Are there ways to help me swallow better?

Posted by mark1961 @mark1961, May 3, 2023

Hi I'm here to try and get some kind of help with my eating, since i don't make saliva it hurts for me to eat much. How do you all do this? Everything I eat makes my mouth dry and food to. I Have To take a sip of water then chew and swallow with a drink of liquid ori can't swallow. Any help will be so appreciated

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Not sure what kind of cancer you had but I had 35 rounds of radiation for a total of 70Gy and 3 rounds of cisplatin chemo for tonsil cancer back in 2008 and I did research then and found in an England Journal of Medicine that honey could help soothe the throat. I did shots of real honey not the ones you find in your local grocery store which most all are synthetic and don’t have the same benefits. It definitely took some of the edge off for me.

I would use Manuka honey which you can find on Amazon that scores UMF 10+ and MGO rating of 100+ is considered potent enough for medicinal use- UMF ranges from 10 to 25, the higher the rating, the more potent, and of course, the more expensive, the honey.

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