Quitting Zoloft

Posted by 9ar @9ar, May 17, 2020

Hello, I’ve been taking between 25 and 50 milligrams Zoloft for about 14 years for anxiety. It helps but I’ve become increasingly worried about the long term effects. I have quit cold turkey and tried tapering off several times and I always return within a couple of weeks because of the withdrawal symptoms.. dizziness, crying, fogginess, and agitation mostly. The agitation is the worst part. I find myself so irritable I can’t bear it. And then I feel horrible for having been short with my husband or family. But I struggle with if I need medication and worry about the long term side effects. I wonder if it has changed who I am. I’d like to be off it. My doctor has also prescribed .25 mg Xanax which I rarely use. It gives me comfort just to know it’s there if I need it. Any advice or insight for stopping Zoloft? And thoughts on if taking Zoloft for this long changes your personality and who you are? Thank you!

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Excellent advice about all . Wish you the best. Had the genetic testing and the rx suggested did not work. Mine was to show what rx best suited.
Wondering what type of genetic testing you had that showed “ not in your head”and what rx most sensitive to. Why did it suggest Zolof? Yet getting off of it?
Thank you!

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Please allow me to give a little background and clarify. I was put on Zoloft in April 2020z. By June 2020, the heart palpitations were so severe I had trouble having a conservative and sleeping. To help with the palpitations I was put on Propranolol. Thus began the medical professionals giving me a long list of why the palpitations were happening. Some things they tried blame was caffeine, alcohol, over the counter medications, illegal drugs, unresolved emotional issues. Before I started taking the Zoloft, I did not consume caffeine, alcohol, illegal drugs, took over the counter medications sparingly. I openly admit my father was an alcoholic and all the problems that caused. When I discredited all their excuses, I was told that I was experiencing the nacibo effect. That means I was not really expecting the severe side effects, I was just saying I was because the withdrawal effect are listed in the literature. And that everything was “all in my head” and I needed considerable psychological help. Meaning more drugs. I refused and kept digging for information and tapering the Zoloft.
In April 2021, I discovered the genetic testing for drug sensitivity. I gave the information to my doctor and she agreed to refer me for testing. In August 2021, I got the results that provided my genetic in the reason for my problem with Zoloft. The report lists I am a rapid metabolizer of the drug. The report does not use the phrase “not in my head.” My medical professionals started using that phrase when I was able to discredit all their other excuses. Sadly my medical professionals did not understand what is happening with my body being a rapid metabolizer. They kept telling me it was all in my head and kept pushing me to switch around medications. I kept refusing.
I kept digging for information and the natural healing practioner took me as a client. (I started with the natural healing practitioner in December 2022). Our combined efforts discovered the information in my first post of this thread. And I had print outs from medical publications to prove everything. Once I politely and respectfully presented the information to my medical professionals, they finally agreed that the problem is indeed genetic. And finally stopped saying everything was all in my head. I now have their support. They admit they have learned from my research. My pharmacist is especially interested.
Please remember, this is my experience. I am sharing my experience to help other find their way off Zoloft and hopefully other medications.
I tell people to use my information as a starting point. Do their own research to match their own situation.
I hope this clarifies everything. Please continue to ask me questions for further clarification.


For me, I can taper only 0.4mg at a time. In case you are wondering how I can taper that small amount, my Zoloft is in a liquid form. Since August 2023, my dosage has gone from 5.2mg down to 3.2 mg. I notice a change in my heart rate and breathing during each taper. Nothing severe. I can manage them easily. The change lasts about 14 days. Then I wait another 14 days or so, then start another taper. I look at it this day, a taper will distrupt the distruption. The heart and body are not going to be happy. The smaller the taper, the less distruption, the easier on the heart and body.
Other things I take into consideration...my heart palpitation medication Propranolol. Once I start a taper, that medication will work to keep the heart at a normal rhythm. That adjustment will not happen overnight. For me, takes about 14 days. Next is something most people do not even think about, atmospheric pressure, the barometer reading. Yes, I am serious! The atmospheric pressure places pressure on the body. (Most people do not notice this, unless the pressure is extemely high or low.) That pressure has an effect on our heart rate and our breathing. (Please start making notes about the barometer pressure and how you are feeling.)
Here is my prespective....the heart is trying to beat at its own pace. The Zoloft, changes that pace. Any heart palpitation medication will also try to regulate that pace. Then the atmospheric pressure will also try to regulate that pace. Eventually, the heart figures it out. Then we start taking away the Zoloft.
The body is not happy. By tapering slowly, I am limiting the severity of the taper.
Something else I found out , again the medical professionals will not agree or deny my claim. Medications go everywhere in the body. Not just to where the drug is intended. Zoloft has a half life of approximately 24 hours. That means the 3.2mg dose I take today, 1.6mg of the medication will still be in my system 24 hours later at my next dose. According to medical professionals, drugs need 5 of these half lifes to leave your system. What I have discovered, is that does not account for the Zoloft that is stored in all the other cells in the body. Particularily fat cells. Over time, the Zoloft stored in the other cells, works out of the cells, thus continuing the taper for a period of time. Also making the taper move severe.
I have lost 29 pounds. My tapers no longer continue on for 30 days.
Please talk to your doctor about switching to a liquid Zoloft. Please also talk with your pharmacist. (My pharmacist is a very helpful!) If you do make the switch, please give your body time to adjust. Then ask the pharmicst to show you how to taper the smallest about possible. (For reference, my tapers are 0.4mg.)
If you have not already, please have the genetic testing completed. For me, having the proof that my genetic makeup is a major cause of my problems, gives me evidence that the problem is not all in my head. Additionally I found out in the genetic testing report, that I am sensitive to 70 other drugs. My medical professionals and I will be able to make better choices of medications for me in the future.
Hope this helps!
Please keep us informed of your progress.
Please reach out to me with additional questions.

