Anyone out there with Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)?

Posted by tinae @tinae, Apr 29, 2023

Hi - I have been on an emotional roller coaster for the last year since my diagnosis of AIED. Just looking to see if anybody else out there has been diagnosed and how they’re dealing with it. Thank you.

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My NRA was 1.5. I do not have any other auto immune diseases. We have some pretty great doctors here in Wisconsin, but there’s really nothing they can do for it. I am on Humira which is a shot every two weeks I had been on prednisone and methotrexate for quite some time. The methotrexate stopped working. The Humira does seem to keep me from getting worse I have been on it for a year, the other alternative if the Humira stops working would be to get a cochlear implant.

it sounds terrifying, but I’ve met a few people that have them and there are some people on Mayo Connent that have them a couple of the mentors and volunteers actually.

I feel your pain. I know it’s a horrible diagnosis and it’s bizarre and strange and nothing you could ever have imagined.

You can get through this. Ask your doctor about some of the other medication‘s and I’m sure some other people will respond to my post with some other ideas for you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Thanks Becky, I will look into it next week. Zenk


Have you found help? I continue to lose hearing and tinnitus is loud 24/7. Neurotologist says AIED and go see Rheumatologist. Rheumatologist says “ I see no autoimmune problems, go to Neurotologist.” Neurologist did head/neck MRIs, MRV, CT and find all normal. All this started 6 years ago when I was 58. No one knows what to do. I need to find an expert in AIED fast. I can not understand people, TV, music even with hearing aids in. Did Prednisone and Methotrexate. Prednisone helped for 1 1/2 weeks then all gradually got worse. Saw no improvement with Methotrexate 12mg pills 1x week over 6 months. I’ll travel anywhere to find someone who can help me.

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Like you I had all the testing had prednisone nothing helped initially. I’ve been suffering for over 20!years mostly with flare ups as I seem to have it under control. Low sodium low sugar. I take lipoflavanoid. Works very well. I also take vitamins c and d my regime works. Lipoflavanoid can be found at Walmart if not on the shelf ask them to order it. Was recommended to me by my Ent doctor


Had the Humana worked I would’ve been going towards the cochlear implant. The other thing that my ENT did is he directly injected steroids into my failing ear there were three of them back to back. It did save that left ear from the cochlear implant so at this point, I’m on the Humira.

I did ask to talk to a few people that had cochlear implants.

I think when you’re faced with losing your hearing to no fault of your own, it’s overwhelming, but I When you get to the point that an cochlear implant is your only option. Your hearing will be so bad that the implant will be blessing.

If you want to ask the question on the Maio connect, I know there’s several people that have cochlear implants.

I’m very sorry you’re going through this!!

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Good morning tinae,
I wanted to ask you how you are doing with the topic of autoimmune ear disease.
More than anything, I am very desperate. I have had the disease for two years and there is no way to stabilize it. I am on cortisone and methotrexate (5 months) and I have not noticed much improvement. Now I am back to where I was at the beginning of the disease. Could you tell me how you are doing, what about Humira and its side effects?
Thank you


Good morning tinae,
I wanted to ask you how you are doing with the topic of autoimmune ear disease.
More than anything, I am very desperate. I have had the disease for two years and there is no way to stabilize it. I am on cortisone and methotrexate (5 months) and I have not noticed much improvement. Now I am back to where I was at the beginning of the disease. Could you tell me how you are doing, what about Humira and its side effects?
Thank you

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@montsebarcelona I can certainly understand your frustration and desperation in dealing AIED. Have the cortisone and methotrexate not helped at all? Have you found the best hospital in your country and is it at all possible to be seen there?


Good morning @becsbuddy,
Well, I've been on MTX for 4 months now and I haven't stopped cortisone since January... and maybe at first I noticed some improvement in the sense that my symptoms were fluctuating but I'm terrible again, I haven't managed to stabilize myself at all... and It's exasperating. The hearing loss goes up and down a little but every month I have more loss and the pressure and tinnitus are horrible... I have been to many ENT specialists, none of them know what else to tell me. I am on the waiting list to get a cochlear implant since I lost my left ear 11 years ago. But the problem of the right ear cannot be solved with anything.
Thank you very much for your support.


Good morning @becsbuddy,
Well, I've been on MTX for 4 months now and I haven't stopped cortisone since January... and maybe at first I noticed some improvement in the sense that my symptoms were fluctuating but I'm terrible again, I haven't managed to stabilize myself at all... and It's exasperating. The hearing loss goes up and down a little but every month I have more loss and the pressure and tinnitus are horrible... I have been to many ENT specialists, none of them know what else to tell me. I am on the waiting list to get a cochlear implant since I lost my left ear 11 years ago. But the problem of the right ear cannot be solved with anything.
Thank you very much for your support.

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I’ve found that we have to try many modalities to be able to function with this disease. B vitamins have been helpful I found a supplement called lipoflavanoid recommended by my ent years ago although it says for tinnitus it helps with inner ear problems and has been very helpful over the years also I use accupuncture for flare ups. The doctors are clueless after using prednisone they have nothing else


I’ve found that we have to try many modalities to be able to function with this disease. B vitamins have been helpful I found a supplement called lipoflavanoid recommended by my ent years ago although it says for tinnitus it helps with inner ear problems and has been very helpful over the years also I use accupuncture for flare ups. The doctors are clueless after using prednisone they have nothing else

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Hi @becsbudy,
Do you then remain stable using only vitamin B and lipoflavanoid? I've been looking but here in Spain I don't think I can get it.
How does the disease handle? Have you lost permanent hearing? Symptoms are stabilized?
Thanks for the reply

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