What is normal recovery time/ progress for total hip replacement?

Posted by deejay52 @deejay52, 6 days ago

I’m 5 1/2 months post right hip replacement and I haven’t experienced the miraculous pain free days that others rave about. It seems some days I’m making progress and then I’ll have more pain again. I try to walk 2 -3 miles per day and do some gardening, biking etc. I recognize that my pain is different than before my surgery, but am disappointed that I can’t walk better (longer distance, faster), cross my right leg all the way over my left, and that I don’t have good range of motion, it seems. Walking up stairs and putting full weight on my operative leg can be painful. I continue to do stretches given by my PT.
Is this slow progress normal? Am I doing too much? Too little?

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I'm 2-1/2 years out from anterior total hip and still have left leg and low back pain. I can't walk too far without pain, so shopping is a chore. I found my own exercises to do that help me get rid of the pain unless I sit too long, stand too long, walk too far. I don't give up and do what I can. My left leg still has prickling pain like pins and needles. I'm sorry to be such a downer, but you can't give up. Good luck.


It takes up to one year to totally recover to the trauma of a hip replacement. I have had four on the left hip with actebulum/pubic ramus fracture along with right hip replacement. Mine was due to avascular necrosis and osteoporosis. I still have problems my left one in 2010 the right 2014. I occasionally get injections into both my hips for inflammation.


Hi I have had both hips replaced, 2015 & 2017. (Same Dr) age then 64. Best thing I did. Was working , very active until operation. Did PT religiously- always stretching 3 /4 times a day. Yes I was sore, but pain was going away. I started back playing tennis after 4 months and still play. Still stretch and lift weights every day. Give it time, although a gal friend of mine complains about her hip after 4 yrs- she feels it clicking sometimes. (She is 67 and still working- guess it depends on Dr and body.


There is no “ normal” time. Everyone is different and also has different expectations of what recovery consists of. My surgeon’s PA told me that a typical recovery was 4-6 weeks. I had post op anemia and was not anywhere back to normal at 4-6 weeks. My surgeon told me it would be 12-18 months to get to back to what i considered normal.


Hi, I had both hips replaced, first 2010 posterior and no issues after 1 year recovery time. The second hip, anterior incision 13 months ago. I thought the continued pain was my hip but was informed by a neurosurgeon its not from my hip but L5 and sacrum area.

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