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I took the genetic testing and went with their first choice and the rx had horrible side effects. Had to get off it.
I am glad it worked for you .


Please allow me to give a little background and clarify. I was put on Zoloft in April 2020z. By June 2020, the heart palpitations were so severe I had trouble having a conservative and sleeping. To help with the palpitations I was put on Propranolol. Thus began the medical professionals giving me a long list of why the palpitations were happening. Some things they tried blame was caffeine, alcohol, over the counter medications, illegal drugs, unresolved emotional issues. Before I started taking the Zoloft, I did not consume caffeine, alcohol, illegal drugs, took over the counter medications sparingly. I openly admit my father was an alcoholic and all the problems that caused. When I discredited all their excuses, I was told that I was experiencing the nacibo effect. That means I was not really expecting the severe side effects, I was just saying I was because the withdrawal effect are listed in the literature. And that everything was “all in my head” and I needed considerable psychological help. Meaning more drugs. I refused and kept digging for information and tapering the Zoloft.
In April 2021, I discovered the genetic testing for drug sensitivity. I gave the information to my doctor and she agreed to refer me for testing. In August 2021, I got the results that provided my genetic in the reason for my problem with Zoloft. The report lists I am a rapid metabolizer of the drug. The report does not use the phrase “not in my head.” My medical professionals started using that phrase when I was able to discredit all their other excuses. Sadly my medical professionals did not understand what is happening with my body being a rapid metabolizer. They kept telling me it was all in my head and kept pushing me to switch around medications. I kept refusing.
I kept digging for information and the natural healing practioner took me as a client. (I started with the natural healing practitioner in December 2022). Our combined efforts discovered the information in my first post of this thread. And I had print outs from medical publications to prove everything. Once I politely and respectfully presented the information to my medical professionals, they finally agreed that the problem is indeed genetic. And finally stopped saying everything was all in my head. I now have their support. They admit they have learned from my research. My pharmacist is especially interested.
Please remember, this is my experience. I am sharing my experience to help other find their way off Zoloft and hopefully other medications.
I tell people to use my information as a starting point. Do their own research to match their own situation.
I hope this clarifies everything. Please continue to ask me questions for further clarification.

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I took Zoloft for 2 years, tapered last year with no problem. Got off of it in July 2023. Fast forward to last month. My doctor prescribed me Prednisone which I had a very bad reaction to then the ER gave me Compazine and Bendryl which I had a bad reaction to then the ER told me to take Xanax to help sleep, I did that then after a few days, I started getting sick. I started having muscle spasms so I took the muscle relaxer I was prescribed last year. My heart rate and blood pressure were up through the whole ordeal so my pcp prescribed me Zoloft to help me get through this anxious period. Well, I started having a reaction to that so I stopped cold turkey after 5 days. She prescribed me a beta blocker also. So, after 3 weeks of several medications in my system, I eliminated everything. That was 18 days ago and I still feel bad. Some days are better than others. In the mornings, the palpations start and anxiety. I have to have a large bm then I wait until I can drink my protein shake and drink my tea. I pretty much can't do anything in the mornings or early afternoons. As the day goes on, my anxiety and palpations ease up. Late at night, I almost feel like myself again. Can you relate at all? I refuse to take another pill. I also have a hard time eating. I try my best, I have to force feed myself. Does this sound like anyone? I feel so alone in this. When will I feel better again?


