What brought you joy today?

Posted by northoftheborder @northoftheborder, Jun 28, 2024

If you've been living with cancer for a while, you know it's not all gloom and doom. Where did you find joy today? I'll start:

1. Working in my garden.
2. Meeting my daughter for tea.
3. Home-made pizza for dinner.
4. My spouse (always).
5. Some interesting online discussions.
6. Rereading a good novel.

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Joy came to me today while:
Talking with friends
Reading an interesting book
Folding clean clothes from the dryer
Talking with my daughter
Watching my cat


1. Talked to my soon to be wife
2. Vacation starting soon
3. Packing for the wedding
4. Wedding just a bit over week away
5. Running
6. Losing weight
7. Hope


1.starting day with first cup of coffee
2.Mind set in a good place, (body pretty much in same place all the time)
3.Finishing the work week
4.Spending time with wife (next week will be 48 years)
5.Texting with out of state son, always brings joy
6.Mowing back yard with new self propelled mower,, should of got this long ago
7. Chatting with neighbor over the fence.


1. I got a new puppy and named him after my oldest son. In 24 hours he’s bought me more joy than I’ve had in months!
2. Finally decided to move into a senior apartment


I was at a garden party today and met really interesting and nice people. It took my mind off illness for a while.


Today, I was able to:
Speak with a dear friend and "catch up";
Speak with my little sister, and have a heartfelt conversation;
Enjoy the coolish morning, listening to doves and watching scrub jays;
Know that today I am in the right place, at the right time.


1. Helped a neighbor with her garden
2. Went to a movie with my cousin
3. Lots of squirrels and birds visited me in my patio
4. Walked with neighbors to enjoy all the solar lights in the solar light lit gardens in our neighborhood including my own
5. Texted with loved ones
6. Nice weather
7. A cute doodle puppy walked by


1. Talked to my soon to be wife
2. Vacation starting soon
3. Packing for the wedding
4. Wedding just a bit over week away
5. Running
6. Losing weight
7. Hope

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Feeling better than yesterday.


Today (Canada Day holiday) I finished rebuilding the front garden after the city tore up our yard for water renewal. I've put in begonias, which do well in the shade, surrounded by cedar mulch.

Begonias were the last thing I planted before I went into hospital in 2021, and amid all the serious stuff (cancer diagnosis. paraplegia, COVID lockdowns, etc), I was always sad I didn't get to see the begonias through the season.

Now my family makes gentle fun of me for buying so many, but being surrounded by begonias makes me happy.


Focusing on the well being of others - relatives, friends, anyone - and caring for them in an active manner if possible, helping a friend in some small way.

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