Esophageal cancer treatment: Anyone have good experiences to share?

Posted by earnest @earnest, May 28, 2024

Hello troops. Does anyone have any good news about their treatments? All I've been reading are horror stories. Not very encouraging at all. I'm on my second week of radiation and chemo, and the first chemo didn't go well. Not meaning to add to the horror stories, but it made my stomach ache really bad. They stopped and gave me steroids, I think. Now I'm hearing these stories about leaking chemo causing pain, makes me apprehensive. So if anyone has had a GOOD experience, PLEASE share it!

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I was stage 3 with large tumor in lower EC and it was affecting local lymph nodes. But all back to normal now.

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Thank you. Take care


Hi folks, I’m a brand newbie. Getting my 2nd endoscopy in 2 weeks as the first found a number of biopsy samples with “unusual “ cells, some normal , and one specific sample with malignant cells he believes to be adenocarcinoma cells
( because I have Barrett’s. ) in the middle of the esophagus. The oncologist he referred me to wanted more samples- some to be tested genetically for future immuno - therapy. I go for a PET scan Thursday and together with the results of the .2nd endoscopy he can determine the type and stage. I’m preparing myself for it being later stage with possible Mets because my symptoms of food not passing through and very severe back, rib and retro-sternum pain could be from other affected organs. Also getting an MRI Sunday because my pain management doc thinks the pain might be coming from unrelated thoracic spine degeneration. I’ve had this pain since January when I first saw my doctor over it which became a full cardiac work up then pulmonologist, then orthopedic and by March I’m having swallowing problems so I go to gastroenterologist who orders barium swallow and endoscopy but moved up the first endoscopy after seeing how narrow my esophagus was. The pain is outrageous and I’ve gone from 137 lbs to 122 lbs in past month. So I expect to getting a port put in and undergoing chemo within a week or so - pending the results of the 2nd endoscopy and PET scan. I’m interested in any comments I might get on my case as I’ve best tried to describe it. Thanks.


Hi folks, I’m a brand newbie. Getting my 2nd endoscopy in 2 weeks as the first found a number of biopsy samples with “unusual “ cells, some normal , and one specific sample with malignant cells he believes to be adenocarcinoma cells
( because I have Barrett’s. ) in the middle of the esophagus. The oncologist he referred me to wanted more samples- some to be tested genetically for future immuno - therapy. I go for a PET scan Thursday and together with the results of the .2nd endoscopy he can determine the type and stage. I’m preparing myself for it being later stage with possible Mets because my symptoms of food not passing through and very severe back, rib and retro-sternum pain could be from other affected organs. Also getting an MRI Sunday because my pain management doc thinks the pain might be coming from unrelated thoracic spine degeneration. I’ve had this pain since January when I first saw my doctor over it which became a full cardiac work up then pulmonologist, then orthopedic and by March I’m having swallowing problems so I go to gastroenterologist who orders barium swallow and endoscopy but moved up the first endoscopy after seeing how narrow my esophagus was. The pain is outrageous and I’ve gone from 137 lbs to 122 lbs in past month. So I expect to getting a port put in and undergoing chemo within a week or so - pending the results of the 2nd endoscopy and PET scan. I’m interested in any comments I might get on my case as I’ve best tried to describe it. Thanks.

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Just back from 2nd endo doc got the additional samples he needs and in the findings he there is a substantial tumor in the mid esophagus mostly obstructing ( did dilation to 15 mm but noted no change). Tomorrow is PET scan which will reveal if it has breached the esophagus and metastasized to lymph nodes and neighboring organs Fingers and toes crossed.


Just back from 2nd endo doc got the additional samples he needs and in the findings he there is a substantial tumor in the mid esophagus mostly obstructing ( did dilation to 15 mm but noted no change). Tomorrow is PET scan which will reveal if it has breached the esophagus and metastasized to lymph nodes and neighboring organs Fingers and toes crossed.

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Hey Relic. Hope you dont mind me calling you relic. I just shorten the names I see to address whomever. But yes, I am on my last chemo treatment and I'll finish radiation, the week after next. What I can tell you is that each case is different, but we have much in common as well. The good news is that a cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence like it was years ago. So many advancements have been made in the fight and cure for cancer. I was surprised to come to know how many people that I know are cancer survivors. Once I started telling people about my cancer it's as though people were hiding the fact from me. So keep your chin up, shoulders back and let's push right on through to victory. Praying for you brother.


Hi Ernest,

This Wednesday at my 2nd oncologist appointment is when I learn just how uphill a battle I’m facing. Sunday( tomorrow))
I go for thoracic MRI my pain mgt doc ordered because my pain has been through the roof making her suspect coincidental pain coming from degen disk. Monday AM I’m having a port put in and Wednesday is oncologist to learn type, stage, lymph node, organ involvement and initial treatment path. Won’t be surprised if I receive first treatment same day as appointment. VERY alarmed at inability to get nutrition. Can’t manage more than couple teaspoons of HM soup like lentil, and while it’s never happened with soda, I’ll have times where even liquid won’t go down and I have to regurge it up. The esophageal obstruction seems to lock up periodically where even liquid won’t pass through. When it happens it’s most unsettling. Things do seem to be going downhill and I’ll be glad to actually begin treatment. I can discuss feeding tube or stent placement with my oncologist when I see him Wednesday.


