Has anyone had a tight band feeling after total knee replacement?

Posted by mhort1213 @mhort1213, Feb 28, 2019

I am 8 weeks post TKR and have had this very tight band around my knee since week one. My Dr at 6 wks says it is normal and will go away. Has anyone else had this and did it go away and when?

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I wanted to respond to this. I as well had a bum knee replacement 7 years ago. I loved riding my bike. I found the following : http://www.orthopedal.com . We ordered this and installed it on my bike and it helped and continues to help. Our local bike shop was also aware of this little contraption you put on your pedal. I recently chose to be proactive and not wait for as much loss or damage to the other knee. January 8, 2024 was my other knee replacement. It has been successful even though I am still in physical therapy working on it. Good luck, hope this helps.

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Thank you I checked out the Ortho pedal definitely something i am going to purchase …. Looking forward to bike riding with my granddaughter whom I just taught to ride her bike…. Thanks again


I am thrilled you are able to be able to do this! I do hope it works for you. It made it even more special to me that you can do it with a grandchild. please let me know how it goes for you. My husband reminded me to order the correct size to fit the crank arm of your bike. I want to ride more as well, we purchased e bikes during covid which are much heavier. they are actually pedal assist so you still pedal. I have found the extra weight a bit intimidating and made me fearful with now 2 knee replacements of falling. I might go back to my old bike that is lighter. The very best to you and your future success with this little thing that changed my experience.


Over a year out from surgery tsr, total shoulder replacement, and I still have a tight bank around shoulder. Same reason likely--inflammation. A take 3 aspirin and call me in the AM , I will likely be told.


Has anyone had their knee buckle occasionally after a TKR revision? In September had the plastic spacer in my knee replaced. Since the revision my knee buckles occasionally. I really don’t want to do any more revisions. The first TKR only lasted 3 years before the spacer wore down.


Yes, every day in both knees. I think it might be something we just have to learn to live with. My surgeries were one, two, and three years ago (I had to have one revision). It's not so much pain as it is constantly knowing that these are not your knees. Still, I can walk up and down stairs without that horrible bone on bone pain I had before, so I'll take it. I find that at least for me, overall, this surgery was not what I was expecting. You read all about the success rate and hear from people that say it's the best thing they ever did. Then you come to a place like this and realize that you're not crazy. There really are lots of problems associated with TKR. Again though, better than before. I hope you get some relief.


Has anyone had their knee buckle occasionally after a TKR revision? In September had the plastic spacer in my knee replaced. Since the revision my knee buckles occasionally. I really don’t want to do any more revisions. The first TKR only lasted 3 years before the spacer wore down.

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So sorry to hear.


I’m 1.5 years post op on the TKR of my left knee and 6 months post op of my right knee. My knees also feel tight and heavy...like I have a 3 lb weight attached to each knee. My left one was feeling this same way when I had the surgery on my right knee. I mentioned it to my surgeon just before the surgery and he decided to manipulate the left one while I was under for the surgery. He told my husband there was a significant amount of scar tissue. It felt great...loose and not heavy afterwards. But it didn’t last. I’m seeing him again next week to see what he thinks. I went through PT each time and had good ROM when I was done but I guess I must not have been aggressive enough after I was released from PT. How long can scar tissue form after surgery?

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I'm 12 years now and I still have that tight band feeling. No pain just feels like duct tape wrapped around both legs. I had both knees done in 2012 3 months apart. had 3 MUA's on first knee and 2 on second. I'm convinced that those MUA's made the fascia thicker and tighter. I have tried red light therapy, dry needling, a bunch of pt, cupping and massage. nothing really changes it. I"m in PT right now. because of tight leg muscles which are affecting my gait. I do cupping myself and I would like to start trying it at least twice a day to see if that can help loosen the fascia. Hope you have success with your knees.


I am almost 2 years and still the a tight feeling from below my knee to above my knee so it's up and down where my tightness is. PT 4 times now, genicular nerve block and it's not a nerve issue, vascular says veins are good and the bone scan shows a right knee defect consistent with a knee replacement so mechanically I am good....but by evening it is really sore and stiff. ROM is 122 though everything is so tight! I want relief and sometimes feel why did I do this as the last cortisone shot before surgery really worked for me but they were doing them every 6 months. It's not perfect for everyone and I hope you find some relief. I cannot take nsaids or I'd be taking then every day to help with the muscles.


Hi, I’m 18 months out and I have that tight band feeling under my knee also (across the area just below the bottom of the scar). If I have it bent for a while, it hurts so bad when I straighten it and if it’s been straight for a while, it hurts real bad to bend it. It feels super tight and sore. When I stand up, I have to hang on to furniture (or whatever is near me) to start walking because it hurts so bad, as my son says, “Mom has to get it oiled up before she can walk”.
I went to my surgeon a couple weeks ago and he basically told me everything I’m feeling is “normal” and he pretty much told me he didn’t want me to come back. It’s so discouraging because I fall at times now because it just doesn’t feel right and I don’t trust it. The doctor told me that I need to start trusting it but I just can’t.
My employer provides perks and one of them is “Hinge Health” where I can do PT exercises (every single day many times a day even) but even those exercises hurt real bad too. I have good range of motion it just hurts and feels tight and I wish it would just feel somewhat normal at least, that would make me happy.

I hope and pray that all this goes away but I fear that it won’t.

Anyway, best of luck to you. 🙏


I am 11 weeks. I have the same rubber band feeling. Also after I sit and have to stand up I am in pain. As I walk the pain goes away. My dr tells me it's all normal. I just got released to go back to work this week. I am on my feet a lot so wish me luck. Been trying to walk a lot every day even if it's just around Sam's club to get my endurance back.

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