← Return to Completed 5 years of anastrozole. Withdrawal symptoms? Side effects?

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Welcome to Mayo Connect, this is great group to get support and find women who have similar experiences.

Your dealing with what many women struggle with, side effects vs risk of a medication. In your case risk , you are at higher than many because of BCRA gene.

Have you discusses the side effects with your provider? Ask about using an anti-inflammatory medications (such as aspirin or ibuprofen), acupuncture to ease the pain or in your case a sleep medication.

Hope you find relief, it is hard to function without a good night sleep.

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Replies to "@doesitforme02 Welcome to Mayo Connect, this is great group to get support and find women who..."

Laurie, I wish the mayo clinic could do something about these pills that have such horrible side effects for women. I was on anastrozole for six months and had to go off of it. I could no longer play golf due to the pain in my hands at the trigger finger thumb and my baby fingers. Joint aches fatigue. I am 72 have always had a very active lifestyle and never was sick. A cold or the flu once in a while in my life. Breast cancer, invasive carcinoma my life has changed. I went off of the pill waiting to see the doctor to figure something else out. I can’t live like this . We need your help.