I took Zoloft for 2 years, tapered last year with no problem. Got off of it in July 2023. Fast forward to last month. My doctor prescribed me Prednisone which I had a very bad reaction to then the ER gave me Compazine and Bendryl which I had a bad reaction to then the ER told me to take Xanax to help sleep, I did that then after a few days, I started getting sick. I started having muscle spasms so I took the muscle relaxer I was prescribed last year. My heart rate and blood pressure were up through the whole ordeal so my pcp prescribed me Zoloft to help me get through this anxious period. Well, I started having a reaction to that so I stopped cold turkey after 5 days. She prescribed me a beta blocker also. So, after 3 weeks of several medications in my system, I eliminated everything. That was 18 days ago and I still feel bad. Some days are better than others. In the mornings, the palpations start and anxiety. I have to have a large bm then I wait until I can drink my protein shake and drink my tea. I pretty much can't do anything in the mornings or early afternoons. As the day goes on, my anxiety and palpations ease up. Late at night, I almost feel like myself again. Can you relate at all? I refuse to take another pill. I also have a hard time eating. I try my best, I have to force feed myself. Does this sound like anyone? I feel so alone in this. When will I feel better again?

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Yes, I can relate! A few things to think about. Each of the medications you mentioned leave your body at a different rate (referred to as half life). The body will have withdrawal symptoms from each of those that will last varying lengths of time. Each medication, also depletes nutrients from your body. Please check each one and make sure you are consuming a little bit extra to make up for the loss. Weather does play a roll. Especially the barometric pressure. If you are skeptical of that idea, please follow the weather.
For me, recovering from a taper goes I feel better as time goes on. For me, the first improvement I notice is around day 21. Then again around day 30, then again around day 60.
As for the upset stomach, I have flat ginger ale for help me with that issue. Calms my stomach, help with my bathroom reliefs and supports the heart.
Please also stop consuming caffiene in any form. That helped me!
Hang in there. With time, the withdrawal will get easier.


No, I believe you when it comes to the barometric pressure. My body reacts to that. I noticed that years ago especially when it would rain. Also, I'm gluten and caffeine free. I look back at all the medications given to me and I'm angry at myself for blindly taking them. Never again. The Prednisone caused nerve pain, numbness, tingling, high heart rate, high blood pressure, my head felt like it was on fire, my palms and feet were so sweaty. Then the compazine and bendryl gave me a paradoxical reaction. I was pacing back and forth for 2 days. I couldn't sleep. Then the xanax made me throw up and have diarrhea. I was bedridden for days from that and spent the whole day in my bed on my birthday. I had to cancel the cruise I was going to take. Then my doctor thought it was a good idea to put me on Zoloft and a Beta blocker since I was having panic attacks(first time in my life), my blood pressure was 170/96 at the ER. The zoloft caused my whole body to jerk everytime I would try and go to sleep, I couldn't transition into even light sleep, I got nerve pain, muscle spasms, heart palpations, panic attacks. The ER's just told me I was having anxiety! I was like, "I've had anxiety and I've never had anything like this, this is medically induced!" They didn't get it. All the doctors want to do is give you another pill. Western medicine has failed us in many ways. I'm thankful for my husband, he has been my patient caregiver. I don't know where I would be without him. He gives me confidence that one day I will be better again.


Pfizer and the medical community have not come up with an explanation.
Since my entry was made, I have had genetic testing. The testing proves, my body is a rapid metabolizer of the drug Zoloft. I have also learned that Zoloft depletes magnesium from the body. Zoloft distrupts the flow of sodium. Both are needed in sufficent quantities and in a steady rate to help function properly.
What I believe is happening, is that being a rapid metabolizer of Zoloft, my body depletes the magnesium more quickly and distrupts the sodium more quickly. Thus causing increasingly severe heart palpitations. Theses severe heart palpitations cause more anxiety, which causes more palpitations. I have increased my intake of magesium l-theorate and sodium beyond what the doctors believe I should be consuming.
From my research, both the magesium and the sodium are needed for muscles and the nervous system. Again, the medical community will not confirm or deny what I have found out.
Additionally, I have found that the heart palpitation medication, Propranolol, deleted by B vitamins. That caused a constant pin prick feeling. Thanks to a friend who is a natural healing practioner, I found, Nerve Renew, a product manufactured specifically to help with this issue. Within a week of starting Nerve Renew, my problems with the pin prick feeling started to be relieved. Within 2 weeks, the problem was alleviated.
With the help of natural healing practioner, I have started drinking ginger root tea to help support my heart.
Plus I am doing acupressure at home and recieve acupuncture treatments every other week.
I am feeling considerable better.
On August 12th, 2023, I plan on starting another taper. I will make a post about the results.
Please reach out to me. I have more information.

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It's been over 3 weeks since stopping Zoloft cold-turkey and I'm in misery. When will this get better? I was on Xanax for 4 days, took a muscle relaxer and was on Zoloft for only 5 days before stopping it.


