blood sugar like my PCP said—blood drawn the day I saw her showed I was in a PMR flare!! I also have very early cataracts according to the ophthalmologist, that so far I don’t need surgery for yet. My rheumatologist does not want to increase my prednisone (on 7.5 mg) because I’m on treatment for my osteoporosis (Reclast)! My one hope is the Actemra that he wants me to take. It is either an injection or infusion and hopefully will have no nasty side effects.

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Has anyone suggested a thin smear of organic castor oil on eye lids for dry eye symptoms and for rheumatoid arthritis black seed oil fewer side effects ?


I have had the same reaction with Prednisone, blurry vision and no GCA symptoms. I have had my eyes checked 5 times since starting prednisone 2 years ago. I just went yesterday and all is normal according to the eye doctor but still have on and off blurry vision. I am hoping that when I stop the prednisone this will go away. Currently on 2.5 mg. Thanks for posting I was wondering if anyone else had this issue. Always helpful to know your not alone!!


I have had some transient blurriness in one eye lately as I taper prednisone down to 2 mg. I had cataract surgery in 2020 and no other problems with my eyes. I have also had the ‘head sweats’ and an itchy scalp on the lower back of my head. Annoying but I’m hoping all these will go away like PMR and prednisone.

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