What are some favorite movies?

Posted by samuelmyrick @samuelmyrick, May 16 1:06pm

I have loved movies since I first watched Tarzan as a kid. Now they are a valuable distraction for me as I feel empty and isolated and alienated. Here are a few of my favorites:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Saving Private Ryan
Little Miss Sunshine

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Yes! The bands are supposedly a mixture of actual artists, but mainly The Allman Brothers Band, back in the day. I’m a big fan.

My favorite lines:
Does anyone remember laughter? (Zeppelin reference)

You ARE home. By Penny Lane head Bandaid.

My second favorite movie is

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My favorite lines are the exchange between Billy Crudup and Jason Lee when the 1st T shirt comes out of the box and Billy says, "I can tell by your face that you wanna get into it." and Jason replies, "How can you tell? I'm just one of the out-of-focus guys!"

Just one of many examples of the dialogue that keeps me watching it.

I'm also a huge Tom Hanks fan. But, for some reason, Forrest Gump never really registered with me. Don't get me wrong, it's a fine film with a superb cast. Just one of those things: No vibe.

My favorite Hanks film is probably "Castaway". I always steel myself for the scene at the end where Helen Hunt breaks down and says, "I love you, Chuck. You're the love of my life." But I ALWAYS start bawling and embarrass myself. That's why I try to watch that scene alone.


There is one DVD I keep holding on to. A comedy
“What about Bob”
Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfus

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"Death therapy, Bob."

IMHO, 2nd greatest line in the history of cinema.

The greatest line in American cinema is
"They call me Mr. Tibbs!"

Why Sidney Poitier didn't win an Oscar for "In the Heat of the Night", can never be adequately explained.


My 2 top tearjerker movies are
Imitation of Life (1959) & Penny Serenade (1941).


Some movies that just get better every time I see them:

The Maltese Falcon
The Wizard of Oz
North By Northwest
Singin' in the Rain
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
Flight of the Phoenix
The Longest Day
The Thin Man (and its sequels)
The Awful Truth
Christmas In Connecticut
Paths of Glory
The Wild Bunch
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Ten Commandments
City Lights
Gone With the Wind

Just a tiny sample, off the top of my head. I have about 2,000 movies on DVD. I hope I live long enough to see them all at least once more!

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After that one firmware update, my HAL9000's been humming along, glitch-free for the last 23 years.

Best purchase I ever made, at a firesale price!


My single favorite Memorial Day movie...and, in general, my single favorite war / military movie:

Taking Chance

Just deeply, deeply moving.


The movie is based on the recollections of U.S. Marine Lt. Col Michael Strobl, a real person, who accompanied the remains of Lance Corporal Chance Phelps, a Marine fatally wounded by gunfire near Baghdad during the Iraq War, from Dover Air Force Base to Dubois, Wyoming in April 2004. He attended both Phelps's funeral and his memorial service, and wrote an essay about the entire experience, the emotions he felt and the people he met. It was published in the blog Blackfive on 23 April 2004 and was circulated widely on the Internet.


Steven Spielberg’s Favorite Movies: 30 Films the Director Wants You to See

IndieWire looks back at the movies Spielberg himself considers favorites — from classics, such as "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Citizen Kane," to superhero juggernauts, like "Guardians of the Galaxy."


My single favorite Memorial Day movie...and, in general, my single favorite war / military movie:

Taking Chance

Just deeply, deeply moving.


The movie is based on the recollections of U.S. Marine Lt. Col Michael Strobl, a real person, who accompanied the remains of Lance Corporal Chance Phelps, a Marine fatally wounded by gunfire near Baghdad during the Iraq War, from Dover Air Force Base to Dubois, Wyoming in April 2004. He attended both Phelps's funeral and his memorial service, and wrote an essay about the entire experience, the emotions he felt and the people he met. It was published in the blog Blackfive on 23 April 2004 and was circulated widely on the Internet.

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Understated and respectful film with a fine performance from Kevin Bacon. Plenty of pathos w/o being cloyingly over the top like some of the gushing hyperpatriotic stuff's been since the Bush Administration when everybody started thanking me for my service all the time. If you really want to be a patriot, sign up for a hitch. The only branch even coming close to meeting their recruiting goals is the Marines. Semper Fi.


Love all the Godfather movies. I like many types of movies. This is an old favorite that always makes me laugh,

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