Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


I didn’t know this all happened to you and am so glad you are home and okay. You still have that positive attitude and sense of humor we all love here. It’s so important to stay connected with neighbors who can look in on each other especially if they live alone. Hopefully a chocolate bar will be in the future when you reach your goal. My lunch was normal by your standards…but I do miss my octopus..that was not on the menu sadly.

Keep in touch with us and I did notice you were “gone” for a bit.

FL Mary


I walked 1.5 miles today.

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Awesome! I think my daughter's dog dragged me about that far. She is usually so well-behaved, but put her near water and she just wants to find dead fish and other gross stuff along the shoreline.


Awesome! I think my daughter's dog dragged me about that far. She is usually so well-behaved, but put her near water and she just wants to find dead fish and other gross stuff along the shoreline.

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I put in quite a few steps yesterday, wandering the front and back of our main property, pulling out-of-control weeds. Kept taking things back and forth. buckets and bags. Trimmed back one of the lavender plants. Today I might be able to get down around the incline and pull some more weeds. For me, "just walking" isn't enough motivation. I want to have a goal in mind. Right now we have a mated pair of eagles building their nest next to the creek, so that is good motivation, to watch their progress.


Thanks for this walking group!
I heard about this the other day. You?
FLANEURING-google it! (I initially included a link, but my message was rejected because of the link). It's a French term for mindful, meditative walking.

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@shan2400, I love the verb "flâner." As a French speaker, it is a word we used for specific situations associated with just letting the day happen. I'm happy to hear that it has been adopted in English for mindful, meditative walking.

What does mindful, meditative walking look like for you? Where or when do you do it best?


@shan2400, I love the verb "flâner." As a French speaker, it is a word we used for specific situations associated with just letting the day happen. I'm happy to hear that it has been adopted in English for mindful, meditative walking.

What does mindful, meditative walking look like for you? Where or when do you do it best?

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Good question. And that’s what I love about walking.
Let my mind wander even at 6:30 in the morning in hot hot humid Florida when no one is out. Very soothing and restorative. Of course, on the way back I’m mediating on the AC more. It’s brutal here. But daily walks…wow…so good for mind and body.

The trekker FL Mary


We have been getting a lot of monsoon rains in the last 7 days in Tucson and it’s been unusually humid. This makes it a lot more difficult for me to tolerate heat when I am outside. I got over 7000 steps in on my lunch break by walking inside of one of the buildings on campus yesterday.

My husband and I are traveling to Minnesota this weekend to spend time with our daughter’s family. I can’t wait to hike being surrounded by all the greenery! I love my saguaros, but do miss grass and tall trees!


My latest great big walking adventure:

I walked from my bed to the bathroom 7 times last nite. My chronic prostatitis is flaring up, again.

Almost tripped over the throw rug on trip 6.


My latest great big walking adventure:

I walked from my bed to the bathroom 7 times last nite. My chronic prostatitis is flaring up, again.

Almost tripped over the throw rug on trip 6.

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@itchyd You almost make it sound funny, even though I know it’s not! My husband has the same problem and his doctor gave him some medicine. How about moving the throw rug to another room or taping the ends to the floor. Better safe than sorry!
I haven’t been doing well at all with walking. In fact, it’s terrible. It’s been very hot here even though it was still spring. I try to take my little dog out but he doesn’t like it either! And, after dinner, it’s like a mosquito playground! I need to find a mall that I can walk in. ( : - (


@itchyd You almost make it sound funny, even though I know it’s not! My husband has the same problem and his doctor gave him some medicine. How about moving the throw rug to another room or taping the ends to the floor. Better safe than sorry!
I haven’t been doing well at all with walking. In fact, it’s terrible. It’s been very hot here even though it was still spring. I try to take my little dog out but he doesn’t like it either! And, after dinner, it’s like a mosquito playground! I need to find a mall that I can walk in. ( : - (

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Are you in CO?

Must be some nice places to take a hike, depending on whether you're in urban or rural terrain.


I agree with @becsbuddy. Move the rugs or get rid of them. I got rid if mine, don't need any more obsticals, I fall enough without them. No doubt low blood sugar but the cheesecake yesterday, today & tomorrow should remedy that.
The therapist wouldn't let me walk. Said my balance was too bad.
Still enjoying your one cookie. I don't know how you can only eat one Becky.
take care,

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