Anyone experienced a fibromyalgia flare for 6 months?

Posted by suzanne1951 @suzanne1951, Jul 4, 2023

My fibromyalgia has been flaring for more than 1/2 year. Instead of getting better, I am getting worse. No stamina, complete exhaustion, flu-like achy, headaches. I spend at least half my days lying on the sofa. Has this happened to you? Any advice?

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Yes! My heart goes out to you. I get it! I found I have longer flareups of Fibro as I have gotten older. It's an exhausting fatigue, pain, soreness, stiffness & headaches that you cannot explain to anyone unless they have it. Weather change plays a big part, stress and not sleeping well. Even getting groceries is exhausting when I'm in a flare up. If you can tolerate a prescription muscle relaxant at night that may help you deal better with the pain the next day, plus it may help you sleep better. Also, try and do a little something, then lie down, do a little something, then lie down. Move as much as you can or you will get stiffer. My brain was even tired....I know you get that! Stay away from a lot of negativity, too much news on t.v. especially. Essential oil lavender candles are wonderful to relax (don't use if you have a cat as the jury is still out as if their liver absorbs the oils) and I drink Celestial Seasoning Sleepytime teas or their Peach tea is wonderful. I take 200 mg a day of magnesium to relax my muscles and it helps your blood pressure & heart. I soak in Epsom salt, use Voltaren gel (over the counter) up to 4 times a day and use the Bed Buddy heat packs you can get on Amazon for pain. Have you had Covid by chance? If so, you may still be in the exhaustive stage of Covid. Lord Bless you and praying for you to feel better soon. I understand. Sorry for the length!


Yes! My heart goes out to you. I get it! I found I have longer flareups of Fibro as I have gotten older. It's an exhausting fatigue, pain, soreness, stiffness & headaches that you cannot explain to anyone unless they have it. Weather change plays a big part, stress and not sleeping well. Even getting groceries is exhausting when I'm in a flare up. If you can tolerate a prescription muscle relaxant at night that may help you deal better with the pain the next day, plus it may help you sleep better. Also, try and do a little something, then lie down, do a little something, then lie down. Move as much as you can or you will get stiffer. My brain was even tired....I know you get that! Stay away from a lot of negativity, too much news on t.v. especially. Essential oil lavender candles are wonderful to relax (don't use if you have a cat as the jury is still out as if their liver absorbs the oils) and I drink Celestial Seasoning Sleepytime teas or their Peach tea is wonderful. I take 200 mg a day of magnesium to relax my muscles and it helps your blood pressure & heart. I soak in Epsom salt, use Voltaren gel (over the counter) up to 4 times a day and use the Bed Buddy heat packs you can get on Amazon for pain. Have you had Covid by chance? If so, you may still be in the exhaustive stage of Covid. Lord Bless you and praying for you to feel better soon. I understand. Sorry for the length!

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Absolutely, after over 20 years, a painless day is a rarity. The thing isthat eatly on, I was told fibro was a static condition. I beg to differ.
I hope you have some sort of pain relief outside of otc. Many have found relief with Cymbalta, Lyrica or another ssri. I take Tramadol and occasional Tylenol. I also make sure, I don't overdo.


Absolutely, after over 20 years, a painless day is a rarity. The thing isthat eatly on, I was told fibro was a static condition. I beg to differ.
I hope you have some sort of pain relief outside of otc. Many have found relief with Cymbalta, Lyrica or another ssri. I take Tramadol and occasional Tylenol. I also make sure, I don't overdo.

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I am presently on 100 mg of Plaquenil for newly diagnosed Lupus every other day, (it has helped greatly with my pain & inflammation with fibro too), but, the side effects are not good. I see my Rheumatologist soon. I too have had Fibro for 20+ years. I was blessed to have a doctor diagnose me with Fibro and run a sed rate to rule out other autoimmune issues. He knew his stuff about Fibro...before it was widely known about at the time. You are so right, a painless day is a rarity. I cannot take NSAIDS like Advil, Motrin, Aleve. I wish I could! I am not on any antidepressants nor am I taking any prescription pain meds. The Plaquenil has given me much relief...but, the side effects are not good as I said! I am so glad that Tramadol helps you. You are correct, if you overdo, you pay for it FOR DAYS! God Bless you & Happy 4th!


