Tongue issues

Posted by kimi89 @kimi89, 5 days ago

Hey everyone,
Just after some help. About 12 months ago I started felling a strange sensation on my tongue. It feels furry, gritty almost like a thick coating on it but there’s nothing there. I’ve had a million blood test, seen an oral specialist with no answers. It’s really effecting my life. Has anyone experienced the same?

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Not sure if this is what you have but, a deficiency in Vitamin 3, poor oral hygiene, antibiotics, radiation, excessive drinking of coffee & tea and certain medications can cause this what is called a "hairy tongue". Brush with an electric toothbrush with a round bristle head, floss & I would also use a water pik and a good mouthwash (not too strong) to keep bacteria down. Have you had a doctor to culture your tongue to see what is growing on it? They may recommend scraping your tongue gently.

I found with the issues I had with my mouth after COVID I got the most answers from a Dermatologist. She was the only one that would culture my tongue as I had excessive saliva and thick mucous in the back of my throat. Also, an ENT doctor may be a good choice for this.

Praying for you. I know this is miserable.


I seen an oral specialist and she said my mouth looks completely normal. Also tested my saliva and said stimulated is normal but resting was a tiny bit low. Been on a saliva producing medicine which only helps slightly.
It all started when I had to move house which was super stressful and I also fell pregnant around the same time.
I really want to find some answers but doctors just seem to dismiss saying they don’t know or it’s anxiety.
I’m only 34 and it’s ruining my life. I have to chew gum 24/7 so I can’t feel my tongue 😢

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