Spinal Cord Stimulator Removal

Posted by heisenberg34 @heisenberg34, Aug 5, 2023

My Medtronics SCS stopped working after about three years. A NEVRO rep talked me into having one of theirs implanted. They had to use an adapter to connect Nevro unit to Medtronics lead. As a result, I cannot have an MRI. Also, the Nevro did not help at all. I would like to have all the SCS stuff removed (or, at least, the NEVRO battery replaced with a Medtronics) so I can have the MRI that my pain specialists seem to want very badly. Anyone out there have this experience this?

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Yes, I had to get the psych evaluation to get my scs implant. No big deal. Just ordinary stuff. They just want to make sure you won't go off the deep end and try something crazy with the device. Have him go ahead with it if you want the scs implant.

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thank you so much for your reply...I will pass your comment on to my son....Have you had good luck with your implant? How much of a reduction in pain do you feel?


thank you so much for your reply...I will pass your comment on to my son....Have you had good luck with your implant? How much of a reduction in pain do you feel?

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I had the Medtronics SCS implanted in 2018. It worked fairly well along with my meds for about three years. Then it just stopped working. There was some thought that some of the electrodes may have burned out on the paddle.
I just had it removed three weeks ago. Now I can get an MRI to see what’s going on in my back.
Do your due diligence in researching the right SCS. There are a number of different ones out there. Good luck.


My 44 y/o son has had excruciating back pain which was treated with hydrocodone, lyrica and other pain meds which helped, however, they wanted to implant a scs, but he had to get a psch evaluation first.......have you ever heard of this? they will not do the implant until he meets with a psychiatrist.......for what? i don't know......can anyone answer this question?

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Yes this is part of the process. I had mine done over the phone but had to fill out a lot of paperwork/questionnaires first. Seems like a formality to make sure there is a valid reason for a spinal cord stimulator.


My 44 y/o son has had excruciating back pain which was treated with hydrocodone, lyrica and other pain meds which helped, however, they wanted to implant a scs, but he had to get a psch evaluation first.......have you ever heard of this? they will not do the implant until he meets with a psychiatrist.......for what? i don't know......can anyone answer this question?

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Hi Nuri. I had to have it. I was told it is either a law or a prescribed medical practice before the implant. May God bless him with a successful outcome and 100% pain relief. While the average pain relief is between 50-60&, I was blessed with 100% pain relief in my Lumbar. brotherchuckles80


I had the Medtronics SCS implanted in 2018. It worked fairly well along with my meds for about three years. Then it just stopped working. There was some thought that some of the electrodes may have burned out on the paddle.
I just had it removed three weeks ago. Now I can get an MRI to see what’s going on in my back.
Do your due diligence in researching the right SCS. There are a number of different ones out there. Good luck.

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I totally agree. Do your research. I have a Abbott Lab's Prodigy Proclaim. I chose it because the battery is inside me and will last for ten years. I am 80 and I don't that I will outlive it; and that is why I chose it; I don't want to be charging it every so many hours. God bless you Nuri. brotherchuckles80


I have not had my SCS removed, but I can empathize with the situation you're in. My ABBOTT SCS never worked from day one of implant.
Based on the very negative experience I had in terms of the implantation and subsequent failure of the unit to deliver relief, I have not been willing to entertain the thought of anyone ever slicing up my back again.
The two times I allowed an orthopedic surgeon to open my back have only resulted in more pain.........pain that will last the rest of my life.
Everyone's situation is different and if you can tolerate removal of the 2nd unit, I support your strength and resolve to find relief.
It's a shame that so many of us have suffered (not improved) as a result of these spinal cord stimulators that are so vigorously "pushed" by both vendors and surgeons.
I truly wish you the best going forward.

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I have had lower back pain since I was 16, I am now 72...Many years ago when we had "internists", my doctor was a wise one....he told me that if I wanted to have back surgery to relieve the pain my chances were as follows: 33% it would help, 33% no improvement and 33% it would get worse.....So I chose not to have the surgery since there was a 66% chance it would stay the same or get worse...I wish we still had internists with a brain and a heart....Sorry for what you've gone through, are going through and will go through = there's that 66% not good outcome......btw, unfortunately and fortunately, I have been with pain management doctors and they have actually come up with a "cocktail" of three pain meds that certainly do help my back pain....Good luck and God bless everyone who suffers from chronic pain.


My thanks to everyone who responded to my post = you have all helped me, especially mentally and emotionally = as I tell everyone, I too, have chronic pain for the last 19 years which is so difficult and painful that I only get out of bed and leave my house to go to my doctor's appointment....however, this pain is nothing compared to the pain I feel when I look at my 44 year old son who is basically not living at all..........his life, which was full of dedication to his job and employer and his love of bowling ended at 34 years old....he was the first junior to bowl a perfect game, bowled many perfect games (I am ashamed to say I don't remember how many, however, I think the number is approximately 25+) by the time he was 25 and had a lot of 800+ series....He basically was a "star" which definitely was not his personality = he is a humble, kind and well-mannered man....this comes from everyone who meets him, but as his mom I definitely agree!...Once again, my thanks to all of you and God Bless!


My thanks to everyone who responded to my post = you have all helped me, especially mentally and emotionally = as I tell everyone, I too, have chronic pain for the last 19 years which is so difficult and painful that I only get out of bed and leave my house to go to my doctor's appointment....however, this pain is nothing compared to the pain I feel when I look at my 44 year old son who is basically not living at all..........his life, which was full of dedication to his job and employer and his love of bowling ended at 34 years old....he was the first junior to bowl a perfect game, bowled many perfect games (I am ashamed to say I don't remember how many, however, I think the number is approximately 25+) by the time he was 25 and had a lot of 800+ series....He basically was a "star" which definitely was not his personality = he is a humble, kind and well-mannered man....this comes from everyone who meets him, but as his mom I definitely agree!...Once again, my thanks to all of you and God Bless!

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Oh, my! What a terrible thing to happen to a father and a son. Truly sad and unfortunate. How did the two of you come to be in such a state, if you don't mind my asking.


My thanks to everyone who responded to my post = you have all helped me, especially mentally and emotionally = as I tell everyone, I too, have chronic pain for the last 19 years which is so difficult and painful that I only get out of bed and leave my house to go to my doctor's appointment....however, this pain is nothing compared to the pain I feel when I look at my 44 year old son who is basically not living at all..........his life, which was full of dedication to his job and employer and his love of bowling ended at 34 years old....he was the first junior to bowl a perfect game, bowled many perfect games (I am ashamed to say I don't remember how many, however, I think the number is approximately 25+) by the time he was 25 and had a lot of 800+ series....He basically was a "star" which definitely was not his personality = he is a humble, kind and well-mannered man....this comes from everyone who meets him, but as his mom I definitely agree!...Once again, my thanks to all of you and God Bless!

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Forget my question about your son. I did not read carefully. I thought that he, too, was in the same kind og pain that you are in.


Oh, my! What a terrible thing to happen to a father and a son. Truly sad and unfortunate. How did the two of you come to be in such a state, if you don't mind my asking.

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it's actually a mother and a son - and my son lost his father nine years ago....I became ill with fibromyalgia after my father's death as I was taking care of my dad, working, shopping, cooking and cleaning and I literally burned myself out....my son became ill after "over doing it" at work = he was only 120 lbs. back then and he was lifting parts that were 100 lbs......he was a heavy machine mechanic = however, that is not what caused his illnesses, just a part.

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