Pfizer and the medical community have not come up with an explanation.
Since my entry was made, I have had genetic testing. The testing proves, my body is a rapid metabolizer of the drug Zoloft. I have also learned that Zoloft depletes magnesium from the body. Zoloft distrupts the flow of sodium. Both are needed in sufficent quantities and in a steady rate to help function properly.
What I believe is happening, is that being a rapid metabolizer of Zoloft, my body depletes the magnesium more quickly and distrupts the sodium more quickly. Thus causing increasingly severe heart palpitations. Theses severe heart palpitations cause more anxiety, which causes more palpitations. I have increased my intake of magesium l-theorate and sodium beyond what the doctors believe I should be consuming.
From my research, both the magesium and the sodium are needed for muscles and the nervous system. Again, the medical community will not confirm or deny what I have found out.
Additionally, I have found that the heart palpitation medication, Propranolol, deleted by B vitamins. That caused a constant pin prick feeling. Thanks to a friend who is a natural healing practioner, I found, Nerve Renew, a product manufactured specifically to help with this issue. Within a week of starting Nerve Renew, my problems with the pin prick feeling started to be relieved. Within 2 weeks, the problem was alleviated.
With the help of natural healing practioner, I have started drinking ginger root tea to help support my heart.
Plus I am doing acupressure at home and recieve acupuncture treatments every other week.
I am feeling considerable better.
On August 12th, 2023, I plan on starting another taper. I will make a post about the results.
Please reach out to me. I have more information.

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@vfrifr -Boy,does your experience speak to me! Having some tough times now…my sister (only remaining family member) passed away a year and a half ago…I’m executor in addition to grieving her loss so much…my husband’s memory is all of a sudden much worse, since we got our son’s (age 49) diagnosis of gliblastoma last Fall. So, in conversation with my PCP, she prescribed Zoloft, since I had taken it once in the past. I made it to the 5 week mark (where they say things will improve) but had to stop. The anxiety and heart palpitations I felt on it were much worse than how I had been feeling before I started on it. This (your experience) makes SUCH good sense to me! She was baffled, as she said ‘I don’t understand…It’s worked for you before.” I do take a mg supplement daily. Thank you for posting this! ( I see that it is from a year ago. Hope you are well)


@vfrifr -Boy,does your experience speak to me! Having some tough times now…my sister (only remaining family member) passed away a year and a half ago…I’m executor in addition to grieving her loss so much…my husband’s memory is all of a sudden much worse, since we got our son’s (age 49) diagnosis of gliblastoma last Fall. So, in conversation with my PCP, she prescribed Zoloft, since I had taken it once in the past. I made it to the 5 week mark (where they say things will improve) but had to stop. The anxiety and heart palpitations I felt on it were much worse than how I had been feeling before I started on it. This (your experience) makes SUCH good sense to me! She was baffled, as she said ‘I don’t understand…It’s worked for you before.” I do take a mg supplement daily. Thank you for posting this! ( I see that it is from a year ago. Hope you are well)

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I notice Magnesium Glycinate made things worse for me. It makes my body jolt. So, if you're taking that, the Magnesium could be causing some symptoms also. I took it when I started taking Zoloft and I think it was a combination of the two that caused a problem. Fast forward a couple weeks, I reintroduced Magnesium because I wasn't sure if it were one of the problems and my body started to spasm at night and it kept me awake. The literature raves about Magnesium Glycinate as something that helps with sleep and relaxation but not for me. Everyone is different. My one friend also said she couldn't sleep for 2 weeks and felt like she had restless leg syndrome and she finally realized it was the Magnesium.

I'm so sorry to hear about what is going on in your life. I can't imagine the pain that you are feeling. Do you have friends who can be your support group? Getting in with a counselor and a nutritionist has helped me. I just got off of Zoloft almost a month ago andnother medicines and I'm still not well yet. I have good and bad days. I'm doing what I can to lower my heart rate/stress/heart palpations (mine are really bad in the morning and afternoon-to the point where I feel sick and can't eat). Using tapping techniques help. Youtube it. My favorite is interlocking your thumbs and tap on your chest with one hand at a time for 3 mins. Another one is tapping your big toes together for 3 mins. I know it sounds funny but it's helped me when I feel like my heart rate is too strong and moving my whole body. I'll just be sitting there and my heart will just start up again so my body is still reacting some possible lingering medication. I started drinking lemon water and putting cinnamon in my Arbonne Cleanox tea. The tea cleanses the kidneys and liver. Eat bananas, blueberries and melons as well. Make sure you're getting enough protein. Protein shakes are a fast and easy way to get your protein.

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