Sinus infection and constant head pressure

Posted by pack12 @pack12, Jun 12, 2021

Hello, I am a 19 year old college student from Alberta, Canada. I attend a school in The Southeastern United States and it was my first spring that I spent down there where the pollen is more severe than the Alberta Prairies. I suffered from allergies starting at the start of April of this year. I started blowing my nose extra hard to clear the congestion but it kept getting worse. Then I used a Neti Pot squeeze bottle to clear it up a couple weeks later and I used tap water. I felt very sick the next day and had a fever and felt disoriented for a week. A week later I went to see a doctor and he said it was a sinus infection so I was put on antibiotics but it did not get much better and for the past two months my head felt super heavy with constant pressure in my head. Also, sinus pressure comes and goes, I was wondering if there could be something dangerous in the Neti Pot? Or is it allergies or the infection that still has not gone away? Thank y’all!

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Well, since I fired the one that found it, because she kept the results of the CT with contrast that found problems, I really don't know what you are talking about. I now must find me totally new ENT. Perhaps you could provide me with some medical information that addresses what you are trying to warn me about?

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You can find a lot of information about turbinate procedures in literature/online.

As well as making sure you ask many questions with the ENT you end up meeting with.

I’m misunderstanding your last comment.
About deciding on another ENT due to that one not going over your CT scan with you?

What was the reasoning you were given for removing some of your turbinate tissue?


There are quite a few articles online and in our forum regarding turbinates, the conditions of the nose and possible treatments and side effects to having the surgery.
I’ve posted a few links below to sites which explain turbinate hypertrophy and the reduction procedure.

These are some discussions in the Connect forum from members who have had the surgery or have a similar condition . There are quite a few replies on the thread so feel free to scroll through the points that are appropriate for your situation.

I hope you find this helpful.

We have community guidelines for our forum where we want to ensure a safe and friendly environment for every member where it’s expected that we remain respectful at all times.

I hope you’re able to find a new ENT to help you with your allergies and turbinate issues. You mentioned that your last ENT kept the results of your CT. Does that mean she didn’t release the CT to you or that she didn’t go over the results with you?


I had covid then got a sinus infection. Been about 19 days since it started. Been back and forth with my doctors. Nothing seems to help with the flow of mucus to get better. I've tried saline rinse, hot showers, flonase, Nasal Mist Spray, hot tea and now mucinex. The mucinex started to work, but now i have some sinus pressure. The mucinex i'm using has pain relief (sinus-max with Acetaminophen ) so i don't understand why, unless it is irritating the sinus infection. Can that happen? Any other ways of clearing a sinus infection? Also, i tried antibiotics and after one pill i felt the worst i've felt in a long time. Felt dizzy, nauseous and just like i was going through withdrawals of some of the medications i take. So i stopped for now, but will likely have to take another one. Can a bacterial infection clear up on it's own? Cause i don't do well with medications of any sort and don't have confidence in being able to handle antibiotics. Thanks.


I had covid then got a sinus infection. Been about 19 days since it started. Been back and forth with my doctors. Nothing seems to help with the flow of mucus to get better. I've tried saline rinse, hot showers, flonase, Nasal Mist Spray, hot tea and now mucinex. The mucinex started to work, but now i have some sinus pressure. The mucinex i'm using has pain relief (sinus-max with Acetaminophen ) so i don't understand why, unless it is irritating the sinus infection. Can that happen? Any other ways of clearing a sinus infection? Also, i tried antibiotics and after one pill i felt the worst i've felt in a long time. Felt dizzy, nauseous and just like i was going through withdrawals of some of the medications i take. So i stopped for now, but will likely have to take another one. Can a bacterial infection clear up on it's own? Cause i don't do well with medications of any sort and don't have confidence in being able to handle antibiotics. Thanks.

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@garret23, you sound like you've tried everything. I moved your message to this existing discussion:
- Sinus infection and constant head pressure:

I did this so you can read the previous helpful tips from members and connect with them.

Since you mention having had COVID, I think you might also find this discussion to be helpful:
- Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

I used to get sinus infections like clockwork every late fall and early spring as the seasonal temperatures changed. Once the infection settled in, I used antibiotics. Now I can avoid gettting an infection and antibiotics by using a Neti pot when I feel something starting.

Not all bacterial infections need to be treated — some go away on their own. But it will take time.


I developed a sinus infection about 2 1/2 months ago. I have gone to my primary care doctor, an ENT, gotten a CAT scan of my sinuses, and receive 2 rounds of antibiotics. No one seems to be able to determine what is causing the infection or how to treat it. I use a Netti pot 2 to 3 times a day, take decongestants to help relieve the pressure in my head, and blow my nose about once every 2 minutes. Every time yellow mucus comes out. Im sure I have expelled gallons of the stuf. I was directed to an allergy clinic, but the appointment is 2 months from now. Who would be the most likely to be able to diagnose this problem?

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I suffered from severe Sinusitis for over 10 years. My head hurt, nose always plugged up, sneezing all the time. I had numerous antibiotics, did neti pot, garlic, others herbs, nothing helped. Since I started taking turmeric I haven't had sinus infection, cough and cold for last three years. What a relief. I take 1/4 tsp. of turmeric powder mixed well with half tsp. of peanut butter or 1/4 tsp turmeric with 1tsp of olive oil. Turmeric is supposed to be taken with oil or butter for your body to absorb better cause it is fat soluble. Hope it helps.


I suffered from severe Sinusitis for over 10 years. My head hurt, nose always plugged up, sneezing all the time. I had numerous antibiotics, did neti pot, garlic, others herbs, nothing helped. Since I started taking turmeric I haven't had sinus infection, cough and cold for last three years. What a relief. I take 1/4 tsp. of turmeric powder mixed well with half tsp. of peanut butter or 1/4 tsp turmeric with 1tsp of olive oil. Turmeric is supposed to be taken with oil or butter for your body to absorb better cause it is fat soluble. Hope it helps.

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Hi Dawn, I’m almost 75 years old, and I seem to remember having horrible sinus at least 80 years ago (forever)

Anyway, this is the first year I didn’t suffer from hay fever. I started taking Vitamin D3 5000 IU everyday and it really does help!

Turmeric needs black pepper with it for full benefit.


Hi Dawn, I’m almost 75 years old, and I seem to remember having horrible sinus at least 80 years ago (forever)

Anyway, this is the first year I didn’t suffer from hay fever. I started taking Vitamin D3 5000 IU everyday and it really does help!

Turmeric needs black pepper with it for full benefit.

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@SusanEllen66 -

Thank you for providing advice like this to others. Many people do not make this connection and will end up at the doctors with multiple prescriptions for nasal sprays etc…causing awful side effects, while masking the root cause which comes from within.


@SusanEllen66 -

Thank you for providing advice like this to others. Many people do not make this connection and will end up at the doctors with multiple prescriptions for nasal sprays etc…causing awful side effects, while masking the root cause which comes from within.

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Anyone feel gravity pulling on your head no pain just light pressure down past shoulders all the way to stomach sometimes a little nausea 1 day a week maybe inner ear or estashian tube disorder


After years of the same issues, I stopped seeing a primary care doctor for sinus infections and began seeing an allergist. My world changed! I’m being treated for allergies now with proper medications and haven’t had a sinus infection in years. Do yourself a favor and see an allergist.

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