PLEASE share what helps for severe anxiety & burning skin feeling

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Sep 24, 2023

Suffering now for 3 yrs now. Every week brings on an unbearable new symptom. I just can't go on like this. I can't get any help from the numerous doctors and specialists I've seen, to include Mayo. My 40+ symptoms and pain are unbea

Like many of us, I was such a very, very healthy and active person pre-covid. I hate this beast that has robbed me of my life. Why would anyone create such a horrible virus and weapon. I worked so hard in saving for retirement and looked so forward to that day. I want my life back. rable.

As I type, I am experiencing. indescribable and so such painful burning sensations of my skin everywhere along with nerve pain. On a scale of 1-10. . . and 20! This includes pain even in my eyes.

My anxiety is off the charts which I have never experienced in my life, pre-covid. I can't even lay down and close my eyes to rests because the min my eyes close, I'm jolted into what feels like a "fight or flight" mode which I'm in 24/7.

Please, if anyone on this forum has the same terrible symptoms and found relief, please chime in for support. I'm pacing around the house due to the pain, I can't lay down, it's worse and I just want to scream.

Every day, all day I pray to our Dearest Lord Jesus for help. Being alone and so scared doesn't help.

Why is it most everyone in the world gets covid, some even 2+ times and recovers fine, and we're suffering so? I wasn't vaccinated, but I know others that weren't as well, and they recovered.

I keep thinking, "if I only had been vaccinated, I wouldn't be living in such torment. or when I had covid if I had received the monoclonal antibodies, but my doctor would order it and told me I would be fine. Wrong!

I'm in such agonizing pain and down to 89 lbs now and no help anywhere.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


I so agree! I take Klonopin in a small dose ( .25)most days. It doesn’t solve my health problems, but it makes it possible for me to have some quality of life.

Doctors are quick to prescribe SSRI and SNRI (also addictive), but now many doctors will not prescribe Benzos. I don’t understand the reasoning.

Antidepressants cause severe side effects for me, but I tolerate Klonopin and it helps me cope with my illness.
Isn’t that the goal?

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I got a 30 day prescription for Klonapin in November of last year. I cut them in half. I am very judicious in taking them. They do help. I think I’ve taken about 5-6 total. I have no refills and doubt I could get one, since I’m not seeing that neurologist anymore. My new neurologist has prescribed daily B12 and Cymbalta.


I got a 30 day prescription for Klonapin in November of last year. I cut them in half. I am very judicious in taking them. They do help. I think I’ve taken about 5-6 total. I have no refills and doubt I could get one, since I’m not seeing that neurologist anymore. My new neurologist has prescribed daily B12 and Cymbalta.

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I also cut my .50 in half. It’s enough to take the “edge off” on bad days. I now have a doctor who will prescribe Klonopin for me. He knows I use it sparingly. I want it to keep working, so don’t take more than I really need. I believe I could stop taking it tomorrow if my health improves. However as I said before, if it helps, I think it should be available for people.

This new attitude is probably a backlash from the opioid crisis, after there was so much overprescribing of opiates. Patients suffer now because of the irresponsible overuse of opioids.

I wish you the best of luck in your recovery.
BTW, I had taste distortion some years ago (not related to Covid). It was finally discovered my B12 levels were extremely low. After a few months of supplementation my taste returned to almost normal. I hope the same for you.
It took awhile, but I did recover most of my taste.


I also cut my .50 in half. It’s enough to take the “edge off” on bad days. I now have a doctor who will prescribe Klonopin for me. He knows I use it sparingly. I want it to keep working, so don’t take more than I really need. I believe I could stop taking it tomorrow if my health improves. However as I said before, if it helps, I think it should be available for people.

This new attitude is probably a backlash from the opioid crisis, after there was so much overprescribing of opiates. Patients suffer now because of the irresponsible overuse of opioids.

I wish you the best of luck in your recovery.
BTW, I had taste distortion some years ago (not related to Covid). It was finally discovered my B12 levels were extremely low. After a few months of supplementation my taste returned to almost normal. I hope the same for you.
It took awhile, but I did recover most of my taste.

