Redundant colon in athlete

Posted by trigojo @trigojo, Mar 5, 2020

Hi there! At my colonoscopy this past Monday I was Told I have A redundant colon. This explains a lot to me as a long course Ironman athlete that deals with diarrhea. I can take up to 3 Imodium during the course of a 13 hour race and still have loose stools while racing.
Can anyone relate or advise me on what I can do or stop doing? It’s hampering my racing and it’s just plain awful.
Thank you so much!

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Running that far and that long is really a great achievement ... but the loose stools can spoil the victory circle... My Primary Care Physician prescribed an Over the Counter probiotic ... Saccharomyces Boulardii... you can by it at most chain Drug stores I get it at Walgreens 50 pills for $15 or so..... I have Gastropanesis and when I had to take antibiotics ... this probiotic really made the elimination more normal.. I took 2 a day to begin.. but now just 1 per day... only rarely do I have to take an Imodium... Good Luck..


@trigojo - I was once told the same but I’m not quite sure what symptoms are seen. I have IBS with constipation- I think constipation is a common symptom. Have you ever experienced this?


I was told this three years ago at a colonoscopy. No further info, then I ended up in ER with diverticulitis from years of constipation from the redundant colon. You do not want diverticulitis!! As my dr. Says do whatever is necessary if 2 days and no BM.


Exactly the same situation for me. Told I have a redundant colon post colonoscopy. I struggle with the same problem during marathons/ultras. It's miserable. Imodium has been the only thing the doc can suggest, but that leaves me severely dehydrated.
Have you been able to find anything that helps?


Disclaimer: This is only my experience. I am a long time patient using organic, integrative, functional, holistic Naturopathic doctor's advice along with my MD since the 1980's.

Congrats on your athletic performances. From my experience: "cinnamon intake relieves diarrhea symptoms through metabolic changes due to changes in intestinal microbial groups" Even fresh nettle tea seems to promote regularity vs diarrhea for me. Biochemical individuality. Other herbs that may help stop diarrhea: Astragalus, Barberry, Bilberry. Fiber, Ginger, Goldenseal, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Peppermint. Have you tried BRAT Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast? Maybe you can check the supplements and foods you eat if they promote regularity too much?

Helpful research of biological processes that take place in our gut:
- Migrating Motor complex which is the electroactivity in the GI tract during meals and fasting
- Osmotic gradient. If too much water is pulled into the colon, diarrhea results. If not enough water is pulled into the colon constipation results. Balance of minerals is important. Magnesium, potassium and sodium brings water in to the colon. I have found that these help me because I get constipated. I have to watch my calcium intake because it tends to cause constipation. Calcium carbonate seems to be the most constipating. I depend on blood work to make sure my minerals are balanced.

I found out the end of last year I had redundant colon but like the others above, constipation. It certainly would have been handy before 1972 when I was a gymnast in HS and Jr. college! I now have mostly controlled my regularity naturally, with prunes, rhubarb, squash and sweet potatoes, mineral balance etc. I use back up's Smoothmove and coffee (had to only use these about four times each this month).

Good luck and best for your balanced osmotic gradient!


I am trying to find out more regarding my R-colon. I have been trying to figure out my issues. I had constipation for many years and now it the opposite. Iwon’t have a bowel movement for days then I’ll have a day where i have several loose stools in on day where it clears me out and makes my belly hurt from the spasms. When that happens i have bad electrolyte imbalances where i feel weak and my head hurts.

In my last colonoscopy it showed i had redundant colon. I have been trying a combo of fiber, Miralax, docusate, dicyclomine, etc and have not found anything that works quite right.


Robotboy, Have you tried altering your diet? I have an R-colon and I find that liquidity food helps things move the extra length of colon. I am talking about soups, smoothies, hot cereals. I also sip drinks (teas, milk, water) throughout the day.

I have other problems and have also found that dense foods (meat, chicken, even dense produce) don't seem to process well, no matter what I do, if taken in regular quantities. For protein, milk, pea protein powder, egg whites and fish work best for me, digestion-wise. So consider experimenting on the food front if taking a more liquidy diet doesn't help or doesn't help enough.


I am trying to find out more regarding my R-colon. I have been trying to figure out my issues. I had constipation for many years and now it the opposite. Iwon’t have a bowel movement for days then I’ll have a day where i have several loose stools in on day where it clears me out and makes my belly hurt from the spasms. When that happens i have bad electrolyte imbalances where i feel weak and my head hurts.

In my last colonoscopy it showed i had redundant colon. I have been trying a combo of fiber, Miralax, docusate, dicyclomine, etc and have not found anything that works quite right.

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I too have an 11 ft redundant colon which was discovered during a routine ( in theory) colonoscopy 25 years ago. I have had short bouts of constipation like you describe but I have found that I can mitigate that tendency though diet. Nothing fancy is needed since I absolutely love a big (BIG) bowl of salty popcorn. I always have. I find that I crave popcorn periodically perhaps for good reason. When I eat it, I have lots and lots of water available as I eat and watch TV. I also have always liked lots of salt, salt on everything. Friends think I am nuts but I assume if I crave it it must be good for me. At 77, my BP is perfect 120-5 as it has always been. My popcorn salt makes drinking lots of water a given and I find that in the next day or so I pass a large load of stool, somewhat soft but it clears the deck for a week or so of very normal “product”, as I call it.


I am trying to find out more regarding my R-colon. I have been trying to figure out my issues. I had constipation for many years and now it the opposite. Iwon’t have a bowel movement for days then I’ll have a day where i have several loose stools in on day where it clears me out and makes my belly hurt from the spasms. When that happens i have bad electrolyte imbalances where i feel weak and my head hurts.

In my last colonoscopy it showed i had redundant colon. I have been trying a combo of fiber, Miralax, docusate, dicyclomine, etc and have not found anything that works quite right.

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@farmersmith again,
Hi Robotboy,

(I prefer going natural, see my other entry above from the past) OptiMag and K2+ Potassium are great supps. I take them when I go to bed and once when get up to pee in the middle of the night. Be sure to include prunes, winter squash, sweet potatoes, rhubarb etc in your diet. I grind 2T chia, 2T of sesame seeds and 2 T flax seeds, then soak in prune juice and or goat kefir overnight. Take half in the morning and half at night. Throw sugar out, processed and refined foods and drink lot of water starting with a quart of hot water in the morning - boyscouts. Coffee and Smooth Move are my back ups. I don't like coffee and never have drunk it much but it usually works for me in a pinch. Work on keeping stress down too. Thankfully I only need coffee a few times a month.


I haven’t come across anyone before that has a redundant colon. It is not an easy thing to deal with much less talk to anybody, other than doctors, about. It’s nice having this forum. I unfortunately fluctuate between both constipation and diarrhea. My GI has me doing Linzess, Miralax and Metamucil everyday. I’m a vegetarian and stay away from sugars and high fat foods. Of course even with vegetables I have to be careful as some don’t have the desired effect.

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