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Treatments for long term incontinence after RP

Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Jun 20 10:29pm | Replies (13)

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Replies to "今天我患前列腺癌和手术后一个关键点节点。去年元月7日手术,至5月PSA指标0.057,6月决定内分泌治疗,于14日注射第一针。9月14日注射第2针、12月14日注射第3针。PSA指标呈下降趋势,至今年3月14日PSA指标又为0.01。6月14日是我最后一针的半年日,今天检查的PSA指标0.000(ng/ml),参考值(0--4);睾酮T0.2(ng/ml)。参考值(男性1.42-9)。太太知道后很是高兴,现在我就剩下尿失禁! 上帝呀,承救我吧,几时才能够成为一个100%的大陆人!"

@phl6953 | 2 days ago
Today I have prostate cancer and surgery after a critical point node. I had surgery on January 7 last year, PSA index 0.057 in May, endocrine therapy was decided in June, and the first injection was given on the 14th. The second injection was given on Sept 14 and the third on Dec 14. The PSA index showed a downward trend, and by March 14 this year, the PSA index was 0.01 again. June 14 was the half-year day of my last injection, and the PSA index examined today was 0.000
(ng/ml), reference value (o-4); Testosterone To.2 (ng/ml). Reference value (1.42-9 for men). The wife is very happy to know that now I am left with incontinence!
God, help me, when can I become a 100% mainlander!
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