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I think it is remarkable to be 75 and take no medicines for anything!
You are very fortunate.

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I doubt I am remarkable. The reason I don't take meds is, the few times I went for treatment for a few valid concerns, I had read up on the problem and knew more than the doctors because they are mainly trained to give you meds that were worse or more scary than the original problem.
I have alleviated many health issues by decreasing sugar. Also, a chiropractor who uses the Gonstead method eliminated health issues I had that I didn't know he could help. I would go in for one problem and he would eliminate three. I wish he lived near me now.
But I have a list of 35 people that have died, many younger than me, The majority self destructed with unhealthy habits, and spent their time in and out of doctor's offices and hospitals, and unnecessary meds for things they could get rid of naturally. And then get cancer and spend the last year of their life getting chemo, radiation, etc. and losing their hair etc. Every one of them on their death bed stated they would not go the chemo route if they had to do it over again. My friend's aunt was diagnosed with stomach cancer at the age of 80. The docs told her she needed operation, and chemo, etc. Her response was NO!!! The docs told her she would doe if she didn't (well, we are all going to eventually.) She ended up living 12 more years to 92!!! A neighbor I had who was 8s, went in for a checkup, because her out of town daughter didn't want her to live alone. So she went to prove to her she was fine. She WAS fine, but one prescribed a med because a number was a little high, and had negative side effects, and after 6 months was taking a handful of meds. Her last symptom was depression, which she never had before, and lost her will to live. EVERY problem she had was from the meds. She stopped eating and died.
Remember the drug ad where a lady is sitting in doc's office because her med for depression was not doing anything. So the doc says, sometimes you need another. And then in the ad warn you to call you if you feel like committing SUICIDE! And people take these meds!!!