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Omg! That’s bizarre! I hope mine resolves too. My mom has B12 deficiency. She has to take injections for life. She told me she had a bitter taste for 2 years, then it went away. I hope there will be relief for me too.

Thanks a lot and best wishes for you too.


I got a 30 day prescription for Klonapin in November of last year. I cut them in half. I am very judicious in taking them. They do help. I think I’ve taken about 5-6 total. I have no refills and doubt I could get one, since I’m not seeing that neurologist anymore. My new neurologist has prescribed daily B12 and Cymbalta.

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celia16, Good luck with the Cymbalta....don't think it's as effective as a benzo, like Klonopin, and, , SSRI's and SNRI's have ALOT of side effects!!


I so agree! I take Klonopin in a small dose ( .25)most days. It doesn’t solve my health problems, but it makes it possible for me to have some quality of life.

Doctors are quick to prescribe SSRI and SNRI (also addictive), but now many doctors will not prescribe Benzos. I don’t understand the reasoning.

Antidepressants cause severe side effects for me, but I tolerate Klonopin and it helps me cope with my illness.
Isn’t that the goal?

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dloos, YES!! That is the goal!! To take the medication that works best for you! Doctors I believe, are told not to prescribe benzos because so many people abused them! But gosh darn it....Don't punish the responsible people who will take them as prescribed! SSRI and SNRI's definitely are addictive and have ALOT more SIDE EFFECTS!! Doctors NEED TO start prescribing benzos to people who need a anxiety med that works for them, who have tried the SSRI's or SNRI's....


dloos, YES!! That is the goal!! To take the medication that works best for you! Doctors I believe, are told not to prescribe benzos because so many people abused them! But gosh darn it....Don't punish the responsible people who will take them as prescribed! SSRI and SNRI's definitely are addictive and have ALOT more SIDE EFFECTS!! Doctors NEED TO start prescribing benzos to people who need a anxiety med that works for them, who have tried the SSRI's or SNRI's....

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I suppose I could ask my Primary. I’m hoping I won’t need anything. I’ve had some improvement. As long as I sleep on my back, with arms on pillows, I’m not awakened with stinging sensation. And, I’ve only had one day of skin burning in over a week! I’m optimistic.


I have had those two symptoms and also panic attacks. Cryotherapy and Stellate Ganglion Blockages have helped. None of them are covered by insurance. Cryotherapy sessions are about $35 and the SGB about $200 if you go to a neurosciences clinic where they treat pain. Good luck!


I have had those two symptoms and also panic attacks. Cryotherapy and Stellate Ganglion Blockages have helped. None of them are covered by insurance. Cryotherapy sessions are about $35 and the SGB about $200 if you go to a neurosciences clinic where they treat pain. Good luck!

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Thanks. I’m going to ask my neurologist about it.


For severe anxiety and the sensation of burning skin, several strategies can help alleviate symptoms. Deep breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing or box breathing, can immediately calm the nervous system. Progressive muscle relaxation can also reduce tension and promote relaxation throughout the body. Cognitive behavioral techniques, like reframing anxious thoughts or mindfulness meditation, can help manage anxiety over time. Additionally, ensuring a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, adequate sleep, and balanced nutrition can support overall mental and physical well-being, potentially reducing anxiety symptoms and promoting a sense of calmness.


For severe anxiety and the sensation of burning skin, several strategies can help alleviate symptoms. Deep breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing or box breathing, can immediately calm the nervous system. Progressive muscle relaxation can also reduce tension and promote relaxation throughout the body. Cognitive behavioral techniques, like reframing anxious thoughts or mindfulness meditation, can help manage anxiety over time. Additionally, ensuring a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, adequate sleep, and balanced nutrition can support overall mental and physical well-being, potentially reducing anxiety symptoms and promoting a sense of calmness.

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I’m doing the daily exercise and eating a right, tight diet. I’m working on the rest. Oh, also have talk therapy. Thanks for the suggestions!

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