Lichen planus and Mushrooms

Posted by dbrads3 @dbrads3, Jun 11 1:43pm

\I have become interested in Mushroom supplements/drinks, which have become very popular. Are Mushrooms okay to supplement with if you have Oral Lichen planus? Also fermented Kombucha drinks are something I would like to know if are okay with Lichen planus.

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@dbrads3 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! This is a site where everyone shares their ups and downs with their health conditions and give advice and tips to other members. But we are not medical personnel so unable to answer your questions. Your doctor is the only one who can safely answer if mushrooms are OK for you.
This discussion on home remedies for OLP mentions the use of mushrooms.
But again I would say that your doctor has the final answer.
How long have you had OLP? Is it pretty well controlled?


For Oral Lichen Planus, it's best to consult a healthcare provider before trying mushroom supplements or kombucha.
They can advise based on your specific condition and needs.


@dbrads3 mushrooms are what trigger my oral lichen planus eruption. I am not saying mushrooms are the cause - lichen planus is an autoimmune disorder - but definitely I experience a trigger whenI have eaten anything with mushrooms. Each one’s body reacts differently to different foods and medications, so I can’t say if this would be your experience.


There are some mushroom supplements that have made
health news for severe reactions and hospitalization.
Best to get your mushrooms from the produce section
of your grocery.

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