Stage 4 and hope to stop it from growing.Doctor said 1in20 get it to start to reduce in size.
Three months later it not only stopped but it was half the original size
Three later again it was half
Last scan and it was gone
Biopsy (20)of the esophagus were negative
Doctors than prescribed 23 radiation treatments with 5more chemo infusions
August is my next scan and hopefully with prayers and Great Doctors at UNC this will be positive for me and negative for canser
The call this a miracle and I agreed
JUST PRAY not with your mouth but with your heart


Stage 4 and hope to stop it from growing.Doctor said 1in20 get it to start to reduce in size.
Three months later it not only stopped but it was half the original size
Three later again it was half
Last scan and it was gone
Biopsy (20)of the esophagus were negative
Doctors than prescribed 23 radiation treatments with 5more chemo infusions
August is my next scan and hopefully with prayers and Great Doctors at UNC this will be positive for me and negative for canser
The call this a miracle and I agreed
JUST PRAY not with your mouth but with your heart

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Amen to that brother.


Hi folks, I’m a brand newbie. Getting my 2nd endoscopy in 2 weeks as the first found a number of biopsy samples with “unusual “ cells, some normal , and one specific sample with malignant cells he believes to be adenocarcinoma cells
( because I have Barrett’s. ) in the middle of the esophagus. The oncologist he referred me to wanted more samples- some to be tested genetically for future immuno - therapy. I go for a PET scan Thursday and together with the results of the .2nd endoscopy he can determine the type and stage. I’m preparing myself for it being later stage with possible Mets because my symptoms of food not passing through and very severe back, rib and retro-sternum pain could be from other affected organs. Also getting an MRI Sunday because my pain management doc thinks the pain might be coming from unrelated thoracic spine degeneration. I’ve had this pain since January when I first saw my doctor over it which became a full cardiac work up then pulmonologist, then orthopedic and by March I’m having swallowing problems so I go to gastroenterologist who orders barium swallow and endoscopy but moved up the first endoscopy after seeing how narrow my esophagus was. The pain is outrageous and I’ve gone from 137 lbs to 122 lbs in past month. So I expect to getting a port put in and undergoing chemo within a week or so - pending the results of the 2nd endoscopy and PET scan. I’m interested in any comments I might get on my case as I’ve best tried to describe it. Thanks.

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Hey Bob. I can't help with that. I just wanted to give words of encouragement and prayers for your comfort. We're pulling for you!


Hi, I’m new to the group. I have a positive story to share, Ernest. Not about chemotherapy but it may be a cousin and definitely positive.
I am 73 year old female and was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal adenoma in February. I have DNA markers that showed in the biopsy that that put me in a 5% group that doesn’t respond to chemo or radiation treatments. However, this type of esophageal cancer does very well with immunotherapy.
After 3 months of immunotherapy there is significant reduction of cancer. The timeline of administering immunotherapy is somewhat new territory, but the doctor at MD Anderson is having me stay in the immunotherapy for 3 months, maybe up to 9 months if there is continuing decrease. I was told that I might not need surgery if the reduction shows no more cancer. I get the infusions back in California, where I live.
I might add that I am proactive with other therapies. I am doing mistletoe subcutaneous injections as well as hellebores injections. I do rebounder exercises and dry brush every day.
Diet is no sugar , low carb, pretty much Keto without the heavy amounts of dairy. Lifestyle change was stressed as important by my holistic doctors. I have the luxury of cutting out “doing it all” and have been more relaxed and am enjoying more leisure. Gratitude is a key ingredient in my well being and healing.

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Well hello Lynn. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm certainly glad to hear that alternatives to JUST pills, shots radiation and chemo are an option and it works. Now, I understand that it may not be for everyone, but I knew it would work for some. Personally I loathe taking pills. And don't get me started on the mind altering, pain killers. I don't like feeling as though I'm not in complete control of my faculties, feeling high in other words. I waited too late to get into researching options, so I have to go the traditional route. But I'm happy to hear there's options. And I do have one alternative to conventional methodology, that's God. More like the first One I go to and rely on, then the doctors and their science. So, to sum it up in a nutshell, kudos to you, Lynn👍


I never had constapation, I had the opposite with diahreaa. It has finally stopped now after multiple scans showing the EC is gone. But for a long time I had to wear depends. Has the constapation lessened now?

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Well, I had a traumatic experience. I had to call the EMS to get me to the emergency room. It was worse than a nightmare. I felt like I had a brick stick in my anus. I was literally screaming for God to make it stop. Finally I was given morphine and it passed, not from the morphine. I don't even want to talk about it. But I'm on a regimen of stool softeners and laxatives, so it's better now. I would rather wear Depends than go through that again.

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