Forced physical exersize

Posted by spittendrigh @spittendrigh, Jun 18, 2024

A week or two ago I reported my personal story about working my way (almost) out of 4 years long covid.

I was still so badly fatigued I felt like I could barely walk around the house.

I forced myself outside and worked up a soaking sweat, doing yard work. Then house repairs. Then my octogenarian neighbor got some free yard work. I felt better instantly. It lasted so dud the hard work.

So here is my punchline: I have since then run into two other LC sufferers who have the same story.

Vitamins and mushroom powders did nothing for me. Soaking sweat hard physical work forced against my autonomic will, cured me. And now two others as well.

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I tried pushing and ended up in the ER several times. I limit my activity to 20 minutes at a time and then rest. Just doing day to day housework can do me in. I have had LC for 4 years. I have improvements to some symptoms due to medication I am taking. However, if I over do it physically all of my symptoms go insane and I am bedridden for days or in the ER. Be careful with exercise, limit yourself. I am a patient with the Long COVID clinic and working with a PT trained to deal with POTS and other issues related to health conditions caused by Long COVID. I am still working, luckily I can do my job from home. I also help with my grandson at times - which is extremely exhausting. I have to limit my time with him which is so incredibly sad. He and I are very close. I wish you all luck. Treat yourself with kindness and if you can't exercise find happiness in anything you can do.


Interesting. How bad was your brain fog/processing, etc? And had that improved as well?

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Yes not gone but improved .


When I do the forced physical labor I get so dizzy, it's either sit down or fall down. But I am defiantly happy that I got something done.

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I had dizzy spells for two years. They eventually drifted away. I did not start forced exercise until not dizzy anymore although that timing was not part of a plan .

Actually, for me dizzy is not the right description it felt () like almost but not quite passing out .


I had dizzy spells for two years. They eventually drifted away. I did not start forced exercise until not dizzy anymore although that timing was not part of a plan .

Actually, for me dizzy is not the right description it felt () like almost but not quite passing out .

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I keep forgetting this is an email, with no typo edits.


Tried it. Didn't work for me. Made me worse and I had to recover.


I understand what you are saying. I try to stay awake but fall asleep in the middle of doing things. I have the will to stay awake but haven't found the way.


I did fine with forced exercise for about a month and then crashed. Haven’t been able to do anything more than a 10-15 min very slow walk since then. OHSU Long Covid clinic doesn’t recommend.

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