Ha, my sister from another mister! I can't take any of the NSAIDS either because my tendency for diverticulitis and because I also have PMR along with the fibro, NSAIDS are not recommended.
I cannot take SSRIs either because it makes me short of breath.
I'm glad the plaquenil helps you, it's another drug I've not heard of.
Back to the Tramadol, I've taken it from the get-go and my new doctor (previous one retired, the nerve!) is questioning it. I'm fine trying something else like Topamax, seems promising. In 20 years I am up to two 50mg in the morning. If an afternoon is especially bad, I'll take a third one and is why I am refilled 90 per month.
There was one other medication that was better than Tramadol and that was Darvocet-100. That took away all the pain without any side effects. They discontinued it saying that some had heart palpitations on it. Alas.
Unforunately the medication I take for PMR doesn't relieve the fibro pain. I found that surprising but fibro being nerve communication problems, I suppose it makes sense.
The best to you and I hope you have more of those rare days.
Hydrate, gently stretch and think positive thoughts.


Yes! My heart goes out to you. I get it! I found I have longer flareups of Fibro as I have gotten older. It's an exhausting fatigue, pain, soreness, stiffness & headaches that you cannot explain to anyone unless they have it. Weather change plays a big part, stress and not sleeping well. Even getting groceries is exhausting when I'm in a flare up. If you can tolerate a prescription muscle relaxant at night that may help you deal better with the pain the next day, plus it may help you sleep better. Also, try and do a little something, then lie down, do a little something, then lie down. Move as much as you can or you will get stiffer. My brain was even tired....I know you get that! Stay away from a lot of negativity, too much news on t.v. especially. Essential oil lavender candles are wonderful to relax (don't use if you have a cat as the jury is still out as if their liver absorbs the oils) and I drink Celestial Seasoning Sleepytime teas or their Peach tea is wonderful. I take 200 mg a day of magnesium to relax my muscles and it helps your blood pressure & heart. I soak in Epsom salt, use Voltaren gel (over the counter) up to 4 times a day and use the Bed Buddy heat packs you can get on Amazon for pain. Have you had Covid by chance? If so, you may still be in the exhaustive stage of Covid. Lord Bless you and praying for you to feel better soon. I understand. Sorry for the length!

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I order my groceries online and have a friend pick them up for about $15 twice per month, no order fee. I am so glad I stumbled onto that because like you, grocery shopping would wipe me out for two to three days.


Absolutely, after over 20 years, a painless day is a rarity. The thing isthat eatly on, I was told fibro was a static condition. I beg to differ.
I hope you have some sort of pain relief outside of otc. Many have found relief with Cymbalta, Lyrica or another ssri. I take Tramadol and occasional Tylenol. I also make sure, I don't overdo.

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Is Tramadol the only med you take for Fibro pain? What dose do you take and do you take it every day? Also, do you have any side effects? Thanks


Oh yes! My present one is almost at 5 months now but they have been longer. This is a really bad one.


I've had fibromyalgia for 25 years. I have gone to supplements and they have helped me tremendously. I take magnesium glycinate for the muscle spasms, Zyflamed for the inflammation and I take 2500 mg of Vitamin C a day. It has changed my life.


I've had fibromyalgia for 25 years. I have gone to supplements and they have helped me tremendously. I take magnesium glycinate for the muscle spasms, Zyflamed for the inflammation and I take 2500 mg of Vitamin C a day. It has changed my life.

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How did you hear about Zyflamed? How much to you take a day and do you think it helps relieve your pain?


My naturopathic doctor recommended it. I take 2 capsules twice a day. I also take Boswellia (which is Frankincense) 2 capsules, twice a day. They can both be purchased on Amazon. It does help with pain, the Boswellia is for helping with pain. I hope this helps.

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