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Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Jun 17 9:37am | Replies (316)

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Damn Plumber that's too much to be going through at age 52. Have you seen a pain specialist, or consulted with another orthopod on your spine?

I wish I could help more. My lumbar spine is shot and held together by a strong core and daily exercise. That's a catch 22 though if exercise is painful. Maybe a PT?

I truly hope you find some relief. Joe

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Replies to "Damn Plumber that's too much to be going through at age 52. Have you seen a..."

Joe I see a pain specialist but can’t take higher doses of the meds because with narcolepsy meds I struggle staying awake and being on low doses of gabapentin, cymbalta, and hydrocodone plus all the other meds I can be ready for a nap within 30 minutes of getting up and have to nap a couple hours afternoon or evening. I tried physical therapy but it got stopped because back would swell and be painful then tried water therapy but back would swell so it was stopped, I go on my own on a maintence program and just walk in the water, had to stop for a couple weeks the pressure of the water was painful. I’m also going to a pelvic therapist who also gives me exercises that just feel like the leg nerves are tareing then the testicle pain starts. I went to 3 additional neurosurgeons but all they say infusion is all healed and won’t look into additional problems. I’m waiting to be scheduled for a pain stimulator to mark over what should be fixed. So have something shocking me all day instead of fixing it.