PMR with hand/wrist pain and swollen veins?

Posted by ldingwall88 @ldingwall88, Aug 23, 2022

Hi, I've been struggling with PMR since May '22. Most of my symptoms are typical though apparently unusually stubborn; I'm currently on 40mg/day prednisone and hoping to begin a taper soon. (I started out at 20mg but nothing touched the flare til they bumped me up to 40) One uncommon symptom is severe pain in my wrist/hand, and when it's particularly bad the veins in my hand, wrist, and lower arm get very large. Has anyone else experienced this? It's kind of freaking me out.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I have had PMR for 6 years tapering prednisone to 2 mg daily. I know have been diagnosed with degenerative osteoarthritis in my hands. Are there treatments for this? Thank you, phy

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Hi @phy, Welcome to Connect. Sorry to hear you have osteoarthritis in your hands along with PMR. The Arthritis Foundation has some information that might help some along with some treatments.

"There is no cure, but healthy lifestyle habits and treatments can help manage your symptoms and keep you active."
--- Osteoarthritis of the Hands:

Have you discussed your hand symptoms with your doctor for any recommendations?


Hi @phy, Welcome to Connect. Sorry to hear you have osteoarthritis in your hands along with PMR. The Arthritis Foundation has some information that might help some along with some treatments.

"There is no cure, but healthy lifestyle habits and treatments can help manage your symptoms and keep you active."
--- Osteoarthritis of the Hands:

Have you discussed your hand symptoms with your doctor for any recommendations?

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Thank you very much John, arthritis site very helpful. Yes I have discussed with my doctor and had x-ray to confirm diagnosis. phy


I have had confirmed PMR since December 2022; the hip symptoms have gotten much better and the shoulders have improved, but I recently developed the exact symptoms described by some of you here - severe pain in my wrists and hands, especially when lying down, along with stiffness sometimes to the point of inability to open my hands, and bulging veins on my wrists, arms, and back of my hands. What I wanted to communicate is that I have never taken prednisone or any steroid or other drug except occasional aspirin, never gotten a Covid vaccine, and have always drunk a lot of fluids - no increase since the PMR started. So I don’t think any of those factors is the cause of this problem; it’s the PMR, I’m sure. Thanks for all of the communications; I was worried it was something worse.


Your post is validating to me, as my rheumatologist says the hand involvement is not PMR. My veins are more prominent as well, maybe due to thinner skin from prednisone? So many questions! Best of luck to you!

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I have had left hand pain through the entire process and my rheumatologist also said that it is unrelated. But I agree with this thread, much is unknown and anecdotally we seem to agree that a majority of us are experiencing these odd symptoms.


I too have had hand pain throughout with PMR and would tell my children they didn't have to ask me how I was doing, they could just look at my swollen veins!! They look like a cartoon character!


Me too. When I was having a bad day the veins on the back of my hands stood out like fire hoses.
they have become a watchdog for how I am doing. Even though, according to my Rheumatologist, i am in remission I still get wrist and hand pain. PMR the gift that keeps on giving.

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