Incontinence and pain in hands?

Posted by kerryberry @kerryberry, Sep 19, 2023

Recently, I have started to have difficulty holding it at times, running to the bathroom (and did not make it two days ago). When I urinate (sometimes not much), I often feel pain in my hands when bearing down (sorry if TMI), which I find very odd. I have fibromyalgia and some other physical issues my rheumatologist isn't sure of the cause yet. Went to urgent care to test for UTI, which was negative and the urgent care doctor agreed the hand pain was odd.

I am going through menopause and this symptom started after an endometrial biopsy a month and a half ago, but did get better after a couple of weeks when my cervix stopped hurting, then returned. I'm not sure if I should see a urologist or go back to my gynecologist.

Has anyone ever had this symptom and if so, what kind of doctor did you see for it?

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Hi Kerryberry,
I am incontinent also but have no pain in my hands. However, since you are going through menopause that may be the reason for the pain in your hands. I'm 77 and when I went through menopause all kinds of odd things happened to my body. I started gaining weight, I craved orange juice, my straight hair turned curly, I felt like I was shaking inside of my body but my body was calm, etc. You might want to go back to your gynecologist and then to your primary care doctor. Either doctor will refer you to a urologist if they feel it's necessary.

For the incontinence, I wear Poise pads with folded toilet paper on top of them. (It makes for easier changing.) These pads work very well and help avoid accidents.

I hope things go well for you.


I thought I was the only one doing this. I usually don't have a problem and can make it to the bathroom but every once in a while, I don't and I feel more secure with a pad just in case. It's easier to change a pad than your clothing and pads do work. M.A.


Hi Kerryberry,
I am incontinent also but have no pain in my hands. However, since you are going through menopause that may be the reason for the pain in your hands. I'm 77 and when I went through menopause all kinds of odd things happened to my body. I started gaining weight, I craved orange juice, my straight hair turned curly, I felt like I was shaking inside of my body but my body was calm, etc. You might want to go back to your gynecologist and then to your primary care doctor. Either doctor will refer you to a urologist if they feel it's necessary.

For the incontinence, I wear Poise pads with folded toilet paper on top of them. (It makes for easier changing.) These pads work very well and help avoid accidents.

I hope things go well for you.

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Thank you for your reply! Interesting about the unusual symptoms. Oddly, the pain and urgency stopped the day after I posted this. But I do wonder if it has a hormonal cause and will still follow up with my doctor. Even if it isn't hormonal, it is still concerning to me as it is so unusual. Like many women, I sometimes had stress incontinence after pregnancy (i.e. when sneezing). However, this is/was much worse. Thank you again.


I really think people from physicians to nurses to patients should begin to believe women when they say their arms down through their fingers hurt like an intense spasm when they bear down to urinate while currently having a uti. I thought I was the only one crazy, but have since read of others experiencing this. My primary care physician nor my urologist has never heard of this and can’t seem to find an explanation. They just look at me strangely and shrug their shoulders. Time to figure this out, folks!


I really think people from physicians to nurses to patients should begin to believe women when they say their arms down through their fingers hurt like an intense spasm when they bear down to urinate while currently having a uti. I thought I was the only one crazy, but have since read of others experiencing this. My primary care physician nor my urologist has never heard of this and can’t seem to find an explanation. They just look at me strangely and shrug their shoulders. Time to figure this out, folks!

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Hi @cassylassie, Welcome to Connect. I’ve actually had this happen a few years ago. In my case it was a link to a central nervous condition that I had developed with a recent medical procedure. So my neurologist knew the cause as they were combined with my other symptoms.
But I was curious when I saw your post, along with other members so I did a quick search online. There are a number of articles I found online relating to this unusual intense, painful spasming in the arms and fingers while urinating.

This was one of the more comprehensive articles but please be aware there are ads linked to this site…you don’t want to go down a rabbit hole of misinformation. ☺️

This, from

Has this only happened while you have a UTI?


Hi @cassylassie, Welcome to Connect. I’ve actually had this happen a few years ago. In my case it was a link to a central nervous condition that I had developed with a recent medical procedure. So my neurologist knew the cause as they were combined with my other symptoms.
But I was curious when I saw your post, along with other members so I did a quick search online. There are a number of articles I found online relating to this unusual intense, painful spasming in the arms and fingers while urinating.

This was one of the more comprehensive articles but please be aware there are ads linked to this site…you don’t want to go down a rabbit hole of misinformation. ☺️

This, from

Has this only happened while you have a UTI?

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Yes, only when I have a uti. It is now how I know I have one. I used to know from the more common symptoms of spasm or burning at the urethra area with small amount of urine and increased urgency. Now have arm and finger pain with small amount if urine and urgent frequency. Thank you for responding!

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