EBV - Reactivation / Chronic EBV

Posted by worriedmom123 @worriedmom123, Aug 6, 2023

Hi, My son (17) just got diagnosed with reactive / chronic EBV he is an athlete with dreams of playing in college. He is really struggling, and we cannot find a doctor to help him. This is his test results.
Comments: Above high normal

< 0.0

Comments: Above high normal

Comments: Above high normal

His DNA PCR was negative.

He is resting and eating healthy with some supplements - a little worried to just start giving him a ton of stuff though. He is 3 months ( or longer) into this reactivation and just getting worse. He had mono in early 2022 and covid / Vaccine.

Worried this is progressing. We are willing to travel just need to find help!


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How are you and your son?
Is he better?
Imy daughter has the same results of vca igg and ebna igg.
Doctor say she has mono in past..but she has symptoms and they come and gone..:(

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Hi @denistenis, I'm tagging @worriedmom123 to make sure she sees your question to her about her son.

How is your daughter doing? What symptoms does she get and how does she manage them?


I just turned 15 in 1973 when I was diagnosed with mononucleosis and strep throat. I was quarantined for 4 months. With paralyzed vocal cords creating an inability to verbally comminate or even swallow. I lived on split twin pops which I would shove down my throat to melt and help with the pain, and give me the only nutrients I got.
In the next 5 decades or so, I was diagnosed with mononucleosis at least once per year. And a few times more than once in the same calendar year. Then in January in 2018 I was listening to a talk regarding Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (which I also have) They mention the percentage of Hashimoto’s patients that also test positive to EBV. Then it was like in passing they mention Monolaurin.
So, I started my own research. From there I began taking it daily. After I got over the first die-off phase, I began noticing that while even one else was catching a cold or a flu bug, I was not. This alone was very weird.
Since I started taking Monolaurin, I have only gotten sick twice. And that was only because I screwed-up in the ordering of the supplement, and was without it for 3 weeks or so. So, in case I screw up the ordering again, I already have some on hand.
Personally, I would recommend anyone struggling with lingering issues with EBV to do your own research on monolaurin. Then just go for it..
Oh, and the reason why it is suggested to start with lower dosage is because of what is called die-off. It is true. Die-off sucks. It is not like you are really sick or anything, but at about two weeks or so in of taking monolaurin daily you will just feel icky for a few days. This is just the toxins given off by the dying virus cells. And it may happen more than once.
Oh, as a side note I was able to speak again eventually (took about a year), but I could no longer sing. Not that I was ever good at it or anything. I but I have always missed being in choirs.
I was also fortunate that when I met my new primary care physician a few years ago, she was very familiar with monolaurin, and was pleased with my imitative and progress.

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