Underwear options when lichen sclerosis flares
Hello...I have lichen sclerosis that when flaring, affects my groin creases. I also have intermittent urinary & fecal incontinence. I do often have to wear incontinence underwear, however, the elasticized leg band irritates my groin crease. I would really love to see the adult underwear business start to cater to those of us who would do better with a "boy short" design. I have contacted the parent company of "Always Discreet" products & they have replied saying my ideas have been forwarded to research.
At home & in rare times when I feel I will be safe without incontinence products, I wear boy short underwear as it is least likely to irritate lichen sclerosis in the groin crease area.
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Wow...#4 - I had not heard of Botox for the bladder...love this forum...consider myself educated but as I get older, I realize more and more how much more there is to learn.
And...a bidet at home to minimize irritating already irritated tissue with products made of wood (TP) or products with ingredients that sting/irritate (wipes).
No need for a huge investment...get what you can afford.
@emo - Good brainstorming...although I have used "Liquid Bandage" myself on minor cuts, and it Stung!
But could vary by individual...the funnel idea above is intriguing too - if small enough and silicone. Will keep investigating!
Thank you.
@itchybits - I also found - along the same lines as I think a bidet works with the water stream - that using a squeeze bottle occasionally after urinating clears the area.
I was given one after my last 2 procedures, and even had to carry it with me (already filled with water), along with other supplies like Vaseline, when I was getting back to normal and - slowly! - healing over those 7 weeks of excruciating urinating due to the laser ablation.
So, though it's not so practical to carry one along outside the home, I use it occasionally at home just for a sense of general cleansing, beyond the TP.
I may start carrying a bottle. I usually carry wet-wipes, Aquafor & an extra pair or two of depends wherever I go. Not a big deal to add a squeeze bottle. Thanks!!
Suggestion, but check with your doctor - add a small amount of vinegar, 1 tsp per 8 oz maybe, to the water in the bottle. A mild vinegar solution has been used forever for wound healing. It re-balances the Ph level on skin after urinating. Many articles about the use of diluted vinegar (never straight vinegar!) it may also keep bacteria from growing in your squeeze bottle in warm weather.
Here’s one article:
When I had babies (circa 1981 before baby wipes were everywhere) our pediatrician told me to use the vinegar/water solution on the baby’s bottom when changing diapers. It helped prevent diaper rash and was mild enough for the baby’s skin (no rinsing needed).
Fun fact on skin Ph balance: do you know why lidocaine stings so bad when it is used to numb your skin? Yep, Ph balance is off, and it stings until it is neutralized which luckily is quick. I tried to get the radiologist to adjust the Ph balance of the lidocaine used in my breast biopsy. Unfortunately, she said, the chemical used to adjust the Ph balance can cause the injection site (needle path) to not coagulate to heal, and can cause tissue damage.
Wow @triciaot !
Thank you very much! These are wonderful ideas & shared experiences.
Appreciate so much the thought, too.
"Keep on keeping on!" 😃
hi, I have the same problem going on right now with the elastic on my under ware. It is so bothersome, I really cant stand it and it hurts. Any info would be greatly appreciated as to what kind of under ware would be best..
thank you
@urbanjane could you tell me more about that toxic pesticide in the high rise apartment you lived in? Was it a spray on walls, ceilings, etc.? And how did you discover the toxic pesticide? Asking because my husband and I are debating on moving into a condo from the house we have and want to avoid that problem, now that I have read about it from you.
One solution to elastic around the underwear....I discovered elastic is what was really irritating my skin. What I did was to turn the elastic to the pretty side of my underwear so NO elastic was touching my skin.
I then machine sewed the elastic in place while stretching out the undies so the stitches wouldn't rip. This prevented the elastic from irritating me because it does not touch your skin.
I know it sounds weird and strange but it was a game changer for me.
I also switch to boy undies when I have a flare but I haven't found any that are all cotton which is more soothing to the skin than a man made fiber.