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In 2022, I was identified as BRCA1. My family has had a history of breast cancer on my maternal side. My mother passed away with Ovarian Cancer. I had my ovaries removed and there was no cancer. It's going on two years with Anastrozole. All Mammograms and MRI's good. Now I experience sleepless nights. I saw a blog where a woman stated that when she was taken off this medicine eventually, she had a good night of sleep after a couple of days. I am looking forward to that. As a result of taking this medication, I now have to take FOSAMAX. This medication and the Anastrozole causes alot of pain throughout your body. I am a very active person, but I do get tired. I think when I get home from our business that I will sleep tight, Nada...I squirrel away in an extra room to deal with the side effects. It would be nice to wake up next to my husband in the morning.

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Welcome to Mayo Connect, this is great group to get support and find women who have similar experiences.

Your dealing with what many women struggle with, side effects vs risk of a medication. In your case risk , you are at higher than many because of BCRA gene.

Have you discusses the side effects with your provider? Ask about using an anti-inflammatory medications (such as aspirin or ibuprofen), acupuncture to ease the pain or in your case a sleep medication.

Hope you find relief, it is hard to function without a good night sleep.

I was on Letrozole for 5 years & stopped taking it a few months ago.. I do have trouble sleeping at night but put me in a chair in front of the tv & off I go for maybe 2 hours. 🤪

I do meet with my oncologist aides twice a year. The last time I met with them I was fine. Just doing everything I can to ward away the side effects. However, during the past two months, I was unable to workout exercises. We had so much to do around the house for renovations. I asked my husband does working around the store while lifting boxes and doing other things constitute as exercise. He could tell I was getting frustrated with my obligations getting in the way. He gave me a pass. This week, I got two workouts in. I am back to square one. It's a struggle, but I will keep trying. These past two weeks I have been experiencing alot of hot flashes. I am not sure if it is the weather or just that I have not been working out like I usually do. I will figure it out.